Career Tracks

Front End Developer

101 What Is Front-End Development?

Front End Web Development manages what users see and interact with in their browser. Front End Web Developers design, analyze code, and debug the client-side of an application. The average salary of a Junior Front End Developer is $67,770.

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What is a Front End Developer?

A Front End Web Developer manages what users see in their browser. They design, analyze code, and debug the client side of an application. This makes them responsible for the look, feel, and design of a website or web application. A Front End Web Developer is also expected to have some knowledge of the back end as well as frameworks they could be working with. 

Front End vs Back End

The front end is the visible part of the application that users interact with. The back end includes the server, database, and applications that power the front end. The front end is often referred to as the “client side” while the back end is referred to as the “server side.” A Front End Web Developer will work with languages like CSS and JavaScript as well as some frameworks. A Back End Web Developer works almost exclusively with databases, logic, and server side languages like PHP. 

How to Become a Front End Developer

Now that computer science degrees are not an industry-wide requirement, there is really no standard way to get from complete beginner to Front End Developer. Here are a few paths you can take: 

Coding Bootcamp 

Coding Bootcamp is the quickest, most streamlined way to become a Front End Web Developer. Turing and Grand Circus are among the few bootcamps that offer strictly front end programming tracks. Most bootcamps like Flatiron School teach the full stack and graduates can decide whether they want to specialize in front end or back end, and then get comfortable with their respective technologies. Coding bootcamps typically teach both technical skills and job hunting skills which help more than 80% of graduates secure jobs after bootcamp. Bootcamps can run anywhere from 8-16 weeks and on average cost $14,780 USD. Many bootcamps now offer deferred tuition, Income Share Agreements, or financing options. 

Self Study 

Self study requires more time and self-discipline than any other option. There are a plethora of resources out there like W3schools and Udacity’s Nanodegree programs. Keep in mind that self teaching can get you the technical skills needed to develop an application or website, but you’ll also need to know how to find a job and prove your skills. Learning online can cost anywhere from nothing to thousands of dollars depending on the programs you choose to use. Depending on your commitment, it can take anywhere from 8 weeks to multiple years to learn the skills you’ll need for the job. 

A Computer Science Degree vs. Coding Bootcamp

A college degree is the longest path to becoming a Front End Developer and possibly the most expensive. This route will provide you with theoretical knowledge, mathematics, and exposure to more low level programming than a coding bootcamp. A degree program will also likely have opportunities for internships. Critics say a computer science degree will not provide as much practical experience or tailored career counseling as bootcamp. The average cost of a computer science degree ranges from $35,000 USD and the average duration is 2-4 years. 

Learning to Code Through Your Employer

Some employers will fund coding bootcamps or even teach you to code themselves. Companies like Revature and Morningstar are two examples of companies you could work for that offer programs for beginners

Front End Developer Jobs

According to TJ Kinion of LearningFuze, “Hiring managers are moving away from the computer science degree requirement,” which gives bootcamp graduates more job opportunities than ever before. Front End Developers can look forward to a wide variety of jobs since no two companies have the exact same expectations of a programmer who specializes in front end technologies. A remote Front End Web Developer job is also a distinct possibility.

Here is a list of the most frequent Front End Development jobs for bootcampers:

  • Junior Front End Developer
  • Full Stack Developer
  • Full Stack Web Developer
  • Web Developer
  • Front End Web Developer
  • Front End Engineer
  • JavaScript Developer
  • CSS/HTML Developer
  • Front End Web Designer
  • UI/UX Designer
  • Web Designer
  • Front End Quality Assurance
  • Front End Web Development Instructor
  • Remote Front End Web Developer

Front End Developer Salary

Front End Job Average Salary
Junior Front End Developer $67,770
Full Stack Developer $101,800
Web Developer $97,950


Front End Developer Skills

Knowledge of front end languages, frameworks, and critical thinking are essential parts of the developer’s toolbox. Because Front End Developers often work on a team, recruiters are also looking for strong evidence of soft skills. Thankfully, most coding bootcamps teach their students how to demonstrate their transferable skills as well as their technical skills.

