BrainStation is a global digital skills training and workforce transformation provider that offers bootcamps and courses in data, design, development, digital marketing, product, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, and leadership both online and at state-of-the-art campuses in New York, London, Miami, Toronto, and Vancouver. Established in 2012, BrainStation has worked with over 500 instructors from the most innovative brands to develop cutting-edge, real-world digital education. Whether students are looking for career transformation or professional development, BrainStation has a learning option, with full-time diploma programs, part-time certificate courses, and specialized skills training.
BrainStation’s courses and bootcamps offer a collaborative, project-based learning experience, with regularly updated curriculum to ensure professionals gain the most relevant skills in their field. The class structure combines engaging, live instruction with interactive sessions and a hands-on, project-based curriculum. BrainStation also provides a variety of flexible learning options, including a proprietary online classroom and learning environment. This environment lets students attend live lectures, collaborate with fellow professionals, and receive immediate, real-time feedback from instructors – from anywhere in the world.
BrainStation has trained more than 30,000 alumni in over 100 countries across the world. BrainStation’s bootcamps offer personalized career services, including career coaching to help learners meet their career goals. Networking and career-oriented events are also available at BrainStation.
I joined Wyncode because I was very unhappy with the career field I was in and wanted something drastically different. I had an interest in code but did not have the time to pursue it with my work schedule, I thought about joining for over a year until finally the right opportunity came up and I signed up for the full-time course. The experience was life changing, being able to show up every day and work on learning code was the best option for me. It allowed me to completely dedicate myse...
I joined Wyncode because I was very unhappy with the career field I was in and wanted something drastically different. I had an interest in code but did not have the time to pursue it with my work schedule, I thought about joining for over a year until finally the right opportunity came up and I signed up for the full-time course. The experience was life changing, being able to show up every day and work on learning code was the best option for me. It allowed me to completely dedicate myself to improving a skill for 10 weeks. The staff and other students at Wyncode have become like a second family, and I would not have been able to learn everything I learned without them. After the course, I worked with the Hiring Director at Wyncode to secure interviews and get introductions to hiring managers. Within 3 months I was able to land a job as a Front-End Developer for a large corporation.
Wyncode is great and the curriculum is awesome! I have to name drop because I owe my success to a few people who went above and beyond. Angel is an instructor there and is one of the most real people I've met. Angel strolls in a little earlier than he's supposed to and stays a little later as well. The man always has a smile on his face and won't hesitate to support you in your toughest week emotionally or technically. The other two names are the dynamic TA duo Patricio and Keith. Th...
Wyncode is great and the curriculum is awesome! I have to name drop because I owe my success to a few people who went above and beyond. Angel is an instructor there and is one of the most real people I've met. Angel strolls in a little earlier than he's supposed to and stays a little later as well. The man always has a smile on his face and won't hesitate to support you in your toughest week emotionally or technically. The other two names are the dynamic TA duo Patricio and Keith. These two will help with any problems you have, continue to help after they've left and will follow up with you even on their days off. They are another of the most genuine people I've met in my experience. Thank you Wyncode!
A month after completing the full-time web immersive course and I am grateful to be working full time for a tech company in Miami while still learning so much everyday. Wyncode not only taught me the foundations of programming but equipped us with the ability to continue on our solo mission moving forward.
There are definitely moments of frustration and doubt where it is up to you to determine your weak areas and utilize the abundance of resources at hand to get you over the hump...
A month after completing the full-time web immersive course and I am grateful to be working full time for a tech company in Miami while still learning so much everyday. Wyncode not only taught me the foundations of programming but equipped us with the ability to continue on our solo mission moving forward.
There are definitely moments of frustration and doubt where it is up to you to determine your weak areas and utilize the abundance of resources at hand to get you over the hump - whether it be spending an extra 20-30 minutes with the TAs or supplementing your homework with an online track.
One of my favorite things about Wyncode is how connected it is to the local tech community. I walked out with a good understanding of what is going on in Miami and what we can look forward to in the tech space, in large part due to Wyncode’s contribution.
Wyncode provides the direction, skill and infrastructure for anyone interested in beginning a journey into the coding world. The instructors and TAs are excellent guides, and the entire Wynfam is extremely supportive.
I had a great experience at Wyncode Academy. The staff at Wyncode are incredibly supportive of the students throughout the course. I had Ed Toro as my instructor and he was fantastic. Ed is very intelligent, patient, and is always helping out his students even after graduation. Wyncode has great teaching assistants and instructors there ready to help out however they can. They teach coding best practices as well as agile development best practices and how to work in developer teams. They a...
I had a great experience at Wyncode Academy. The staff at Wyncode are incredibly supportive of the students throughout the course. I had Ed Toro as my instructor and he was fantastic. Ed is very intelligent, patient, and is always helping out his students even after graduation. Wyncode has great teaching assistants and instructors there ready to help out however they can. They teach coding best practices as well as agile development best practices and how to work in developer teams. They also teach business acumen such as how to network, do well in interviews, and what to expect in a tech position. Wyncode assists students in finding employment as well as providing interviews with hiring partners during the cohort. Their job assistance is permanent so a student has it available at any point after graduation. I had an amazing and supportive cohort. My classmates were so supportive of each other throughout the entire 11 weeks, and I'm certain that I'll remain friends with them for years to come.
