Le Wagon is a global tech training provider that offers full-time, in-person and online bootcamps in Web Development, Data Science, and Data Analytics. Le Wagon also offers part-time courses in Web Analytics, Python & Machine Learning, Growth & Data Automation, and Data Analytics Essentials. Le Wagon is aimed at individuals seeking to change careers or acquire specific skills. Le Wagon’s training has helped more than 18,000 students accelerate their careers, transition into tech, or launch startups. Le Wagon was founded in 2013 in Paris, and now has in-person campuses in over 40 cities and 25 countries.
Beginners are welcome at Le Wagon. Applicants of the Web Development bootcamp do not need any previous technical experience, but should be motivated, curious, and social. Applicants to the Data Science bootcamp should have basic knowledge of programming and mathematics.
Students at Le Wagon have access to comprehensive career services, such as 1:1 coaching, tech talks, and assistance with job materials and Github. Le Wagon offers students access to their extensive hiring network, and organizes regular recruiting events for students to participate in. Graduates will have lifetime access to Le Wagon’s learning platform.
Le Wagon offers various scholarships and financing options, such as installment plans, Income Share Agreements, public funding, and more.
Désormais alumni du Wagon Bordeaux, j’ai effectué la formation cet automne. J’ai passé 9 semaines entouré par une équipe de professeurs et un staff toujours présent et à l’écoute. Mes camarades ont également été un très grand soutien alors que pour la plupart ils étaient, comme moi et n’avaient jamais codé.Nous sommes une promotion très soudée, l’entraide au court de la formation a été un réel plaisir et l’est encore aujourd’hui. L’ambiance avec l’équipe comme avec les é...
Désormais alumni du Wagon Bordeaux, j’ai effectué la formation cet automne. J’ai passé 9 semaines entouré par une équipe de professeurs et un staff toujours présent et à l’écoute. Mes camarades ont également été un très grand soutien alors que pour la plupart ils étaient, comme moi et n’avaient jamais codé.Nous sommes une promotion très soudée, l’entraide au court de la formation a été un réel plaisir et l’est encore aujourd’hui. L’ambiance avec l’équipe comme avec les élèves était parfaite.D’un point de vue technique la formation du Wagon est très complète. Une fois la formation terminée, nous avons toutes les clés en main pour réussir dans le domaine de la tech.
Bonne chance aux futurs alumni et un grand merci à toute l’équipe du Wagon Bordeaux.
Dubernard Lucas.
Batch 325 - octobre 2019 - Quand j'ai cherché une formation pour apprendre à coder et compléter mon bagage d'UX/UI designer, tous les avis que l'on me donnait renvoyait vers le Wagon. Après le travail préparatoire et la sélection, les cours ont commencé et j'ai été plus que satisfait. Si les cours sont très intenses, la pédagogie permet d'assimiler rapidement les concepts et les mettre en application tout aussi rapidement. Surtout on est en permanence entouré par l'équipe de teacher assist...
Batch 325 - octobre 2019 - Quand j'ai cherché une formation pour apprendre à coder et compléter mon bagage d'UX/UI designer, tous les avis que l'on me donnait renvoyait vers le Wagon. Après le travail préparatoire et la sélection, les cours ont commencé et j'ai été plus que satisfait. Si les cours sont très intenses, la pédagogie permet d'assimiler rapidement les concepts et les mettre en application tout aussi rapidement. Surtout on est en permanence entouré par l'équipe de teacher assistants qui nous accompagnent et nous guident. Le Wagon est une formation d'une intensité pédagogique et humaine incroyable et je le recommande à toute personne qui souhaite apprendre à coder.
J’ai fait la formation du Wagon en octobre dernier et je ne regrette vraiment pas mon choix. L’équipe est vraiment top ! Les professeurs nous transmettent leur savoir avec bonne humeur, ce qui est indispensable vu le rythme de la formation.
