
Bloom Institute of Technology

Average Rating4.28
128 Reviews
3 Courses
Bloom Institute of Technology is an online coding bootcamp that trains people to become software engineers, data scientists, or back end developers at no up-front cost. The computer science academy offers full-time, 6-month programs for Web Development and Data Science, and a 9-month program for Backend Development, which is jointly developed by BloomTech and Amazon. Throughout the rigorous programs, students will demonstrate mastery of core front end and back end tec...
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128 Bloom Institute of Technology Reviews

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  • Catherine
    Student • Full-Stack Web Development (Part-Time) • Online
    Verified by GitHub
    Dec 01, 2020
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    All the 5* reviews are expired

     Lambda has changed how things are done!
    All the reviews here prior to 10/2020 are for something far different then the current set up. 
    I think it is important to understand how drastically the changes have devalue Lambda for myself and others.  
    When I started Lambda my schedule for each sprint looked like so:
    • 1 Hour of ‘fluff’ Career Readiness
    • 8 hours guided projects / instruction ...
  • Samuel Rowan
    Samuel Rowan
    Student • Full Stack Web Development • Online
    Verified by GitHub
    Nov 22, 2020
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    Once great but lost its support structure due to greed

    If you would have asked me about the school before the overhaul I would have rated it highly and recommended it.  Once you had TLs and a small group of 10 or fewer students that would help you along the way and could help push you and give you tips etc. Now they don't have TLs or TL groups at all.  You are pretty much left to go at it on your own and good luck if you need any help with anything.  Save yourself some money and go through a couple Udemy courses or maybe Zero To Mastery or s...
  • John Michaels
    John Michaels
    Student • Full-Stack Web Development (Full-Time) • Online
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    Oct 19, 2020
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    Mediocre Before, Terrible Now

    The course was questionable to begin with. This is a bootcamp who produced web developers - their "training kit" was nothing more than a semi-organized dump of YouTube videos and links to free third-party resources. Nearly every instructor would say, at some point during their class, "You should really take this Udemy course to really understand the material." And it's true - there was simply no time, in the complete disorganization of the course, to dig deep into topics. It was just use...
  • Mountain Scott
    Lifelong Student • Student • Data Science • Online
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    Mar 12, 2020
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    Data Science Programs Needs Checks and Balances

    Before you continue reading I must state that one should be suspicious of the predominantly positive ratings about Lambda School on this platform because it is biased towards individuals asked to complete reviews after finding employment.  People who have bad experiences may not even bother finding review sites like these and posting on them.  Also, I can assure you that the signals of the internal level of satisfaction with Lambda from students (based on comments by students within the ...
  • Benjamin Wilson
    Software Engineer • Student • Full-Stack Web Development (Part-Time) • Online
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    Feb 08, 2020
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    The hardest good decision I ever made

    I was highly skeptical with the program in the ads. It seemed too good to be true. After enough nagging from my friend who is a designer, I started to look deeper into it, and eventually applied.

    I started classes in March of last year. I had just lost my house in my divorce. I was living with my grandma, sharing a room with my son. I started my classes on an old laptop I got from a pawn shop in my bed.

    I was a single dad who woke up at 4am every day. I'd take my son to his...
  • Clint Kunz
    Software Engineer • Graduate • Full-Stack Web Development (Full-Time) • Online
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    Feb 08, 2020
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    Even better than I hoped for!

    Lambda School was by far the best educational experience I've had to date. It's remote, but it doesn't feel like it because you are constantly live chatting with instructors, team leads, and other classmates. I was not familiar with programming going into Lambda School, and I came out with enough knowledge and project experience to have a signed offer before I completed the program--the caveat there, is that I worked as a team lead for Lambda for almost four months during the middle of m...
  • Moses Robinson
    Moses Robinson
    iOS Engineer, Automation • Graduate • Online
    Verified by GitHub
    Aug 20, 2019
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    I was skeptical, but TRUST ME IT WAS WORTH IT!

    I accepted an offer! I have officially increased my salary over 3x! It still doesn’t feel real.

    I used to make 30k a year and now I’ll be making over 100k! I have to say THANK YOU LAMBDA SCHOOL. THANK YOU from the deepest part of my heart. Without your vision, this wouldn’t have been possible. You’ve made a dream of mine a possibility. I was a first generation university graduate with a communications degree, and guess what? Never used it. Could be partly m...
  • Carlos Lantigua
    Software Developer • Full-Stack Web Development (Full-Time) • Online
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    Aug 18, 2019
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    Extremely challenging and worth every minute..