Here is a short list of skills and technologies taught at Front End Web Development bootcamps: 

  • HTML - HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. It is a standardized markup language used for creating a webpage. These pages can include writing, links, pictures, sound, and video. HTML is used to denote these elements so that the web browser can display them correctly. 
  • CSS - CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. CSS is used alongside HTML and JavaScript to control the layout and presentation of a website.
  • Bootstrap - Bootstrap is an open-source toolkit for developing with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript that offers plugins, built-in jQuery, and prebuilt components.  
  • Flexbox - Flexbox is a CSS layout module that standardizes the development of blocks, inline text, tables, and positioning on web pages. 
  • Grid - Grid is a CSS two-dimensional layout system for the web. 
  • JavaScript - JavaScript is the most popular language on the web. It is a scripting language used to enhance and manipulate web pages by adding interactivity.
  • Frameworks - a front end framework is JavaScript code that has been compiled in a specific, standard way for ease of use and efficiency. The layman could consider a framework a template that can be used and changed as needed. 
    • AngularJS - Angular is a framework developed by Google. Angular is essentially a set of tools that allows developers to build a robust application.
    • ReactJS - React is a framework developed by Facebook. React was built to fetch an app’s user interface and updates as quickly as possible. 
    • jQuery - jQuery is a JavaScript library that simplifies a variety of programming operations like mouse clicks and keystrokes, addition and deletion of elements, HTTP requests, and creation of search engine readable content. 
    • NodeJS - Node was created to run JavaScript outside of the browser. This framework creates a bridge between the front end and the back end and the knowledge needed to execute code on a computer. 
    • BackboneJS - Backbone was designed to give structure to web applications by providing developers with models, collections, and views. 
    • EmberJS - Ember was designed to create scalable user interface architecture that is plug-in friendly. 
    • VueJS - Vue is a framework for building user interfaces. It was designed to integrate with other libraries and pre-existing projects.
  • Responsive Design - Since a web page might be viewed on a phone, tablet, or computer, responsive design makes sure the page will look good on any device at the proper dimensions. 
  • Version Control and Git - Version control is how Developers keep projects organized even after changes have been made. Git is a system for tracking changes in source code during development. 
  • Debugging and Testing - A Developer should be able to test the code and remove any bugs found. 
  • Soft Skills - Developers that can communicate clearly and ask the right questions are valuable to employers. Employers also look for developers who are good at problem-solving and working with a team.

Front End Developer Resume

A Front End Developer’s resume should show past experience in a way that frames the transferable skills. Recruiters look for things like previous management experience, jobs requiring clear communication, problem-solving, and other soft skills. A resume should show the proper technical skills listed in the job description, like languages learned and technologies mastered. Listing quantifiable achievements and projects presents your experiences from bootcamp in a way that recruiters can understand quickly and easily. A Front End Web Developer’s resume should also show specialization in front end technologies. 

Front End Developer Interview Questions

Front End Developers can expect to be asked general questions that allow for past experiences to shine like, “Tell me more about yourself,” or “What excites you about coding?” Most interviewers will ask about projects you’ve completed and the process or tools you used to build them. They’ll also ask questions to learn more about your personality to test for cultural fit. Recruiters often ask Front End Web Developers technical questions about HTML, CSS, or JavaScript. Developers should prepare for whiteboarding and a coding challenge as well. 

Front End Developer Portfolio

Front End Web Developers must build and maintain an online portfolio. Showcase the projects you’ve built during bootcamp in your portfolio as well as on your resume. Here are some projects that Developers built during bootcamp and added to their portfolios: 


Schools may compensate Course Report for featured placement.


Displaying schools 51-75 of 287 in total

  1. 113

    Coder Academy is an Australia-based, online coding education provider offering Web Development Bootcamp in a 100% virtual classroom. Coder Academy offers t... Learn more about Coder Academy.

