
Bloom Institute of Technology

Average Rating4.28
128 Reviews
3 Courses

Bloom Institute of Technology is an online coding bootcamp that trains people to become software engineers, data scientists, or back end developers at no up-front cost. The computer science academy offers full-time, 6-month programs for Web Development and Data Science, and a 9-month program for Backend Development, which is jointly developed by BloomTech and Amazon. Throughout the rigorous programs, students will demonstrate mastery of core front end and back end technologies as well as computer science fundamentals. Remote classes are live and interactive, and include one-on-one help, professional mentorship, opportunities to build real products, and frequent code reviews. The school also helps students find employment by providing interview preparation, portfolio review, effective resume writing tips, and salary negotiation practice. Students graduate with 900+ hours of hands-on technical experience for Web Development and Data Science, and with over 1,400 hours of hands-on coding experience for Backend Development. 

BloomTech's mission is to "remove every possible barrier to a world-class education and become the best place in the world to launch a new career." To fulfill this mission, they offer a deferred tuition model, so students only pay a percentage of income after they accept a job, and only if they're making at least $50k per year. Other tuition options include tuition installments and discounted upfront tuition.

During the application process, prospective students must complete the precourse work or entrance tests as well as provide a high school diploma, GED certificate, or college transcript.

Bloom Institute of Technology was formerly known as Lambda School.  

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128 Bloom Institute of Technology Reviews

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  • Paige M Reece
    Paige M Reece
    Single mom of 4 • Student • Full Stack Web Development • Online
    Verified by GitHub
    Feb 28, 2024
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    Absolutely have learned so much thus far

    This school is laid out perfectly not to mention it offers every possible technique there is to learn each topic. The adviser's check on you. Because they care the adviser are amazing in most immediately schedule a Zoom call if you're having trouble. If you're stuck, they will make you a priority. You can go to classes. You can go to study groups. It's amazing. I wouldn't have it any other way by far. It beats my other Past experiences when I got both of my Prior bachelor degrees.
  • Robert Lawlor
    Robert Lawlor
    HVAC / Indie Game Developer / Data Scientist • Student • Data Science • Online
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    Dec 17, 2023
    Overall Experience
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    Full of great knowledge and teachers

    Since joining Bloom Institute of Technology about seven months ago I feel that I have gained true industry experience. I feel confident that I am already gaining skills which tech companies in my area and many others find essential. This program has helped me to feel as though I'm actually going to be ready be the time I finish. I've already been reaching out to recruiters and networking as was recommended many sprints ago. I'm not even halfway through the course yet and I've gained so m...
  • Trenton Cooper
    Real Estate Agent • Student • Data Science • Online
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    Dec 14, 2023
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    Flexible, Available & Supportive!

    The curriculum at BloomTech was thoughtfully designed, striking the perfect balance between theoretical foundations and practical application. Each module built upon the previous one, gradually equipping me with the tools and skills I needed to tackle real-world data challenges. The projects were particularly engaging, ranging from analyzing movie ratings to predicting customer churn. I loved the hands-on approach, where I could test my newly acquired skills on actual data sets.
  • Marie Daike
    Student • Full Stack Web Development • Online
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    Jun 24, 2023
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    Best BootCamp Ever

    I even am trying to get my sister to sign up. She just started the 3 week trial. I'm just so excited about this program I had to share it with her to change her life like it is changing mine! I've learned so much and I am so pleased with the teaching methods and the community engagement. 100% would recommend to anyone interested in getting into tech.
  • Eralp Kor
    Hardware Engineer • Graduate • Full Stack Web Development • Online
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    Mar 28, 2023
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Not good

    You can literally learn everything they teach from Udemy courses. Job replacement is very poor. Their interview staff thinks that real life experience depends on your tech knowledge not personality. Are you kidding me?
     I've been in tech industry for 20 years but never learned to code though.
    So I wanted to make some changes and went to Lambda School, now it's Bloom Tech. After I graduated, start to look for software engineering jobs for the last 3 years. I didn't even get an inter...
  • Temsy Chen
    Data Engineer • Graduate • Data Science • Online
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    Nov 22, 2021
    Overall Experience
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    Data Engineer

    My experience with BloomTech (FKA Lambda School) went above and beyond my expectations. I was switching careers and had no math or coding background. I didn't want to go into debt for a graduate degree, and a $15k 3-month boot camp seemed risky. I chose BloomTech because of their no-tuition-up-front ISA, and the 12-month part-time curriculum was the right amount of time for me (that program is on pause, currently only full-time is offered). 

    The school went through some changes th...
  • Miguel Diaz
    Software Engineer • Graduate • Full-Stack Web Development (Part-Time) • Online
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    Oct 23, 2021
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    Job Assistance

    Great experience when I started, but hear they changed direction.