En effet la formation est très dense puisque la promesse est forte. Apprendre à coder en 9 semaines paraît presque impossible sur le papier et pourtant tous les étudiants ressortent avec bases très solides pour coder et surt...
J’ai fait la formation du Wagon en octobre dernier et je ne regrette vraiment pas mon choix. L’équipe est vraiment top ! Les professeurs nous transmettent leur savoir avec bonne humeur, ce qui est indispensable vu le rythme de la formation.
En effet la formation est très dense puisque la promesse est forte. Apprendre à coder en 9 semaines paraît presque impossible sur le papier et pourtant tous les étudiants ressortent avec bases très solides pour coder et surtout approfondir des notions beaucoup plus facilement. La méthode pédagogique du Wagon est à mon sens géniale et permet d’atteindre cet objectif très ambitieux. Elle permet également d’assimiler beaucoup mieux et de devenir autonome puisqu’on ne nous donne pas la solution directement mais plutôt des pistes pour y arriver. N’oublions pas que le quotidien des développeurs c’est de résoudre des problèmes, il est donc indispensable d’acquérir cette autonomie.
La notion d’entraide est aussi très présente et importante puisque tous les étudiants rencontrent des moments difficiles (frustrations, inquiétudes) pendant la formation. Le fait d’avoir un partenaire différent chaque jour nous permet de rencontrer tout le monde et de créer une cohésion très forte au sein de la promo. Il n’y aucune compétition ce qui permet de se développer et de s’épanouir tellement plus vite. Durant les deux dernières semaines, nous travaillons sur des projets de groupes et cette cohésion fait vraiment la différence.
Malgré les coups durs sur certains jours de la formation, j’ai été capable de coder un projet de A à Z. Avec le recul j’ai appris énormément en deux mois et on ne s’en rend pas forcément compte quand on a la tête dans le guidon pendant la formation mais à la sortie c’est vraiment gratifiant.
Je recommande vivement cette formation pour tous ceux qui souhaitent apprendre à coder même si vous n’avez aucune base. Gardez néanmoins à l’esprit que c’est une formation de deux mois et qu’il faut bien entendu continuer à approfondir ses connaissances, se perfectionner et découvrir de nouveaux langages.
Having worked in finance and advertising previously, I have always wanted to find a job where I could combine technical, problem solving skills with creativity. I didn't know that this is what coding is until I started Le Wagon's Full Stack coding bootcamp. I looked forward to each week as we were set problem solving tasks each day and worked in pairs. It was tough but extremely satisfying when you crack it! You are also working with like-minded people every day which is extremely in...
Having worked in finance and advertising previously, I have always wanted to find a job where I could combine technical, problem solving skills with creativity. I didn't know that this is what coding is until I started Le Wagon's Full Stack coding bootcamp. I looked forward to each week as we were set problem solving tasks each day and worked in pairs. It was tough but extremely satisfying when you crack it! You are also working with like-minded people every day which is extremely inspiring. The TA's that help you are amazing, they have all gone through the bootcamp themselves and you can tell how passionate they are about the process. Finding Le Wagon has given me a direction in my career that I didn't realise existed and I am very thankful for that!
'After 5 years as a Management Consultant I was ready for my next challenge, I was hungry to learn and I wanted to future proof my career by learning technical skills in an industry that offers more work life balance and flexibility. I did a lot of research into different coding schools and went along to some of the end of bootcamp demo days. For me, Le Wagon really stood out.
After 9 weeks on the course, I’m not surprised they have been voted the #1 coding bo...
'After 5 years as a Management Consultant I was ready for my next challenge, I was hungry to learn and I wanted to future proof my career by learning technical skills in an industry that offers more work life balance and flexibility. I did a lot of research into different coding schools and went along to some of the end of bootcamp demo days. For me, Le Wagon really stood out.
After 9 weeks on the course, I’m not surprised they have been voted the #1 coding bootcamp 4 years running (SwitchUp). I have learnt more than I could have imagined over the course of 9 weeks and I’ve made some amazing friends. I’m also extremely proud of the projects our team built during the final weeks and confident in the skills that Le Wagon have taught me.