TAKE THE PRE-WORK SERIOUSLY. It's going to make your time at Wyncode easier in the beginning. And don't stop at just the pre-work. Look at plenty of tutorials on Ruby on Rails, Javascript, HTML, CSS, and command line. Use codeacademy, treehouse, Udemy, as well as other online tutorials (such as youtube, freecodecamp, edx, You'll be able to pick up what they teach you a lot quicker if you have a stronger foundation. Understand that what you put in is what you're going to get out.
There is free parking you just need to walk a couple of minutes around the block. The learning doesn't stop when you graduate. If you want to become a successful developer, expect to put in the same effort and work you'll be putting in at Wyncode after you graduate. Just about anyone can learn to code but, regardless of who they are or how intelligent they are, they have to work for it. I truly had an amazing experience at Wyncode and would recommend it to anyone.
I decided to take the Digital Marketing course at Brainstation because because while I had a peripheral understanding of all things digital - I really wanted to enhance my skills. I thought the combination of the weekly lecture and the self directed learning resources the instructors provided really helped the information to stick in my brain long term. The instructors were very knowledgable and engaging. It made taking this course at my busiest time of year worth it. I've already applied ...
I decided to take the Digital Marketing course at Brainstation because because while I had a peripheral understanding of all things digital - I really wanted to enhance my skills. I thought the combination of the weekly lecture and the self directed learning resources the instructors provided really helped the information to stick in my brain long term. The instructors were very knowledgable and engaging. It made taking this course at my busiest time of year worth it. I've already applied my new knowledge to my day to day work environment and am really thankful I chose Brainstation.
I was so happy when I heard that Brainstation had a course in Product Management. They also had a few different ways to take the course - I settled on the 5-week all day saturday choice. I liked this structure a lot as I was able to think about new ideas and work on my project throughout the week. The course content was great; would definitely recommend!
I recently completed the SEO/SEM course. I enrolled in order to further my business' presence online, simply because I couldn't afford to hire someone to do it. Immediately after the first week I began to see tangible benefits of the course. Improved page rank, and in turn, traffic to my site.
I think this course would be great for anyone looking to up their SEO/SEM game.. but especially beneficial to those who have their own website they need to promote. Being able to complete e...
I recently completed the SEO/SEM course. I enrolled in order to further my business' presence online, simply because I couldn't afford to hire someone to do it. Immediately after the first week I began to see tangible benefits of the course. Improved page rank, and in turn, traffic to my site.
I think this course would be great for anyone looking to up their SEO/SEM game.. but especially beneficial to those who have their own website they need to promote. Being able to complete each lesson using my own website and content meant an immediate return, which kept me excited for each new lesson.
Excellent course. It helped sharpen my skills and gave me some new tools for analyzing data in current job. BrainStation is a great learning environment and the staff was very helpful.
I did the fall/winter 2017 session of the SEO/SEM course. It challenged me to have a completely new perspective on the topics. The teachers were able to really engage with students one on one in the 'activity' time, which was particularily useful as they encouraged everyone to work on their personal projects. As a blogger, I found the SEO tools extremely useful and am currently working to implement all this new knowledge into my website!
I would highly recommend this course to an...
I did the fall/winter 2017 session of the SEO/SEM course. It challenged me to have a completely new perspective on the topics. The teachers were able to really engage with students one on one in the 'activity' time, which was particularily useful as they encouraged everyone to work on their personal projects. As a blogger, I found the SEO tools extremely useful and am currently working to implement all this new knowledge into my website!
I would highly recommend this course to anyone wanting to 'up their game' in SEO and SEM. The Brainstation community is one I am proud to be a part of.
Annika Friesen
Similar to other reviewers, I had attempted several times to learn programming on my own through various online resources (coursera, treehouse, and codecademy), but I struggled to devote the necessary time. Learning a programming language is similar to picking up any other foreign language, it's significantly easier if you are fully immersed in it. While there are plenty of self-taught programmers, I think this is where Wyncode and bootcamps, in general, offer an advantage. Upon enrolling ...
Similar to other reviewers, I had attempted several times to learn programming on my own through various online resources (coursera, treehouse, and codecademy), but I struggled to devote the necessary time. Learning a programming language is similar to picking up any other foreign language, it's significantly easier if you are fully immersed in it. While there are plenty of self-taught programmers, I think this is where Wyncode and bootcamps, in general, offer an advantage. Upon enrolling in Wyncode, you're surrounding yourself in the language of programming, from the concepts to the actual syntax.
The Positives:
- The staff. I had Auston as my lead instructor, who is immensely knowledgeable and bring plenty of impressive, real world experience to the course. Auston does a great job of teaching the conceptual / theoretical material and then tying it to back to tangible examples using anecdotes or stories from his experiences. The technique is very in keeping with Wyncode’s philosophy of developing successful coders with business acumen. Additionally, Wyncode’s many other instructors and Teaching Assistants are always around and offering help. Their backgrounds range from experienced, senior developers to recent graduates of the program.
