
Holberton School

Average Rating4.27
80 Reviews
5 Courses
Holberton School is a two-year software engineering school with campuses in San Juan, Bogotá, Medellin, Cali, Barranquilla, Montevideo, Lima, Quito, Beirut, Lille, Laval, Toulouse, and Tunis that trains individuals to become Full Stack Software Engineers. The school's mission is to train the next generation of software developers through 100% hands-on learning. The bootcamp is broken into three different components. Students complete the 9-month Foundations school the...
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80 Holberton School Reviews

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  • Tyler sheveas
    Tyler sheveas
    student • Applicant • Full-Stack | Project-based curriculum • San Francisco
    Feb 28, 2018
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    The worst admission process, I have tried. I thought it's a rumor that, schools and boot camps admit new students and drop them to keep their acceptance rate low. It helps their prestige. I have made several websites and have CS degree, in the admission process, they asked to make a simple website, which I did but they rejected my application. when I called and asked for feedback, they said they will look into my application and give me a feedback in few days. It has been 2 weeks and they ...

  • Nicholas Boutboul
    Nicholas Boutboul
    Student • Full-Stack | Project-based curriculum • San Francisco
    Feb 15, 2018
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    The best bootcamp you will ever find

    Holberton is simply the best school for learning how to learn. The approach they take to teach you is the right one. They don't hold your hand and they don't tell you what to do. You have to manage your own time and decide what you want to learn. They have their main curriculum you complete and mandatory exercises you have to do and from there the world is your oyster. There are many different ways to solve a problem and many different approaches, they will make you find the edge cases you...

  • Shannon Anderson-Cockern
    Shannon Anderson-Cockern
    Student • Full-Stack | Project-based curriculum • San Francisco
    Jan 19, 2018
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    Holberton School was a great choice!

    As a current student of Holberton School I can't rave enough about this place. The founders have established an almost perfect environment to learn how to be a software engineer. The school is located blocks away from Yahoo, Slack, LinkedIn, Salesforce, and many many more of some of the best tech companies. It truly feels like a tech startup when you enter the building with all types of seating/standing work spaces. Students have access to meeting rooms and plenty of whiteboards. I chose H...

  • Binita R
    Binita R
    Student • Full-Stack | Project-based curriculum • San Francisco
    Dec 23, 2017
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    Intensive and immersive

    It is NOT an exaggeration when they say the program is intensive. There are tons of materials to get through on a daily basis, and you have to put the time and effort to get the claimed results. It is a hands-on learning environment where you learn by doing rather than sitting in front of a lecturer and trying to retain that information. The curriculum is peer-learning based and there are no formal classrooms or teachers. You do have access to plenty of resources such as your p...

  • Dimitrios Philliou
    Dimitrios Philliou
    Budding Software Engineer • Student • Full-Stack | Project-based curriculum • San Francisco
    Dec 19, 2017
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    Zero Bang for a lot of Buck.

    When people complete the 9-month foundation it seems like ~60% of students get a job after teaching themselves everything they need to know and then searching for 3 months to 2 years, while the other ~40% goes back to working the same low-wage jobs that they worked before the program. These students are then told to pay up if they make over $40k/yr.

    In order to graduate you need to complete Year 2 or get a job as a Software Engineer. It seems like only a handful of people ever ev...


    Holberton School of Holberton School

    Community Manager

    Apr 19, 2021

    The BPPE and Attorney General have striked the accusations referred to in this review against Holberton School. Allegations around the Fraudulent license and false marketing have been addressed with the governing bodies and have been dropped.

    Read more: https://blog.holbertonschool.com/holberton-cleared-of-fraud-allegations-in-california/ 
  • Robert
    Student • Full-Stack | Project-based curriculum • San Francisco
    Dec 19, 2017
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    Holberton School is Great!

    The curriculum is amazing! I love how the school is all project-based, makes me learn the material better and faster. The staff is a little distant, but everything else is great! Would highly recommend attending here if you struggle with learning programming on your own.

  • Praylin
    Student • Full-Stack | Project-based curriculum • San Francisco
    Nov 03, 2017
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    Hands on experience and many more!!!