What I think sets Le Wagon apart from the rest is their teachers and course organisers. The enthusiasm, patience and level of investment in your development is inspiring. I couldn’t recommend Le Wagon highly enough and if anyone is struggling with this difficult decision, don’t waste any more time, get onboard Le Wagon!'
J’ai toujours été passionné par les nouvelles technologies. À 36 ans j’étais cadre dans la restauration depuis 8 ans dont 7 passées à Paris. Mon métier consistait à piloter une ou plusieurs boutiques avec des équipes de 20 à 60 personnes. Un an après être revenu à Bordeaux, j’ai découvert le Wagon en passant devant tous les jours. J’étais curieux de voir toutes ces personnes de tout âge travailler ensemble. J’ai tout de suite été attiré par la promesse de cette formation.
J’ai toujours été passionné par les nouvelles technologies. À 36 ans j’étais cadre dans la restauration depuis 8 ans dont 7 passées à Paris. Mon métier consistait à piloter une ou plusieurs boutiques avec des équipes de 20 à 60 personnes. Un an après être revenu à Bordeaux, j’ai découvert le Wagon en passant devant tous les jours. J’étais curieux de voir toutes ces personnes de tout âge travailler ensemble. J’ai tout de suite été attiré par la promesse de cette formation.
Depuis déjà un an je réfléchissais à une reconversion professionnelle avec pour objectif d’évoluer dans un domaine qui me plait et dans lequel je serai amené à apprendre quotidiennement.
N’ayant aucune expérience en informatique je me suis tout d’abord renseigné sur cette formation en me rendant aux nombreuses conférences que donne le Wagon dans ses locaux. Conférences durant lesquelles j’ai pu rencontrer d’anciens alumni et assister au Demo Day pour découvrir les projets de groupes ce qui m’a définitivement convaincu. La qualité des applications fabriquées par ces élèves en si peu de temps était bluffante.
Ce qui m’a plu dans la formation du Wagon c’est la pédagogie qui est différente de tout ce que j’ai pu connaître. J’ai apprécié le système de buddies qui permet d’évoluer chaque jour avec un élève différent et l’entraide que cela procure. C’est une aventure humaine riche en émotions.
J’ai appris à apprendre par moi-même et je pense que c’est ça la force du Wagon. Cette formation est très intense mais plus les journées passent, plus on se rend compte du chemin parcouru.
Avant de faire le Wagon je travaillais en tant qu’infirmier à l’hôpital. Loin du monde de l’informatique mais désireux d’entreprendre une reconversion professionnelle dans ce domaine, j’ai commencé à chercher une formation tech. Il y en a beaucoup, bien évidemment toutes ne se valent pas. Je me suis intéressé à la formation que propose le Wagon. J’ai eu de nombreux retours positifs d’amis à propos de ce bootcamp et j’ai passé l’entretien de sélection. Une fois admis, s’en est suivi l...
Avant de faire le Wagon je travaillais en tant qu’infirmier à l’hôpital. Loin du monde de l’informatique mais désireux d’entreprendre une reconversion professionnelle dans ce domaine, j’ai commencé à chercher une formation tech. Il y en a beaucoup, bien évidemment toutes ne se valent pas. Je me suis intéressé à la formation que propose le Wagon. J’ai eu de nombreux retours positifs d’amis à propos de ce bootcamp et j’ai passé l’entretien de sélection. Une fois admis, s’en est suivi le travail préparatoire qui demande un investissement certain.Je viens de finir Le Wagon en décembre, ça à été 10 semaines très intenses et une expérience humaine extraordinaire. En technique j’ai énormément appris et j’ai dû me montrer persévérant tout au long de la formation. Les enseignants sont très compétents, accessibles et rassurants. Le résultat est bluffant.En tant qu’alumni du Wagon et désormais développeur web en freelance j’ai la chance d’avoir accès à une communauté fleurie et grandissante, qui me permet d’appréhender l’après Wagon avec sérénité. Le bilan de cette reconversion grâce à ce bootcamp est plus que positif. Je recommande les yeux fermés.