    When I first started, we had TL's with weekly stand-ups, code reviews, and a sense of a cohort team vibe. It was great, but I hear the new direction they are taking has gone away with those things, which is what really made my experience memorable.

    They do have a good curriculum, and job assistance, along with preparation for tech interviews. My resume for sure would not be as good as it is today without their assistance. I still keep in touch with some of my cohort since we devel...
  • Kyle
    Web Developer • Student • Full-Stack Web Development (Part-Time) • Online
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    Oct 21, 2021
    Overall Experience
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    Exceptional In-depth Full Stack Bootcamp

    Like any school what you get out of it is what you put in. That being said, I was really happy with the instructors, curriculum, and support team. I was able to land a non-developer role in a tech company within only 3 months of starting the part-time course. Then when I graduated my company offered me a full-time dev role. I had always worked hourly jobs in the past and didn't have any history in tech except for a few self-taught studies that I had done online. I was in a really tough f...
  • Ash Tilawat
    Ash Tilawat
    Graduate • Full-Stack Web Development (Full-Time) • Online
    Verified by GitHub
    Oct 18, 2021
    Overall Experience
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    Full Stack Web Developer

    I joined Lambda School after doing extensive research on bootcamps and listening to its founder on multiple podcasts. I had zero coding experience, and I had never coded anything before.  From day 1, I was dedicated to fully immersing myself in the course material, guided projects, and the huge network on Slack. I am an active learner, and I found Lambda to be challenging, yet super rewarding. I felt the more time I put into learning, connecting, and practicing the more ...
  • Isaac Pak
    Isaac Pak
    Software Developer • Full-Stack Web Development (Full-Time) • Online
    Verified by GitHub
    Oct 18, 2021
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Highly Recommended!

    I started Lambdaschool at the beginning of 2021 full time.  I have had several years prior knowledge of web development through self study but I wanted help in finding work and also to fill in any gaps of knowledge.  I researched several schools prior and wanted to a school that passed my requirements.  The curriculum is everything I expected it to be and more.  I know what the core elements are for a web developer to have experience in and they teach all of it.  They have some excellent...
  • Kevin Stewart
    iOS Mobile Software Developer • Student • iOS Development • Online
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    Sep 30, 2021
    Overall Experience
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    iOS Mobile Software Development

    When I decided I wanted to make a career change I wasn't sure where to start. I found Lambda and was initially interested trying due to their ISA agreement. It helped me go through school without paying a dime until I had a job of at least $50,000. After enrolling, I was nervous on not having any experience at all and was afraid the learning curve would be too extreme. Fortunately, the instructors, TL's, and fellow students were more than amazing and always willing to help! Not only just...
  • Erica Ingram
    software engineer I • Graduate • Full-Stack Web Development (Full-Time) • Online
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    Aug 26, 2021
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    court transcriber to software engineer I

    No college degree, attended school from October 2019 to July 2020, first tech job started in October 2020, been there ever since.  I make six figures, and the school helped me negotiate an extra 20k onto my salary.  I had run a court transcription business for over a decade prior to that, still do a little bit on my off time, and so I hadn't looked for a job in over 15 years.  They helped me extensively with the job search.  
    I liked the classes; they were pretty fast paced.  But whil...

Bloom Institute of Technology Alumni Outcomes

Recent Bloom Institute of Technology News

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Bloom Institute of Technology Alumni Reviews Summary

Based on 120+ Bloom Institute of Technology alumni reviews on Course Report, reviewers especially enjoyed the Full Stack Web Development and Data Science courses. Key strengths highlighted are the in-depth curriculum, strong job assistance, and flexible learning options. One reviewer stated, "I was really happy with the instructors, curriculum, and support team." A contrasting point, however, is that some students found the program demanding and challenging, especially for those without prior tech background.
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Includes Housing
Offers Corporate Training
Accepts GI Bill
Recent Bloom Institute of Technology News

How much does Bloom Institute of Technology cost?

Bloom Institute of Technology costs around $21,950.

What courses does Bloom Institute of Technology teach?

Bloom Institute of Technology offers courses like Backend Development, Data Science, Full Stack Web Development .

Where does Bloom Institute of Technology have campuses?

Bloom Institute of Technology teaches students Online in a remote classroom.

Is Bloom Institute of Technology worth it?

Bloom Institute of Technology hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 128 Bloom Institute of Technology alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Bloom Institute of Technology on Course Report - you should start there!

Is Bloom Institute of Technology legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 128 Bloom Institute of Technology alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Bloom Institute of Technology and rate their overall experience a 4.28 out of 5.

Does Bloom Institute of Technology offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like Bloom Institute of Technology offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read Bloom Institute of Technology reviews?

You can read 128 reviews of Bloom Institute of Technology on Course Report! Bloom Institute of Technology alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Bloom Institute of Technology and rate their overall experience a 4.28 out of 5.

Is Bloom Institute of Technology accredited?

While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. Bloom Institute of Technology doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.

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