Career Tracks

Front End Developer

101 What Is Front-End Development?

Front End Web Development manages what users see and interact with in their browser. Front End Web Developers design, analyze code, and debug the client-side of an application. The average salary of a Junior Front End Developer is $67,770.

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What is a Front End Developer?

A Front End Web Developer manages what users see in their browser. They design, analyze code, and debug the client side of an application. This makes them responsible for the look, feel, and design of a website or web application. A Front End Web Developer is also expected to have some knowledge of the back end as well as frameworks they could be working with. 

Front End vs Back End

The front end is the visible part of the application that users interact with. The back end includes the server, database, and applications that power the front end. The front end is often referred to as the “client side” while the back end is referred to as the “server side.” A Front End Web Developer will work with languages like CSS and JavaScript as well as some frameworks. A Back End Web Developer works almost exclusively with databases, logic, and server side languages like PHP. 

How to Become a Front End Developer

Now that computer science degrees are not an industry-wide requirement, there is really no standard way to get from complete beginner to Front End Developer. Here are a few paths you can take: 

Coding Bootcamp 

Coding Bootcamp is the quickest, most streamlined way to become a Front End Web Developer. Turing and Grand Circus are among the few bootcamps that offer strictly front end programming tracks. Most bootcamps like Flatiron School teach the full stack and graduates can decide whether they want to specialize in front end or back end, and then get comfortable with their respective technologies. Coding bootcamps typically teach both technical skills and job hunting skills which help more than 80% of graduates secure jobs after bootcamp. Bootcamps can run anywhere from 8-16 weeks and on average cost $14,780 USD. Many bootcamps now offer deferred tuition, Income Share Agreements, or financing options. 

Self Study 

Self study requires more time and self-discipline than any other option. There are a plethora of resources out there like W3schools and Udacity’s Nanodegree programs. Keep in mind that self teaching can get you the technical skills needed to develop an application or website, but you’ll also need to know how to find a job and prove your skills. Learning online can cost anywhere from nothing to thousands of dollars depending on the programs you choose to use. Depending on your commitment, it can take anywhere from 8 weeks to multiple years to learn the skills you’ll need for the job. 

A Computer Science Degree vs. Coding Bootcamp

A college degree is the longest path to becoming a Front End Developer and possibly the most expensive. This route will provide you with theoretical knowledge, mathematics, and exposure to more low level programming than a coding bootcamp. A degree program will also likely have opportunities for internships. Critics say a computer science degree will not provide as much practical experience or tailored career counseling as bootcamp. The average cost of a computer science degree ranges from $35,000 USD and the average duration is 2-4 years. 

Learning to Code Through Your Employer

Some employers will fund coding bootcamps or even teach you to code themselves. Companies like Revature and Morningstar are two examples of companies you could work for that offer programs for beginners

Front End Developer Jobs

According to TJ Kinion of LearningFuze, “Hiring managers are moving away from the computer science degree requirement,” which gives bootcamp graduates more job opportunities than ever before. Front End Developers can look forward to a wide variety of jobs since no two companies have the exact same expectations of a programmer who specializes in front end technologies. A remote Front End Web Developer job is also a distinct possibility.

Here is a list of the most frequent Front End Development jobs for bootcampers:

  • Junior Front End Developer
  • Full Stack Developer
  • Full Stack Web Developer
  • Web Developer
  • Front End Web Developer
  • Front End Engineer
  • JavaScript Developer
  • CSS/HTML Developer
  • Front End Web Designer
  • UI/UX Designer
  • Web Designer
  • Front End Quality Assurance
  • Front End Web Development Instructor
  • Remote Front End Web Developer

Front End Developer Salary

Front End Job Average Salary
Junior Front End Developer $67,770
Full Stack Developer $101,800
Web Developer $97,950


Front End Developer Skills

Knowledge of front end languages, frameworks, and critical thinking are essential parts of the developer’s toolbox. Because Front End Developers often work on a team, recruiters are also looking for strong evidence of soft skills. Thankfully, most coding bootcamps teach their students how to demonstrate their transferable skills as well as their technical skills.

