

Average Rating4.92
252 Reviews
4 Courses

TrueCoders is a full-stack software development Bootcamp that offers an intensive full-time 45-week schedule or a self-paced schedule. The full-time 45-week schedule is a live online course, while the self-paced version allows students the ability to take the course when it is convenient for them. The self-paced schedule is a great option for students who need to retain their full-time jobs but still want a career change. Students of either schedule have the ability to receive unlimited one-on-one support from instructors and career services. 

TrueCoders offers 2 different courses: Full-Stack Software Engineering and Full-Stack Web Development. The software engineering course covers C#, .NET Core, the ASP.NET MVC framework, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, relational databases like SQL, WebKit-based debuggers, and basic working knowledge of networking and file permissions. The web development course covers, Node.JS, Express.JS, React.JS, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, relational databases like SQL, hosting web applications using Heroku and GitHub pages, FlexBox design, and Webpack bundling. TrueCoders also specializes in source control and students will receive in-depth instruction on git CLI and GitHub in either class. 

TrueCoders aims to provide new coders with the tools needed to find a position in the digital job market including marketable skills, career navigation, and a support community. TrueCoders is meant for career switchers and those with no prior programming experience who wish to enter the tech industry. The application process for both classes begins by scheduling an interview online. A member of their staff will soon follow up with a call. 

Before graduation, TrueCoders prepares their students for the job market by improving their resumes, helping them create networking opportunities, and hosting practice interviews. TrueCoders also focuses on communication skills and teaches students how to leverage connections they may have in the tech industry (including fellow students). After graduation, the TrueCoders placement team works with graduates to make introductions, set up interviews, coaching before interviews sending out job applications.

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252 TrueCoders Reviews

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  • Michael Cowell
    Michael Cowell
    Graduate • Live - Full Stack Software Engineering Bootcamp • Online
    Verified by GitHub
    Dec 07, 2022
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    Great Course

    I signed up for the Full Stack C# bootcamp after two family members successfully found satisfying, high paying jobs after taking it. The instructors were great, informed and available to help for the full length of the course. Alumni hang out in the discord taking time out to help anyone who needs to, or they become TAs that help in class. All and all if you have the time and determination to learn coding this will course will get you there.
  • Aiden Watson-Knight
    Aiden Watson-Knight
    Student • Live - Full Stack Software Engineering Bootcamp • Online
    Verified by GitHub
    Nov 07, 2022
    Overall Experience
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    Amazing camp!

    This is an amazing Bootcamp! I took the full-stack software engineering course and they taught me everything I need to know about software engineering and how to get a job! I would highly recommend this course to others.
  • Gary Li
    Gary Li
    Graduate • Live - Full Stack Software Engineering Bootcamp • Online
    Verified by GitHub
    Nov 03, 2022
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Great Bootcamp

    Before I joined TrueCoders, I was browsing different bootcamps without really finding one that fit what I was looking for. I was calling and contacting every bootcamp that I found to find if it was the right fit for me. When I called and was contacted by Cruz, he answered all my questions and was really supportive in finding the right fit. That's when I decided to join TrueCoders. The bootcamp really taught me a lot being a developer while pushing me to learn a lot in a short period. 
  • Kael Renaud
    Kael Renaud
    Software Engineer - Full Stacked Developer • Graduate • Live - Full Stack Software Engineering Bootcamp • Online
    Verified by GitHub
    Nov 03, 2022
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Wonderful Course!!!

    The TrueCoders experience is truly incredible. It is by far the best programming course I have ever taken! After nine weeks of helpful Instructors/TA's, excellent course material, and hard work, it is no joke that I am already making websites and much more! The job help in this course is amazing. No other course that I have heard of has what Denise(Director of Career Services) has to offer... I'm serious! Thank you, John, Michael, Cruz, Miah, Andrea, Morgan, Denise, and Monica for all of...
  • Jacob Phillips
    Jacob Phillips
    Graduate • Live - Full Stack Software Engineering Bootcamp • Online
    Verified by GitHub
    Nov 02, 2022
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Fantastic Bootcamp!

    I took the Full-Stack Software Engineering Day Course, and I am amazed at how much we learned in only 9 weeks. TrueCoders was definitely worth the time and money. I am walking away with the confidence that I can go get a job as a Software Engineer. You will need to put in hard work, but they do a great job of guiding you with a great learning flow/structure and progressively more difficult lessons. If you are interested in Software Engineering, TrueCoders is the way to go!
  • Andre Renaud
    Andre Renaud
    Student • Live - Full Stack Software Engineering Bootcamp • Online
    Verified by GitHub
    Nov 02, 2022
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Excellent and fun very helpful!!!!!!

    This bootcamp taught me so much! When I was first going to join, I was not sure if it would be too hard something would happen but everything is GREAT!!! The prices are low and the bootcamp is only 9 weeks! I learned so much and I am very thankful that TrueCoders could help me :)
  • Kaylie Phillips
    Kaylie Phillips
    Graduate • Live - Full Stack Software Engineering Bootcamp • Online
    Verified by GitHub
    Nov 02, 2022
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Worth the time and money!