    Stephanie Pruna


    Verified Via LinkedIn

    Says: Full Stack Bootcamp

    This course was excellent and focused on everything you need to be able to successfully gain an internship or junior role. The mentoring was amazing and they we
  2. 112

    MIT xPRO offers a 32-week, online Professional Certificate in Coding: Full Stack Development with MERN bootcamp. The bootcamp requires a time commitment of 1... Learn more about MIT xPRO | Bootcamps.

    Maria Paula Neira

    5Graduate - Online

    Verified Via LinkedIn

    Says: Grateful for a Worthwhile DS-ML Experience

    This course definitely met and surpassed all my expectations. It had the perfect combination of mathematical-statistical theory and coding practice. I had taken
  3. 103

    iO Academy is a coding bootcamp based in the UK that offers a 16-week, full-time, full stack coding bootcamp and a 12-week, part-time data science & mach... Learn more about iO Academy.

    Melody Sylvestre

    5Graduate - Course: Full Stack Track - Bath

    Verified Via LinkedIn

    Says: The best place to start your new career as a software engineer!

    I really enjoyed my time at iO Academy. I chose this bootcamp mostly because it seemed to me that they proposed the most complete curriculum and they did not di
  4. 100

    Lighthouse Labs is a Canadian online bootcamp that teaches web development and data science. The bootcamps have small class sizes and on-demand mentorship fr... Learn more about Lighthouse Labs.


    5Graduate - Course: iOS Development Bootcamp - Toronto

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    Says: Is coding bootcamp for you?

    I came to this review site before quitting my job and doing this bootcamp, so I thought it would be nice to come full circle and leave a review after starting m
  5. 96

    NEXT Academy offers a 10-week Full-Stack Web Development bootcamp in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and remote 8-week Front-End Web Development courses and 12-week ... Learn more about NEXT Academy.

    Chia Shanq Yeet

    5Graduate - Kuala Lumpur

    Verified Via LinkedIn

    Says: Mr.

    Honestly, I really think that the full stack web dev bootcamp NEXT is well planned - where we actually learned things step by step - things that we thought were
  6. 94

    ISDI Coders offers a 16-week, part-time Front End Web Development with JavaScript & Firebase bootcamp and an 11-week, full-time Web Development Bootcamp ... Learn more about ISDI Coders.

    Nacho Losada

    5Graduate - Course: Web Development Bootcamp with Javascript - Barcelona - Barcelona

    Verified Via LinkedIn

    Says: Don't be afraid to change your life!

    It's been a very long time since i wanted to learn programming, but life never goes as planned. Loads of years later, the moment arrived: I was very upset with
  7. 93

    Launch School is an online program for studious beginners whose goal is to become professional developers. The program focuses on fundamentals of programming... Learn more about Launch School.

    Ben PerraultBen Perrault

    5Graduate - Course: The Capstone Program - Online

    Verified Via GitHub

    Says: The best educational experience I've had - High quality, practical software education for serious learners

    I found Launch School from a random Reddit thread and I'm so glad I did. I was considering whether to join a traditional 3-9 month bootcamp, go back to college,
  8. 91

    Wild Code School is a 5-month, European training program teaching in-demand digital skills through a blended learning approach. Wild Code School was created ... Learn more about Wild Code School.

    Carlos M.

    5Student - Course: Data analysis - Lisbon

    Verified Via LinkedIn

    Says: Recommend this school.

    Highly recommend WCS. I was able to learn different skills (soft and technical) and at the end finally got a job.The curriculum is complete and will give you pl
  9. 91

    CCS Learning Academy offers online bootcamps in Cybersecurity Specialist Certification (8 weeks), Data Analytics & Business Intelligence (8 weeks), Data ... Learn more about CCS Learning Academy.

    George Annobil


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    Says: So glad I found these guys when I did!