Here is a short list of skills and technologies taught at Front End Web Development bootcamps: 

  • HTML - HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. It is a standardized markup language used for creating a webpage. These pages can include writing, links, pictures, sound, and video. HTML is used to denote these elements so that the web browser can display them correctly. 
  • CSS - CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. CSS is used alongside HTML and JavaScript to control the layout and presentation of a website.
  • Bootstrap - Bootstrap is an open-source toolkit for developing with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript that offers plugins, built-in jQuery, and prebuilt components.  
  • Flexbox - Flexbox is a CSS layout module that standardizes the development of blocks, inline text, tables, and positioning on web pages. 
  • Grid - Grid is a CSS two-dimensional layout system for the web. 
  • JavaScript - JavaScript is the most popular language on the web. It is a scripting language used to enhance and manipulate web pages by adding interactivity.
  • Frameworks - a front end framework is JavaScript code that has been compiled in a specific, standard way for ease of use and efficiency. The layman could consider a framework a template that can be used and changed as needed. 
    • AngularJS - Angular is a framework developed by Google. Angular is essentially a set of tools that allows developers to build a robust application.
    • ReactJS - React is a framework developed by Facebook. React was built to fetch an app’s user interface and updates as quickly as possible. 
    • jQuery - jQuery is a JavaScript library that simplifies a variety of programming operations like mouse clicks and keystrokes, addition and deletion of elements, HTTP requests, and creation of search engine readable content. 
    • NodeJS - Node was created to run JavaScript outside of the browser. This framework creates a bridge between the front end and the back end and the knowledge needed to execute code on a computer. 
    • BackboneJS - Backbone was designed to give structure to web applications by providing developers with models, collections, and views. 
    • EmberJS - Ember was designed to create scalable user interface architecture that is plug-in friendly. 
    • VueJS - Vue is a framework for building user interfaces. It was designed to integrate with other libraries and pre-existing projects.
  • Responsive Design - Since a web page might be viewed on a phone, tablet, or computer, responsive design makes sure the page will look good on any device at the proper dimensions. 
  • Version Control and Git - Version control is how Developers keep projects organized even after changes have been made. Git is a system for tracking changes in source code during development. 
  • Debugging and Testing - A Developer should be able to test the code and remove any bugs found. 
  • Soft Skills - Developers that can communicate clearly and ask the right questions are valuable to employers. Employers also look for developers who are good at problem-solving and working with a team.

Front End Developer Resume

A Front End Developer’s resume should show past experience in a way that frames the transferable skills. Recruiters look for things like previous management experience, jobs requiring clear communication, problem-solving, and other soft skills. A resume should show the proper technical skills listed in the job description, like languages learned and technologies mastered. Listing quantifiable achievements and projects presents your experiences from bootcamp in a way that recruiters can understand quickly and easily. A Front End Web Developer’s resume should also show specialization in front end technologies. 

Front End Developer Interview Questions

Front End Developers can expect to be asked general questions that allow for past experiences to shine like, “Tell me more about yourself,” or “What excites you about coding?” Most interviewers will ask about projects you’ve completed and the process or tools you used to build them. They’ll also ask questions to learn more about your personality to test for cultural fit. Recruiters often ask Front End Web Developers technical questions about HTML, CSS, or JavaScript. Developers should prepare for whiteboarding and a coding challenge as well. 

Front End Developer Portfolio

Front End Web Developers must build and maintain an online portfolio. Showcase the projects you’ve built during bootcamp in your portfolio as well as on your resume. Here are some projects that Developers built during bootcamp and added to their portfolios: 


Schools may compensate Course Report for featured placement.


Displaying schools 76-100 of 287 in total

  1. 58

    Pragra offers 4, 8, 12, 16, and 22-week part-time coding bootcamps in Mississauga, Canada, and Noida, India, as well as online. Pragra coding programs includ... Learn more about Pragra.

    Praveen Kapuganti

    5Graduate - Course: Mastering Devops Tools and Techniques - Exam Prep - Toronto

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    Says: DevOps Course at Pragra

    I've taken the advanced DevOps course at Pragra, learned an awful lot about the CI/CD tools, and had extensive hands-on. I recommend it. 
  2. 58

    The Grace Hopper Program at Fullstack Academy is a live online, immersive software engineering bootcamp for women and non-binary students. Students can choos... Learn more about Grace Hopper Program.


    5Graduate - Course: Full-Time Software Engineering Immersive - New York City

    Verified Via GitHub

    Says: A collaborative, fun, and fullstack experience.

    My experience at the Grace Hopper Program changed my life in a myriad of ways. Their curriculum is extremely thorough and as they say, "they will not let you fa
  3. betek-logo



    BeTek is an online technical provider that offers 24-week, part-time and 16-week, full-time online bootcamps in Front End Development, Back End Development, ... Learn more about BeTek.

    Francy Rojas

    5Graduate - Course: Web/Front End Development (Full-time) - Online

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    Says: Gratitud y Crecimiento

    Siento una profunda gratitud hacia todos los que hicieron posible esta experiencia. Los mentores que son profesionales experimentados y apasionados por enseñar,
  4. 56

    Uplift Code Camp is an immersive full stack 16-week coding bootcamp in Quezon City, Philippines. Students will learn programming languages including JavaScri... Learn more about Uplift Code Camp.

