
We Can Code IT

Average Rating4.64
81 Reviews
4 Courses
We Can Code IT (WCCI) is a tech training provider that offers a full stack software development bootcamp (22 weeks), a data analytics bootcamp (14 weeks), and a cybersecurity bootcamp (14 weeks) with physical campuses in Cleveland and Columbus, Ohio, and a virtual campus that spans nationwide. WCCI offers PreSkill, ReSkill, and UpSkill Programs. Their PreSkill program is offered in-person or remotely and is designed to bolster the confidence of less tech-savvy students in preparation for the bootcamp. The Reskill program includes the software development bootcamp, cybersecurity bootcamp, and data analytics bootcamp. The UpSkill program offers on advanced web and software courses to those with tech experience.    The Reskill program requires applicants have a bachelors degree, previoius experience or a job in tech, or attendance in another technology bootcamp.    We Can Code IT prepares students for technical careers with their Career Advancement program, which helps students with career development from day one.   Founded by award-winning, 25-year software engineering veteran Mel McGee, We Can Code IT's mission is to champion social equity through technology. Grants and scholarships are available to help pay for all WCCI programs.
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81 We Can Code IT Reviews

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  • Jordan Easter
    Jordan Easter
    Software engineer • Student • Part-time Java Remote Coding Bootcamp • Cleveland
    Verified by GitHub
    Aug 30, 2022
    Overall Experience
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    Very immersive and dedicated curriculum teaching the basics right off the bat, all the way to advanced in 6 months!

    This bootcamp taught me everything I needed to know on how to set up a development environment and workspace on almost any machine in the first few weeks of class! This proved valuable in many situations during and after bootcamp. We Can Code IT covered all of the basics of Java in about 6 months, this was necessary in job hunting which they also played a huge part in mentoring me and enabling me to secure employment within weeks of graduating! 

    Colleen of We Can Code IT

    Marketing Associate

    Aug 30, 2022

    Hi Jordan,

    We are proud of your accomplishments and thrilled to hear your bootcamp experience was worthwhile! Thank you for taking the time to leave this awesome review.
  • Charles Matthew Doan
    Charles Matthew Doan
    Software Engineer • Student • Java Full-stack Coding Bootcamp • Columbus
    Verified by GitHub
    Oct 16, 2021
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    Worth every penny

    I attended the Columbus campus in the Summer of 2019, shortly after deciding to leave a data science Bachelor's program at OSU.  This turned out to be a great decision.  This coding bootcamp delivered on everything it promised, and more.  I went in with a previous Bachelor's degree in computer science, so I wasn't new to programming.  However, I'd never programmed professionally before (spending 4 years in the Navy after college as an IT), so there was a ton to learn.  What impressed me ...
  • Adeline Davis
    Web Developer • Graduate • Java Part-Time Columbus • Columbus
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Jul 31, 2021
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    Good bang for your buck

    First of all, boot camp is only as good as you put into it.
    That being said, I found an amazing community of learners here at We Can Code It. I learned Java in the flex code program while also working full time. Then they helped me get my first development position.
    I realized that We Can Code It is a good basis for a developer position- I learned how to figure out logic and ways to work out technical problems along with the programming language its self.
    Really, if you want to ...
  • Jonelle Lancaster
    Jonelle Lancaster
    Software Developer • Graduate • Part-time Java Remote Coding Bootcamp • Columbus
    Verified by GitHub
    Jul 22, 2021
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    Software Development

    One of the best decisions I have made. I went to WCCI (fall 2019) and graduated December 2019. I was working as a software developer by February 2020 for an amazing startup in Columbus Ohio. I am so glad I made the change when I did. My previous industry was closed a majority of 2020 while, I was continuing to grow in my current role. I was able to work full time, during a pandemic, and have my children home with me. The education I received at WCCI was well rounded and gave me an amazin...

    Melanie McGee of We Can Code IT

    Founder and CEO

    Jul 22, 2021

    Thank you so much for your honest feedback and review! We strive to ensure that each and every student is successful and are so proud of you and your accomplishments!

    Remember, once you're a member of We Can Code IT, you're always a member. We can't wait to see what else you accomplish!

    All the best,
  • Josh Yang
    Josh Yang
    Software Developer • Graduate • C# .NET Full-stack Bootcamp • Cleveland
    Verified by GitHub
    Oct 02, 2020
    Overall Experience
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    If you want to jump into the world of coding, here's a great place to do it

    I started We Can Code IT knowing little to nothing about web development, coding, or networking. For me, jumping into the boot camp was a blind leap into the depths of the unknown. I made the decision to leave my safe and familiar customer service job to pursue a new path, and to date it has been the best decision I've ever made.

    We Can Code IT is surprisingly thoughtful. I expected a high intensity and moderately intimidating environment where the instructors and students were al...
  • Jessica Wright
    Jessica Wright
    Junior Software Developer • Graduate • Java Full-stack Coding Bootcamp • Columbus
    Verified by GitHub
    Oct 18, 2019
    Overall Experience
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    Do this thing now!