    A little over 10 years ago I joined CCS's Data science and data engineering Bootcamp. The program was extremely thorough, well-structured, and top-notch. The co
  10. 89

    Manzoor the Trainer is an intensive full-time, 9-week full stack web developer coding bootcamp offered both online and in Hyderabad, India. The bootcamp has ... Learn more about Manzoor The Trainer (MTT).

    Sharjeel ShaikSharjeel Shaik

    5Graduate - Course: Full Stack ASP.Net Core With Angular Web Developer Coding Bootcamp - Hyderabad

    Verified Via LinkedIn

    Says: Honest Review About the MTT Coding BootCamp

    I am Sharjeel Shaik, Hyderabad, MCA, Full Stack ASP.Net Core Web Developer.I didn't research other boot-camps, this is my first offline Bootcamp with MTT. Task
  11. 81

    Bedu/Tech offers part-time, full stack web development courses in Mexico City, Guadalajara, and online. The curriculum covers the MEAN stack (Mongo, Express,... Learn more about Bedu/Tech.

    Sergio Rodrigo Cruz VelozSergio Rodrigo Cruz Veloz


    Verified Via GitHub

    Says: Fullstack Javascript

    Una muy buena experiencia con este bootcamp, los expertos o los maestros son personas que han trabajado en la industria y con las tecnologías que imparten por l
  12. 81

    Techmongers offers a 10-week full-time web development and 12- week part-time Cybersecurity academy in Amsterdam and online. Their program prepares students ... Learn more about Techmongers.

    Evangelia Alamani

    5Graduate - Course: Codaisseur Online Academy - No Cure No Pay Model - Amsterdam

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    Says: An intense and amazing experience

    From day one of the Bootcamp, the teachers kept telling us "Check yourself before you wreck yourself and trust the process". I didn't know what they meant at th
  13. 81

    We Can Code IT (WCCI) is a tech training provider that offers a full stack software development bootcamp (22 weeks), a data analytics bootcamp (14 weeks), an... Learn more about We Can Code IT.

    Jordan EasterJordan Easter

    5Student - Course: Part-time Java Remote Coding Bootcamp - Cleveland

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    Says: Very immersive and dedicated curriculum teaching the basics right off the bat, all the way to advanced in 6 months!

    This bootcamp taught me everything I needed to know on how to set up a development environment and workspace on almost any machine in the first few weeks of cla
  14. 81

    Bottega offers part-time and full-time tech bootcamps in front end development, Python programming, and Ruby Programming in Lehi, UT, and online. The front e... Learn more about Bottega.

    Patrick Neary

    5Graduate - Course: Full Stack Web Developer - Online

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    Says: Full Stack Boot Camp

    I researched several boot camps before choosing Bottega and I'm glad I did. The instructor was with us every day with the goal of making sure we understood the
  15. 76

    JUMP by Cognixia offers 6–10 week technical training bootcamp with campuses in New Jersey, Texas, North Carolina, Colorado, Arizona, and Online. The JUMP cur... Learn more about JUMP by Cognixia.

    Ahmed Mashaal

    5Student - Course: Virtual Full Stack Java Development - Jersey City

    Verified Via LinkedIn

    Says: Transformative Experience with the Cognixia JUMP Program

    Completing the Cognixia JUMP program has been an incredible journey, equipping me with essential skills and confidence for a career in tech. This comprehensive
  16. 75

    Developers.Institute is a full stack coding bootcamp offering full-time and part-time courses in Python and JavaScript both online and in-person at campuses ... Learn more about Developers.Institute.

    Anaïs Herbillon

    5Graduate - Course: The Data Analyst Bootcamp - Tel Aviv

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    Says: Amazing school and bootcamp

    I just finished a Data Analyst course in Developers Institute and I am really glad I chose this school. The class are super accurate, we were learning up-to dat
  17. 73

    Barcelona Code School is a code school offering immersive training in full stack web and mobile development, UX/UI design, and machine learning and AI develo... Learn more about Barcelona Code School.