    By joining Holberton School as a student I learned how to learn by getting hands on experience through projects. The curriculam is prepared so that it makes the student to think algorithmically, even if he/she doesn't have a computer science background.

    Also, Holberton has mentors and instructors around the globe who are always ready to help. Mentors and cofounders help to find out successful job through connections.

  • Zee Adams
    Zee Adams
    Student • Full-Stack | Project-based curriculum • San Francisco
    Oct 14, 2017
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    Holberton School has been a revolutionary experience in my life. I have learnt so much and have been exposed to so many people from all walks of life. The mentorship and support that students receive is unmatched.

    You must be ready to make the change in your life and you must be willing to dedicate yourself to this program for the 2 years. This is especially true of the first year of schooling, before the internship. 

    If you are ready to take a chance on yourself and be...

  • Katya Kalache
    Katya Kalache
    Student • Student • Full-Stack | Project-based curriculum • San Francisco
    Sep 28, 2017
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    Learn how to code & how to learn.

    I love the Holberton school program for it's hands-on approach and project based curriculum. There is no theory and you start coding on day 0. What I find super valuable is that we touch a great variety of programming concepts. You start with low level language C and get familiar with Bash and then you move to higher level programming languages like Python and JavaScript. We also learn DevOps, setting up and managing our servers, deploying codes. As for a beginner like myself I find this e...

  • Julija Lee
    Julija Lee
    Student • Full-Stack | Project-based curriculum • San Francisco
    Sep 26, 2017
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    Why I chose Holberton

    I was a Tech Recruiter for 4 years before I decided to join Holberton. After getting BSCS  I went into recruiting but talking to engineers made me want to get back to it. I knew I probably forgot a lot from school and having no hands on experience wasn't going to help me get a job as engineer right away so I decided to sign up for one of many coding schools or bootcamps we have here in SF. I did quite a bit of research and I'm glad I chose Holberton. And here is why:

  • Sravanthi Sinha
    Sravanthi Sinha
    Student • Full-Stack | Project-based curriculum • San Francisco
    Sep 26, 2017
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    Hooked by the amazing program!

    Holberton School has an amazing vision of fixing the education system. Their curriculum gives you challenging projects that teach you how to fix problems and build software.There are no teachers at Holberton School and the program teaches you how to learn instead of focusing on one specific technology. That makes a huge difference in how we address the projects and how we learn from it. The school highly focuses on

  • Bilal Khan
    Bilal Khan
    Software Engineer • Student • Full-Stack | Project-based curriculum • San Francisco
    Sep 26, 2017
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    If you want to become a Full Stack Software Engineer, this is THE place

    I am a student at this school, and now just because of this school I am working for a big tech firm in the US. Their method of teaching is outstanding, and everyone at this school is super helpful. They don't only just make you a Software Engineer, but also give you full assistance to find a job. Looking back at the time I spent working with the school and on their projects, I would say it was all worth it, and all of that landed me a great job right in the middle of my program.


Holberton School Alumni Outcomes

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Holberton School Alumni Reviews Summary

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Accepts GI Bill
Yes Licensed in the state of CA by the BPPE. Licensed in the state of CT by OHE. No licensing requirements in Colombia.

How much does Holberton School cost?

The average bootcamp costs $14,142, but Holberton School does not share pricing information. You can read a cost-comparison of other popular bootcamps!

Where does Holberton School have campuses?

Holberton School has in-person campuses in Barranquilla, Beirut, Bogotá, Cali, Laval, Lille, Lima, Medellín, Montevideo, New Haven, Quito, San Juan, and Tunis.

Is Holberton School worth it?

Holberton School hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 80 Holberton School alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Holberton School on Course Report - you should start there!

Is Holberton School legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 80 Holberton School alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Holberton School and rate their overall experience a 4.27 out of 5.

Does Holberton School offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like Holberton School offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read Holberton School reviews?

You can read 80 reviews of Holberton School on Course Report! Holberton School alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Holberton School and rate their overall experience a 4.27 out of 5.

Is Holberton School accredited?

Yes Licensed in the state of CA by the BPPE. Licensed in the state of CT by OHE. No licensing requirements in Colombia.

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