
Bloom Institute of Technology

Average Rating4.28
128 Reviews
3 Courses

Bloom Institute of Technology is an online coding bootcamp that trains people to become software engineers, data scientists, or back end developers at no up-front cost. The computer science academy offers full-time, 6-month programs for Web Development and Data Science, and a 9-month program for Backend Development, which is jointly developed by BloomTech and Amazon. Throughout the rigorous programs, students will demonstrate mastery of core front end and back end technologies as well as computer science fundamentals. Remote classes are live and interactive, and include one-on-one help, professional mentorship, opportunities to build real products, and frequent code reviews. The school also helps students find employment by providing interview preparation, portfolio review, effective resume writing tips, and salary negotiation practice. Students graduate with 900+ hours of hands-on technical experience for Web Development and Data Science, and with over 1,400 hours of hands-on coding experience for Backend Development. 

BloomTech's mission is to "remove every possible barrier to a world-class education and become the best place in the world to launch a new career." To fulfill this mission, they offer a deferred tuition model, so students only pay a percentage of income after they accept a job, and only if they're making at least $50k per year. Other tuition options include tuition installments and discounted upfront tuition.

During the application process, prospective students must complete the precourse work or entrance tests as well as provide a high school diploma, GED certificate, or college transcript.

Bloom Institute of Technology was formerly known as Lambda School.  

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128 Bloom Institute of Technology Reviews

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  • Justin Rigler
    Software Engineer • Graduate • Full Stack Web Development • Online
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    Nov 06, 2018
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    It really works

    Hi prospective programmer,

    I imagine right now that you're in a similar position that I was in about a year ago. You have a passion for programming and have heard about the industry breaking down walls of entry. So you gave it a honest shot, but quickly realized it's still pretty difficult to break in. They want you to know technologies you've never heard of, to have experience doing things (pair programming, agile, etc.) you couldn't possibly have without being on a team already...

  • Clara Andrew-Wani
    Clara Andrew-Wani
    Associate Software Engineer • Graduate • Full Stack Web Development • Online
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    Nov 01, 2018
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    Lambda worked for me! I ended up with a really great job as a software engineer.

    Like most people that end up at Lambda I stumbled on to coding and found myself really liking it. So I learned as much as I could using free tools before I decided to find a structured program. I know for a lot of programs the financial requirements have changed since Lambda’s popularity but when I was looking Lambda was one of the few programs that didn’t ask for anything upfront. Nada. So I said what the heck, worst case scenario I drop out and waste a couple of months and be...

  • Anne Courtney
    Web Developer • Graduate • Full-Stack Web Development (Full-Time) • Online
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    Aug 29, 2018
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    I started Lambda with very little development knowledge (some html and css) and got a job 2 weeks before even completing the program. The course was very challenging for me but an overall success because it got me to where I wanted to be.. hired! The remote setting can be difficult if you are easily distracted, but is great for those who feel most comfortable learning from their homes. The diverse coursework was a selling point for me as well as the option to do the ISA agreement. 

  • Joshua Hall
    Full Stack Software Developer • Graduate • Full Stack Web Development • Online
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    Aug 21, 2018
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    Lambda Works!

    Lambda was first introduced to me via an add on Facebook. It was advertised as a Software Engineering program that requires no payment if you don't find a job in the field paying an annual salary of fifty thousand dollars or more. With a strong background in troubleshooting electronics and a deep desire to learn how to code, I couldn't pass up the opportunity. Being a skeptic, I dug up as much information about the program as I could to see if any scam reports were made or any concerns of ...

  • William Pelton
    William Pelton
    Front-End Developer • Graduate • Full-Stack Web Development (Full-Time) • Online
    Verified by GitHub
    Aug 16, 2018
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    Barista to Dev in Six Months

      After over a decade in food service, I decided to pick my high school hobby of programming back up. I approached it the same way I had as a teenager - tinkering, breaking things, making toy programs that solved a tiny problem in a really inefficient way. Just a hobby really. The difference was that now I had a wife and a kid, and this kind of hobby, while intellectually fulfilling, wasn't going to magically pay the bills. Going back to college for years just to accrue massive debt wasn't...

  • Aaron Burk
    Aaron Burk
    Full Stack Engineer • Graduate • Full-Stack Web Development (Full-Time) • Online
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    Aug 14, 2018
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    Lambda works, even for old farts like me.