    Martina GjergjaMartina Gjergja

    5Graduate - Course: JavaScript Full-Stack Online Bootcamp - Online

    Verified Via GitHub

    Says: Excellent!

    I completed JavaScript Full-Stack Online Mentored Bootcamp and it was really great journey. With zero experience I ended up with solid foundation to build almos
  18. nology-logo



    _nology is a global tech training and talent provider offering a 12-week, full-time, online Cloud Engineer. The course covers HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TDD, Goo... Learn more about Nology.

    Brooke P Waldorf-WellsBrooke P Waldorf-Wells

    5Student - Course: ENTRY-LEVEL CLOUD ENGINEER - Online

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    Says: Intense but rewarding pushes you to feel ready for the tech industry

    This course is intense, with 12 weeks of learning growing, and projects. However, the coaches and Talent team will make sure that you feel comfortable and provi
  19. 68

    Epicode is an online digital skills training academy that offers full-time and part-time bootcamps in web development and data analysis. Students choose whic... Learn more about Epicode.

    Ioannis Psychias

    5Graduate - Online

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    Says: Potentially life changing

    Before joining Epicode, I found myself at a crossroads, contemplating a career change from customer service to coding. Despite my inherent pessimism, I recogniz
  20. 68

    Savvy Coders is an online coding boot camp offering the following classes: Full Stack Development, Data Analytics + Python, and Cyber Security. Classes are h... Learn more about Savvy Coders.

    Quinten Epting

    5Student - Course: Front End Web Development - Online

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    Says: Amazing experience throughout!

    From the moment I started at SavvyCoders Fullstack Bootcamp, I knew I was embarking on a life-changing journey. The curriculum is incredibly well-structured, pr
  21. 67

    V School is an end-to-end career preparation academy for code and design in Provo and Salt Lake City, Utah, with online and in-person, part-time and full-tim... Learn more about V School.

    Tyler Kitchens

    5Graduate - Course: Full Stack JavaScript Web Development - Online

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    Says: V School Review

    V school was absolutely amazing. The curriculum is structured in a way that allows you to really gradually understand more and more how all these concepts inter
  22. 66

    Refactory offers a 12-week, full-time, online mobile development coding bootcamp. Refactory wants to help students learn programming regardless of their back... Learn more about Refactory.

    Aditya Kahfi WicaksonoAditya Kahfi Wicaksono

    5Applicant - Yogyakarta

    Verified Via GitHub

    Says: Learning & Development

    Honest review, while I joined at this company, I got a lot of experiences and lessons in this company. Technical lessons, communication and collaboration lesson
  23. 62

    KeepCoding offers 10-month, part-time online bootcamps in mobile development, web development, big data and machine learning, and a 4-week Python bootcamp in... Learn more about KeepCoding .

    David Llamas Monras


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    Says: Muy buenos profesores

    Aunque apenas llevo 2 meses en el Bootcamp, si puedo decir desde ya que la calidad del profesorado es muy buena. Tienen mucho conocimiento sobre la materia que
  24. 62

    Elevation uses a Blended Learning methodology, combining self-learning and live guided mentorship, to teach in-demand skills in R&D, Data, and Business v... Learn more about Elevation.


    5Graduate - Course: Coding Bootcamp - Tel Aviv

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    Says: This is a review

    I always have been interested in programing but never knew where to begin. The coding bootcamp course is a great place to start that journey as a developer, the
  25. 60

    Freemote is a 7-week, self-paced, online Freelance Developer bootcamp. Freemote students will learn front end development, web development, how to set up Sho... Learn more about Freemote.

    John M Schmidt

    5Student - Course: Freelance Developer Bootcamp - Online

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    Says: Well Thought Out Curriculum

    I have been very impressed with the thoughtfulness that must have gone into the development of this boot camp. The videos have been easy to digest and the proje

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