Signing up for the Le Wagon coding bootcamp in Lisbon was definitely one of the best decisions I've ever made. It is without a doubt a very intensive course and the learning curve is steep, but the staff is incredibly supportive and always there to help. You get to work on great projects and, by the end of the course, you'll not only be able to create web applications in just a few days, but you'll also learn the entire technical workflow of how to work in a team with other developers in t...
Signing up for the Le Wagon coding bootcamp in Lisbon was definitely one of the best decisions I've ever made. It is without a doubt a very intensive course and the learning curve is steep, but the staff is incredibly supportive and always there to help. You get to work on great projects and, by the end of the course, you'll not only be able to create web applications in just a few days, but you'll also learn the entire technical workflow of how to work in a team with other developers in the same way as you would if you were employed as a professional developer. I feel that the applications I've worked on during the bootcamp and the technical skills developed were definitely what helped me get a position as a developer immediately after the course and I only have Le Wagon to thank for that. You can also expect great support from the staff after the bootcamp (they provided me with a reference once I was offered a position as a developer) and access to a lot of learning material and perks.
3 months ago, I was somebody else.
I was looking for another way to live, a community closer to my values, I was looking for creativity, open-minds, taking life as a game…
I used to work in the finance department of big companies, I also worked for a hospital, until I quit to be a freelancer.
I have always been attracted by tech and coding. I saw that as playing with...
3 months ago, I was somebody else.
I was looking for another way to live, a community closer to my values, I was looking for creativity, open-minds, taking life as a game…
I used to work in the finance department of big companies, I also worked for a hospital, until I quit to be a freelancer.
I have always been attracted by tech and coding. I saw that as playing with my brain. Sudoku style.
I was not believing in myself.
A while ago, I went to an event to talk with a recruiter in tech who discouraged me from going this way. At this time I had even gathered information about Le Wagon.
But I put this idea in a corner of my head.
Until the beginning of the new chapter of my life.
A summer night on the balcony/terrace with friends, I talked with a web developer friend, a wonderful woman who changed her career. This was last July.
A few days after, I had an interview with Marie-Gabrielle at Le Wagon, and I subscribed in the same week.
I remember my answers to the question: “why Le Wagon?” - “because I am looking for being surrounded by interesting and benevolent people.” And this is how I felt was Le Wagon.
I was dreaming awake.
Indeed surrounded by amazing people coming from everywhere (not only geographically!): teachers, staff, and students! Learning all day every day. In a sunny and very cool environment at La Gare. My brain has never been so awake!
Never any judgment, we were free to find our pace, and ask for the support that we needed.
Plus, yoga class with Claudette, the best yoga teacher in town I know.
I used to say that if every school was like that, we would all get tons of diplomas.
This is a Marathon, not a sprint!
I pushed my limits a bit too far the second weekend by not sleeping that much, I have learned my lesson, and the next weeks I acted like a coder monk! I was doing yoga in the morning, going to the class walking, drinking ginger-lemon infusions, learning, coding, coding, coding, going back home walking, doing some meditation, having dinner, doing my flash-cards, going to bed, and falling asleep after 2 minutes I started my audio-book… Until the free beers & socializing friday nights. :)
The intense 9 weeks gave me the opportunity to create a better version of myself.
Especially during the group work for the 3 last weeks. I think doing so much in a little amount of time within a brand new team, gave me the occasion to grow, watch myself under new conditions, and be surprised by the “new me” I met.
I am so grateful for Le Wagon and the wonderful people I have worked with on the projects.
And today, I am so happy to be part of this community, in addition to have made friends for life.
Vi Pannetier, alumni @ Le Wagon Montreal | Batch #329
The best decision I made in my life. They told me: “start coding and your life will change” and it was right like that.