    I am 45, 46. About a year ago, I lost my job. I had a mountain of debt, I hated my career track, I had no retirement savings, etc. And I wasn't sure where to turn.    I knew I liked computers and believed that I could get a career going in computers if I could only get the right chance.    I got on unemployment...
  • Dylan Scheidt
    Dylan Scheidt
    Lead React Developer • Graduate • Full-Stack Web Development (Full-Time) • Online
    Verified by GitHub
    May 30, 2018
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    My Thoughts

    I was lucky to be accepted to the second cohort of Lambda School’s computer science program.  Before I joined I spent months researching coding bootcamps and none of them were feasible for me at the time.  In addition, many of them appeared to lack core fundamental principles of programming and were bolstered up by inflated statistics.  When I found out about Lambda School it seemed too good to be true, but with the school taking on much of the risk I decided to take a leap of faith.  Now,...

  • Jake Cooley
    Software Developer • Graduate • Full-Stack Web Development (Full-Time) • Online
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    May 23, 2018
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    Amazing Opportunity

    I took a chance on a school that promised a lot and delivered more than I ever thought possible.

    I graduated in the first Lambda School Cohort back in January of 2018. I was quickly set up with a job at a startup company in SF. I was worried about what would be expect of me from a small company and most of my knowledge coming from a 6-month boot camp. What I didn't realize at the time was that not only was I taught the fundamentals of what a software developer needs to code but how...

  • Joram Clervius
    Senior Software Engineer • Graduate • Full Stack Web Development • Online
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    May 08, 2018
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    The Best Decision of my Life

    As a graduate of one of Lambda School's earlier cohorts, I still have access to the school's internal messaging platform with all the current students and teachers. Lambda School continues to get better, and for me, it was already the best. Today I am a Senior Software Engineer earning the highest salary I've ever earned in my life, and Lambda School is the only Computer Science education I've ever had.

    Before I applied to Lambda School, I looked into another program local to me. T...

  • Lois Truby
    Lois Truby
    Graduate • Full-Stack Web Development (Full-Time) • Online
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    May 07, 2018
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    My honest review: pros and cons

    I graduated from Lambda School’s first full-time computer science class back in January.  I didn’t have much coding experience when I started and it was really hard but I enjoyed the program and feel that I learned a lot.  There are were a few things that I did not like about it, though.  I was in the first class, however, and I know that things have changed since I started in July 2017, but I can only speak to my experience. 


    - Their free mini bootcamps are great (th...

  • Tyler Sanford
    Software Engineer • Graduate • Full Stack Web Development • Online
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    May 04, 2018
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    Recent Lambda School Grad

    In my previous field, I was a top performer, but having bills and kids, my 18/hour job wasn't cutting it. I wasn't living very happilly when every paycheck was taken away for bills. I never quite had enough to do anything for myself. I had been programming since my teens as a hobby, and I decided it was time to persue my passion.

    After being accepted to 3 other coding bootcamps, but unable to afford the outrageous down payment of up to $15,000, I came across Lambda School. I was sc...

  • Antonio Melendez
    Software Engineer • Graduate • Online
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    May 04, 2018
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    Changed my life

    I took a gamble on Lambda. I was going to school for CS. Had 2 children and working for full time making $18 a hour wasn’t cutting it. I need to accelerate my track to becoming a Software Engineer. I went to Lambda learned skills the industry wanted and landed a job as a Software Engineer making a great salary. Thank you Lambda.


Bloom Institute of Technology Alumni Outcomes

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Bloom Institute of Technology Alumni Reviews Summary

Based on 120+ Bloom Institute of Technology alumni reviews on Course Report, reviewers especially enjoyed the Full Stack Web Development and Data Science courses. Key strengths highlighted are the in-depth curriculum, strong job assistance, and flexible learning options. One reviewer stated, "I was really happy with the instructors, curriculum, and support team." A contrasting point, however, is that some students found the program demanding and challenging, especially for those without prior tech background.
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Includes Housing
Offers Corporate Training
Accepts GI Bill
Recent Bloom Institute of Technology News

How much does Bloom Institute of Technology cost?

Bloom Institute of Technology costs around $21,950.

What courses does Bloom Institute of Technology teach?

Bloom Institute of Technology offers courses like Backend Development, Data Science, Full Stack Web Development .

Where does Bloom Institute of Technology have campuses?

Bloom Institute of Technology teaches students Online in a remote classroom.

Is Bloom Institute of Technology worth it?

Bloom Institute of Technology hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 128 Bloom Institute of Technology alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Bloom Institute of Technology on Course Report - you should start there!

Is Bloom Institute of Technology legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 128 Bloom Institute of Technology alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Bloom Institute of Technology and rate their overall experience a 4.28 out of 5.

Does Bloom Institute of Technology offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like Bloom Institute of Technology offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read Bloom Institute of Technology reviews?

You can read 128 reviews of Bloom Institute of Technology on Course Report! Bloom Institute of Technology alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Bloom Institute of Technology and rate their overall experience a 4.28 out of 5.

Is Bloom Institute of Technology accredited?

While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. Bloom Institute of Technology doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.

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