    I've been on the other side of the line, hungrily googling, "should I attend a coding bootcamp?" and reading every review I could get my hands on, looking for a review that says, "Yes. You should do this thing now." I didn't find that review, but I did find the courage to quit a successful career and jump into tech. And it paid off. And We Can Code IT made it happen for me. The class times were convenient. The instructors didn't teach me all I know, because that isn't possible. And frankly...

  • Izzy Elwyn
    Software Developer - Team Lead • Graduate • Part-time Java Remote Coding Bootcamp • Columbus
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Oct 12, 2019
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    A Life Changing Experience

    When I came to WeCanCodeIT, I was at a crossroads in my life. 
    I'd been working in a low-level tech job for a couple years, but knew I wanted to get into development at some point. I started looking around at local bootcamps and really connected with WCCI's mission to help diversify tech. I went to one of their information sessions and met some of their staff and was struck immediately by how much they cared for their students (both present, and past). 
    I seriously can't say enou...

  • Jon Cunicella
    Graduate • JavaScript In-Person Coding Bootcamp • Columbus
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Sep 26, 2019
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    I had an amazing experience at We Can Code It. I did the in-person, 14 week, full-stack web development course. It was a challenging but very rewarding experience where I was able to collaborate on a wide variety of projects with other students learning to code. I met some really great people through We Can Code It and I would highly reccommend it to anybody that is looking to get into the tech industry. 

  • Lisa
    eLearning Developer • Graduate • Part-time Java Remote Coding Bootcamp • Columbus
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Jan 21, 2019
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    FlexCode Rocks!

    I attended We Can Code IT's FlexCode program after trying to teach myself to code (and then being unsatisfied with my progress). The FlexCode program let me learn at my own pace with modules done on my own time online, and meet with classmates and the instructor every other weekend. It really was the best of both worlds! Working on a team for our final project taught me teamwork and reinforced good source control practices, too. I studied and worked on projects while taking care of my kids...

  • Siddiqa
    Software Engineer • Graduate • Part-time Java Remote Coding Bootcamp • Columbus
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Nov 06, 2018
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    FlexCode Summer 2018

    I pondered attending a bootcamp for a very long time and after attending an orientation session at We Can Code IT, I made up my mind. I initially joined the part time program, which was switched to the FlexCode Hybrid Program. That switch was a lifesaver. The coursework was rigorous, and I have no idea how I would have been able to attend classes in the evenings during the work week while working full time and caring for a baby. The cohort was the first to go through the flexcode program a...

  • Susan
    Software Engineer • Graduate • Java Full-stack Coding Bootcamp • Columbus
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Oct 10, 2018
    Overall Experience
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    Software Development Apprentice

    My experience was positive overall, and I graduated with a full-time job as a Software Engineer. There were 20 people in my cohort when the program started and 19 graduated. It was diverse group of students in terms of professional backgrounds, but I was one of only four women when the program concluded. I chose We Can Code IT because its mission of “Equity through technology” aligned with my values. I think it would be nice to have a presentation about the need for diversity and inclusion...

  • Cindy Colucy
    Cindy Colucy
    Software Engineer • Graduate • Java Full-stack Coding Bootcamp • Columbus
    Verified by GitHub
    Oct 09, 2017
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Glad I Did It

    We Can Code IT was a chance I am glad I took. It was definitely intense and all the advice recommending to put your life on hold for the 12 weeks is definitely on point. It's a wild ride but for me it paid off.




We Can Code IT Alumni Outcomes

Recent We Can Code IT News

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Updated October 21, 2020
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Imogen Crispe
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Lauren Stewart
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Lauren Stewart
Updated December 30, 2016
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Lauren Stewart
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Updated November 02, 2016
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We Can Code IT Alumni Reviews Summary

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We Can Code IT is approved by the Ohio State Board of Career Colleges and Schools. Registration No. 15-03-2064T (Cleveland) and 15-03-2100T (Columbus).

How much does We Can Code IT cost?

We Can Code IT costs around $15,900. On the lower end, some We Can Code IT courses like Microcredential Courses cost $3,000.

What courses does We Can Code IT teach?

We Can Code IT offers courses like Cybersecurity Analyst Bootcamp, Data Analyst Bootcamp, Full-Stack Java Coding Bootcamp, Microcredential Courses.

Where does We Can Code IT have campuses?

We Can Code IT has in-person campuses in Akron, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Detroit, and Pittsburgh.

Is We Can Code IT worth it?

We Can Code IT hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 81 We Can Code IT alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed We Can Code IT on Course Report - you should start there!

Is We Can Code IT legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 81 We Can Code IT alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed We Can Code IT and rate their overall experience a 4.64 out of 5.

Does We Can Code IT offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Yes, We Can Code IT accepts the GI Bill!

Can I read We Can Code IT reviews?

You can read 81 reviews of We Can Code IT on Course Report! We Can Code IT alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed We Can Code IT and rate their overall experience a 4.64 out of 5.

Is We Can Code IT accredited?

We Can Code IT is approved by the Ohio State Board of Career Colleges and Schools. Registration No. 15-03-2064T (Cleveland) and 15-03-2100T (Columbus).

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