    Bryan BalantesBryan Balantes

    5Student - Course: Part-Time Full-Stack Development - Manila

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    Says: Journey to my dream :)

         I was lucky enough to have joined in the Uplift Full Stack Web Development Program. My participation uplifted my skills in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React JS,
  5. 56

    CodeCore offers an intensive, 12-week developer bootcamp in Vancouver. CodeCore is one of Western Canada's first developer schools, and is taught by seasoned... Learn more about CodeCore Bootcamp.

    Elise Yohm

    5Graduate - Vancouver

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    Says: Totally worth it

    I graduated the CodeCore bootcamp in August and I feel confident saying it was the best educational experience I’ve ever had. I have previously received a Bache
  6. 55

    Happyer Skills offers a 15-week, full-time immersive Full Stack Web Development bootcamp and part-time bootcamps in UX Design (6 weeks), Data Science and Mac... Learn more about Happyer Skills.


    5Graduate - Course: UX Design - Hong Kong

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    Says: HR Analyst

    In these 6 weeks, it is one of the most unexpected courses that I have ever had. Design thinking theory is not difficult to understand but the tricky part is ho
  7. 55

    Mate academy offers a 12-week, full-time and a self-paced, part-time Front End Development coding bootcamp. The course covers JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Git, and... Learn more about Mate academy.

    Amit Patil From India

    5Graduate - Course: Web Development - Online

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    Says: Proud Student - Now proud IT Professional

    Like any other self-taught developer, I was learning aimlessly with YouTube videos and online resources. But then I come to know about Mate Academy and I am blo
  8. 54

    Covalence provides career-changing 12-week, full-time and 6-month, part-time full stack web development educational programs online. In Covalence's Full Stac... Learn more about Covalence.

    Eric MoranEric Moran

    5Graduate - Course: Catalyst Software Development Bootcamp (Full-Time) - Online

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    Says: Glad I went!

    I really enjoyed my time at Covalence.  The videos were very well done, and the labs did a good job of assessing my knowledge of the material.  I can’t say enou
  9. 54

    Launch Academy is a full-time, 18-week program with a part-time, 8-week online phase and then a full-time, 10-week course in Boston, Massachusetts. After thi... Learn more about Launch Academy.


    5Graduate - Course: Immersive Full Stack Software Engineering Program - Boston

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    Says: Apprentice Full Stack Web Developer

    My thoughts about my time at Launch Academy. I thought the experience was great overall. This course was taken during the pandemic so it was mostly done online.
  10. 52

    CodingNomads is a technical training provider that offers online, self-paced coding bootcamps in skills like Java, Python, Data Science, Machine Learning, De... Learn more about CodingNomads.

    Nathan Lively

    5Graduate - Course: Java + Spring + AWS Enterprise Career Track - Online

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    Says: Rebuilt my Bubble app from the scratch in Java

    During the pandemic I started learning some MATLAB so I could try building my own tools. It became a minor obsession. I was listening to podcasts about it, taki
  11. 52

    Big Nerd Ranch is a mobile app development and design firm and training company that has led one-week intensive bootcamps since 2001. Hosted at their Atlanta... Learn more about Big Nerd Ranch.


    5Graduate - Atlanta

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    Says: Worth every penny..

    The complete immersion into the subject matter is fantastic. I attended the iOS Dev and by the end of the course, I was not only skilled but confident in those
  12. 52

    Dibimbing is an Indonesia-based tech training provider offering online, part-time bootcamps covering topics like data science (18), UI/UX design (22 weeks), ... Learn more about Dibimbing.

    Cindha Rizkiana

    5Graduate - Course: Data Engineering - Online

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    Says: Fantastic Data Engineering Bootcamp!

    I can confidently say that it has been an exceptional journey towards mastering the realm of data engineering. Dibimbing exceeded all my expectations in terms o
  13. 52

    Aspireship is an industry-recognized reskilling and job placement platform that offers online, self-paced bootcamps in SaaS Sales Foundations, Customer Succe... Learn more about Aspireship.

    Riley Blaisdell

    5Graduate - Course: SaaS Sales Foundations - Online

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    Says: Building Block of SaaS

    I was laid off with a sales background and wanted to get into tech.  But companies told me I didn't have a background. So I found a building block to help me wi
  14. 51

    Melsoft Academy is a South Africa-based tech training provider offering a 24-week, online, full-time Full Stack Software Engineering bootcamp. The Full Stack... Learn more about Melsoft Academy.

    Nigel Virimai MafutaNigel Virimai Mafuta

    5Student - Course: Full Stack Software Engineering - Johannesburg

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    Says: Good mentors and best course materials

     I'm grateful to be part of Melsoft Academy and I don't regret the decision I made. When I started, I had no idea how to code and wasn't even very good at using
  15. 50

    NEOLAND offers 10-week full-time and 20-week part-time digital bootcamps in UX/UI Design, Data Analytics, Full Stack Web Development, and Cybersecurity in Ma... Learn more about NEOLAND .