    Like many others, I've researched a lot of code schools for cost and remote options. I've looked over hundreds of reviews, youtube videos, articles and it was really difficult to choose. I actually was accepted into General Assembly and two others before I even thought about Lambda. I had a friend who graduated from there tell me that it was the best option to get me where I wanted to be so I declined the other schools and applied for Lambda. I'm going to split this in this sections in cas...

  • Tommy
    Frontend Engineer • Full-Stack Web Development (Full-Time) • Online
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    Aug 17, 2019
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    Landed a job at a FANG company!

    Attending Lambda School is the best decision I have ever made in my life. Their cirriculum is well organized and relevant to the skills companies are looking for today. Their careers team is the best in the business. They find students a lot of companies to interview for. I've got friends who have gone through other bootcamps and they don't have any career help at all.

    Going through Lambda School helped me land a job at Amazon making way more than I thought I'd make for my first ...

  • Mckay Wrigley
    Graduate • Full-Stack Web Development (Full-Time) • Online
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    Aug 12, 2019
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    Best Decision of My Life

    Lambda School changed my life. 

    Before Lambda, I was a disgruntled college student that was really struggling with finding something that I loved doing that could also be a viable career option. I decided to learn to code, did some research on code schools, and finally made the decision to go ahead with Lambda.

    I can't tell you how glad I am that I made that choice.

    I've landed my dream job a month before I even completed the program. I literally couldn't draw...

  • Thomas
    Software Engineer • Graduate • Full Stack Web Development • Online
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    Aug 12, 2019
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    Lambda Students -> Software Engineer

    I can't even begin to explain how amazing my time at Lambda School has been. I came in to Lambda with 0 relevant CS work experience. I had been working as a welder for a hand full of years and I always knew that I wanted to find something that I actually LOVED. The curriculum is A+, the ISA is awesome, all of that is true, but the best part about Lambda is the COMMUNITY!! Theres ALWAYS someone on to help. Theres always a hand to pull you up. There are THOUSANDS of Lambda Students eager to ...

  • Justin Kaseman
    Software Engineer • Graduate • Full-Stack Web Development (Full-Time) • Online
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    Jan 31, 2019
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    Doubled my income doing something I love

    Within 6 months of graduating from college and moving to the San Fransisco Bay Area, the place I was born and raised, I came to the dreaded realization that I wouldn't be able to support myself financially. I was working 50+ hour weeks in a career path that I was quickly losing interest in.                                   

    *queue quarter life crisis*

    Coming into my career change I had barely any programming experience. The most I knew about computers was that there wa...


Bloom Institute of Technology Alumni Outcomes

Recent Bloom Institute of Technology News

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Bloom Institute of Technology Alumni Reviews Summary

Based on 120+ Bloom Institute of Technology alumni reviews on Course Report, reviewers especially enjoyed the Full Stack Web Development and Data Science courses. Key strengths highlighted are the in-depth curriculum, strong job assistance, and flexible learning options. One reviewer stated, "I was really happy with the instructors, curriculum, and support team." A contrasting point, however, is that some students found the program demanding and challenging, especially for those without prior tech background.
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Guarantees Job
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Includes Housing
Offers Corporate Training
Accepts GI Bill
Recent Bloom Institute of Technology News

How much does Bloom Institute of Technology cost?

Bloom Institute of Technology costs around $21,950.

What courses does Bloom Institute of Technology teach?

Bloom Institute of Technology offers courses like Backend Development, Data Science, Full Stack Web Development .

Where does Bloom Institute of Technology have campuses?

Bloom Institute of Technology teaches students Online in a remote classroom.

Is Bloom Institute of Technology worth it?

Bloom Institute of Technology hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 128 Bloom Institute of Technology alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Bloom Institute of Technology on Course Report - you should start there!

Is Bloom Institute of Technology legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 128 Bloom Institute of Technology alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Bloom Institute of Technology and rate their overall experience a 4.28 out of 5.

Does Bloom Institute of Technology offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like Bloom Institute of Technology offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read Bloom Institute of Technology reviews?

You can read 128 reviews of Bloom Institute of Technology on Course Report! Bloom Institute of Technology alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Bloom Institute of Technology and rate their overall experience a 4.28 out of 5.

Is Bloom Institute of Technology accredited?

While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. Bloom Institute of Technology doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.

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