I never thought could be programing in 9 weeks, even when I never had any computer skills!
Take time to do the prep-work the most conscious you can; much better will be your performance during the bootcamp.
Being a product-driven bootcamp make's Le Wagon, not only a coding school, even more a life-changing experience where you will gain skills t...
The best decision I made in my life. They told me: “start coding and your life will change” and it was right like that.
I never thought could be programing in 9 weeks, even when I never had any computer skills!
Take time to do the prep-work the most conscious you can; much better will be your performance during the bootcamp.
Being a product-driven bootcamp make's Le Wagon, not only a coding school, even more a life-changing experience where you will gain skills to be a dev, PM or entrepreneur.
And one more thing, DO FLASHCARDS!
I have been curious about digital technology for years, but being a project manager in a full-time role, I didn’t know how and where to start learning next to my job. As I decided to change my career in the beginning of 2019, I intentionally planned to take a learning sabbatical for myself and finally learn to code before taking on a new job. With little research online, I found Le wagon and wanted to check it out first hand. I went to Barcelona to attend the demo day of the previous...
I have been curious about digital technology for years, but being a project manager in a full-time role, I didn’t know how and where to start learning next to my job. As I decided to change my career in the beginning of 2019, I intentionally planned to take a learning sabbatical for myself and finally learn to code before taking on a new job. With little research online, I found Le wagon and wanted to check it out first hand. I went to Barcelona to attend the demo day of the previous batch, where I talked to teachers and previous students and experienced their final products myself. That experience convinced me that it was the right decision to apply for the full-stack bootcamp at Le wagon.
The bootcamp was an intense experience, with at least ten hours of coding each day, but after every day in the camp, I felt smarter than the previous day. After weeks of lessons and buddy coding we moved into team projects, building an AirBnB clone for renting pets and further to build our own project within the final two weeks, a friend finding app called BuddyUp. After just 9 weeks, I had the pleasure to present our web application on the demo day, the event I had just attended a few months before.
Attending Le Wagon in Barcelona has not only given me the chance to learn and work together with talented and motivated individuals from all over the world, it has also given me access to and valuable skills in technology that I draw on in my new job, a business role in a tech company, as well. Unlike some of my classmates from the bootcamp, I didn’t become a developer, but I learned how to think like a developer and that helps me in my job every day.
How much does Le Wagon cost?
The average bootcamp costs $14,142, but Le Wagon does not share pricing information. You can read a cost-comparison of other popular bootcamps!
What courses does Le Wagon teach?
Le Wagon offers courses like Data Analytics Bootcamp, Data Analytics Bootcamp Online, Data Analytics Essentials Skill Course, Data Engineering Bootcamp and 12 more.
Where does Le Wagon have campuses?
Le Wagon has in-person campuses in Amsterdam, Bali, Barcelona, Berlin, Bordeaux, Brussels, Buenos Aires, Cape Town, Casablanca, Cologne, Dubai, Lausanne, Lille, Lisbon, London, Lyon, Madrid, Marseille, Mauritius, Melbourne, Mexico City, Montreal, Munich, Nantes, Nice, Paris, Porto, Rennes, Rio de Janeiro, Santiago, Sao Paulo, Shanghai, Singapore, Sydney, Tokyo, Toulouse, and Zurich. Le Wagon also has a remote classroom so students can learn online.
Is Le Wagon worth it?
Le Wagon hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 3,564 Le Wagon alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Le Wagon on Course Report - you should start there!
Is Le Wagon legit?
We let alumni answer that question. 3,564 Le Wagon alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Le Wagon and rate their overall experience a 4.95 out of 5.
Does Le Wagon offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?
Right now, it doesn't look like Le Wagon offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.
Can I read Le Wagon reviews?
You can read 3,564 reviews of Le Wagon on Course Report! Le Wagon alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Le Wagon and rate their overall experience a 4.95 out of 5.
Is Le Wagon accredited?
While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. Le Wagon doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.
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