    Giulia GuglielmettiGiulia Guglielmetti

    5 - Course: UX/UI Design Bootcamp - Madrid

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    Says: UX/UI Bootcamp - Best experience of my life

    I can't even find an adjective to describe how much I am grateful for this course. I've attended the Full-time UX/UI Bootcamp and it's more than worth it. Raúl
  16. 50

    Grand Circus is an online learning institute offering 14-week full-time and 28-week part-time Software Developer bootcamps and a 26-week part-time Data Engin... Learn more about Grand Circus.

    Tristan Cotter

    5Student - Detroit

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    Says: GRAND Circus

    An extremely useful and helpful bootcamp. Instructors and Career people knew what their stuff, and were always willing to help, be it with a bit of code or an i
  17. 49

    TechProEducation offers online bootcamps in Data Science (26 weeks), Full Stack Automation Engineer (21 weeks), Cyber Security (16 weeks), AWS & DevOps E... Learn more about TechProEducation.

    Erol Işıldak

    5Student - Course: Full Stack Automation Engineer - Online

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    Says: Advice!

    I am an engineer of electrical and electronic and after seven years in my career I decided to change the journey of my life. Like everyone can image easily it i
  18. 47

    The Jump offers part-time and full-time bootcamps covering Full-Stack Software Engineering, DevOps, Front-End Web Development, and JavaScript Development, wh... Learn more about The Jump.

    Gustavo PassarellaGustavo Passarella

    5Graduate - Course: Full-Stack Developer Bootcamp | Full-Time (Live Online) - London

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    Says: Career change to Software Engineer!

     Before enrolling at The Jump, I was working in hospitality for several years. I joined The Jump’s full-time immersive full-stack software engineer bootcamp wit
  19. 44

    ThePower Education is an online tech platform offering a 36-week, part-time full stack coding bootcamp, RockTheCode. ThePower Education also offers online co... Learn more about ThePower Education.

    Andrea Iñigo lara

    5Student - Course: ThePowerMBA - Online

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    Says: Gran experiencia

    ThePowerMBA: donde la educación se encuentra con la emoción empresarial. 💥💡Estudiar un MBA nunca fue tan emocionante. Las lecciones son tan adictivas que me enc
  20. 43

    CoderSchool is a full stack and machine learning coding bootcamp in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. CoderSchool aims to offer everyone fair access to education th... Learn more about CoderSchool.

    Giang Vu

    5Graduate - Course: Online Machine Learning - Ho Chi Minh City

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    Says: A good destination to learn machine learning

    Overall, the course is quite good, it give a fundamental knowledge of machine learning, data analytics in a clear, logic and easy-to-understand way. In the end
  21. 43

    Nashville Software School (NSS) is a nonprofit vocational school in Nashville that prepares adults for careers in technical fields like software development,... Learn more about Nashville Software School.

    Jennifer Whitson

    5Graduate - Course: Full-Time Data Analytics Bootcamp - Nashville

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    Says: Life Changer

    I don’t think I could overstate the value of my time at NSS. I was a paralegal for 10 years and had no coding background or exposure to the tech world. I left t
  22. 41

    CodeBoxx is a 16-week full-stack bootcamp in Canada and the US. The course offers students a deep understanding of web site development and information syste... Learn more about CodeBoxx.



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    Says: Thx for that!

    Been there, done that!Thx for that journey. I'm ready to start my new career.
  23. 41

    Digitazon Tech School is a bootcamp based in Italy that offers 28-week, live online full stack development bootcamps covering  HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Typescr... Learn more about Digitazon Tech School.

    Ivan Pellegatta

    5Graduate - Course: Full Stack Development - Online

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    Says: Ottima Esperienza

    Ho scelto il corso Digitazon FullStack Developer, invece di altri sul mercato per la quantita' di ore offerte e il programma sostanzioso.Infatti se e' difficile
  24. 41

    Ubiqum Code Academy is an immersive technical education institution, offering intensive programs in Data Analytics & Machine Learning and Full Stack Web ... Learn more about Ubiqum Code Academy.

    Roshan Kumar BhuyanRoshan Kumar Bhuyan

    5Student - Course: Data Analytics & Big Data, Full Time Onsite - Berlin

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    Says: Data Science

    I was doing my masters' degree in Space engineering and I was unhappy as I didn't find anything that kept me interested and devoted. I had tried a few things in
  25. 40

    Coders Lab is a global chain of IT schools founded in Poland in 2013 offering bootcamps in Python development and JavaScript development. Coders Lab has camp... Learn more about Coders Lab.


    5Graduate - Course: Manual Tester - Warsaw

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    Says: Tester in Coders Lab

    I am very satisfied with the Tester course. The mentor conveys his knowledge very well and backs it up with examples from his years of professional experience.

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