- Job Assistance. I was fortunate enough to receive an offer before I graduated from the program as a result of Wyncode bringing in hiring partners for “mock” interviews during the final two weeks. While these are less formal than interviews you may experience after graduation, they are important and can result in job placement. This process does a great job of providing low-pressure opportunities to get experience in interviewing, as well as providing exposure to individuals and companies in the Miami tech scene.
- The curriculum. The course starts with Ruby. While it may not be the newest or most cutting-edge language, it is perfect for beginners. It is easy to read and has light syntax, making basic programming concepts (loops, variables, logic statements, etc.) easier to get comfortable with as you get started. Once you’ve gotten exposure to said concepts, the course moves onto JavaScript and then introduces the Rails framework.
The Negatives:
- The curriculum. There are aspects of the curriculum which I think could be better tuned. Given the diverse backgrounds of its cohorts, Wyncode’s curriculum can feel overwhelming to some and slow to others. Finding that balance is tough, but something I believe the staff could improve upon.
- The trivial. No parking, occasionally noisy next-door neighbors, potentially long commutes, poorly constructed homework assignments.
Overall, attending Wyncode was a very positive experience and worth the investment of both time and money. It has opened a lot of doors for me as well as providing a great foundation to continue to learn and explore concepts of interest.
I had been thinking about attending a bootcamp for a year before I started, and to be honest, I was skeptical of doing so. I didn’t see the value in quitting my job and spending over $10K to learn something I could teach myself via the internet.
Eventually the frustration of only being able to set aside a few hours per week to learn got to me and I decided to attend Wyncode. I immediately recognized the fast pace of the program, which was a plus for me. You can’t really expect...
I had been thinking about attending a bootcamp for a year before I started, and to be honest, I was skeptical of doing so. I didn’t see the value in quitting my job and spending over $10K to learn something I could teach myself via the internet.
Eventually the frustration of only being able to set aside a few hours per week to learn got to me and I decided to attend Wyncode. I immediately recognized the fast pace of the program, which was a plus for me. You can’t really expect to learn a substantial amount in 10 weeks otherwise. It was a sign that Wyncode was legitimate, and not just one of the scammy bootcamps you hear about sometimes.
I had Auston Bunsen as an instructor, and in my opinion he is perfect for his role. He does a great job keeping the class engaged and he keeps the lectures interesting. First thing in the morning he would often share interesting/important news from the tech world. He also made it a point to tie in real-world examples to the things we learned in lecture. He worked with me outside class to guide me on a path towards my personal goals and I also saw him working with others in my cohort in a similar way.
The rest of the staff is great as well. If you’re talking to someone who works there, you know you’re talking to someone who believes in what they are doing. Everyone there is willing to put in time to help you personally succeed.
Another thing I value from Wyncode is their transparency, especially in terms of their hiring support. So far they’ve released a jobs report conducted by a third party agency for the past two years (I think they’re only one of four bootcamps in the US that do so). Miguel, the hiring director, is also very upfront about his expectations from you in your job search. He will do everything in his power to help you get a job, but he makes sure you know you have to put in the work as well. That’s something you should look for in a bootcamp, as you should never expect to be “guaranteed” a job.
As for me, my plan was to teach myself to code until I felt like I was ready, and then get whatever developer job I possibly could on my own. I have an engineering background and am a good self-learner, so I think I would have been able to do it, eventually. But with Wyncode, not only did I get a salary 25%-30% higher than I was expecting, but it was also at a great company working on a really interesting project. I even had a job lined up before I finished the program, as did two others in my cohort. If I had continued with the self-taught route, I would probably still be working at my old job with no end in sight.
If you’re thinking about attending Wyncode, first try to teach yourself online through codecademy, edX, coursera, etc. If you find that you still like programming after a few weeks, and you know that you can put in the work (I’d say 60+ hours a week to really get the most out of the program), Wyncode is a great choice for you.
How much does BrainStation cost?
BrainStation costs around $16,500. On the lower end, some BrainStation courses like Social Media Marketing Course cost $2,450.
What courses does BrainStation teach?
BrainStation offers courses like Artificial Intelligence Course Online, Data Analytics Course, Data Analytics Course Online, Data Science Bootcamp and 26 more.
Where does BrainStation have campuses?
BrainStation has in-person campuses in London, Miami, New York City, Toronto, and Vancouver. BrainStation also has a remote classroom so students can learn online.
Is BrainStation worth it?
BrainStation hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 2,322 BrainStation alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed BrainStation on Course Report - you should start there!
Is BrainStation legit?
We let alumni answer that question. 2,322 BrainStation alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed BrainStation and rate their overall experience a 4.66 out of 5.
Does BrainStation offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?
Right now, it doesn't look like BrainStation offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.
Can I read BrainStation reviews?
You can read 2,322 reviews of BrainStation on Course Report! BrainStation alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed BrainStation and rate their overall experience a 4.66 out of 5.
Is BrainStation accredited?
PBSS - New York, United States, CIE - Florida, United States, PCC - Ontario, Canada, PTIB - British Columbia, Canada
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