    TrueCoders far surpassed my expectations for what I thought I would learn in the class.  I signed up for the full-time 9 week Software Engineering class.  I was completely new to software engineering and by the end of my 9 weeks I felt ready to go start applying for jobs.  This bootcamp prepares you both for the actual work you will be doing and for the career/job hunt side.   Each week their amazing and energetic career services lady, Denise, comes into the class a...
  • Julian Renaud
    Julian Renaud
    Graduate • Live - Full Stack Software Engineering Bootcamp • Online
    Verified by GitHub
    Nov 02, 2022
    Overall Experience
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    Amazing Course!

    When I started this course, I thought it would be very overwhelming, and I was not sure if I would succeed in learning to code. TrueCoders did their job, and in the end, this course was terrific, and I learned everything needed to keep going in the coding world!
  • Kelly Allen
    Kelly Allen
    Graduate • Birmingham
    Verified by GitHub
    Oct 03, 2022
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    An Excellent Experience

    My expectations of a coding bootcamp were far exceeded by TrueCoders. I expected the in-depth web development material to be taught. I was surprised and extremely pleased with the all the extra help. The one-on-one help and the true interest of the instructors to make you successful are impressive. The course I completed was taught by Ben Bryant who has a real talent for teaching. He not only explains the information well, but he also has a gift of being able to see how the student is le...
  • Jayden Ricot
    Graduate • Birmingham
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Oct 03, 2022
    Overall Experience
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    Full Stack Web Development Graduate

    When I started this bootcamp I didn't really know what I was getting myself into, I only has a little bit on knowledge in HTML and CSS. I was convinced by a couple of my friends in the industry that I would be a good fit for the for coding because I was also getting into UX/UI Design. When I joined this bootcamp was intense starting from day one. It's a rigorous curriculum and it requires tunnel vision, commitment, and perseverance. Be prepared to work hard every day from Mon - Fri for t...
  • YJ
    Graduate • Birmingham
    Verified by GitHub
    Oct 01, 2022
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Great jumpstart to your coding career

    I joined TrueCoders after leaving my job to pursue another one that would be meaningful in the long run. Coming to the program without back-end knowledge was daunting at first, but it soon became enjoyable after digesting information with instructors' lectures, videos, and 1-1 sessions. I also really liked the fact that there were more than one instructor per class ready to answer questions along the way, which made the students feel at ease when wanting to tackle ambiguities.

  • Jupiter Desphy
    Jupiter Desphy
    Graduate • Live - Full-Stack Web Development Bootcamp • Online
    Verified by GitHub
    Oct 01, 2022
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Recap By A Fresh Grad

    "Bootcamp" is really the right word for it. It was a brutal 9-week period not for the faint of heart. As they tell you when you start, putting in extra time is really how you'll succeed and those that do are who the course is geared for. Everyday was a mental workout that really kept me on a pace I wouldn't have been able to hold myself accountable to had I gone the self-taught route. Ben, our instructor, along with the teacher's assistants were incredibly knowledgeable and committed to ...

TrueCoders Alumni Outcomes

Recent TrueCoders News

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Jess Feldman
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Jess Feldman
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Coding bootcamps are certainly the most efficient way to quickly make a successful career pivot. But what is a coding bootcamp actually like? Since 2014, we’ve spoken with hundreds of alumni about their in-person, online, full-time, part-time, and self-paced bootcamp experiences and now we’re sharing their insights with you! Let’s break down a typical day at a bootcamp, teaching styles, and e...
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Jess Feldman
Updated February 08, 2022
Daniel Aguirre was working construction in 2021 and decided it was time to focus on making a career out of coding. Daniel enrolled at TrueCoders because of its solid coding foundation, dedicated instructors, flexible scheduling, and committed career coach. Daniel graduated from the online bootcamp and landed a .NET Developer job with Nexient, a hiring partner of TrueCoders! Daniel shares ho...
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Jess Feldman
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Jess Feldman
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Liz Eggleston
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Schools and universities may be scrambling to figure out remote learning, but coding bootcamps have essentially been preparing for this since 2013. Online coding bootcamps already use Zoom video, Slack, GitHub, and VS Code Live Share for pair programming, online lectures, and to connect mentors and instructors with students. Of course, you can learn to code online – but it doesn’t stop there!...
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As summer meanders into its final weeks, does back-to-school season make you long to be back in the classroom? It’s not just high schools and colleges that are about to reboot their classes in fall – these coding bootcamps all have upcoming courses online and in-person to jumpstart your new career starting in Fall 2024! Apply today and you could be a developer by the time 2025 rolls around! ...
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Jess Feldman
Updated July 02, 2024
Oh Summer, one of the best seasons of the year! While it’s a time to relax, bask in the sun, and plan trips with family and friends, summer is also an awesome time to learn. If you’re a current student, teacher, or professional looking to learn to code, a summer bootcamp is a great opportunity to learn to code in a short time frame. Various coding bootcamps offer summer courses to help you la...

TrueCoders Alumni Reviews Summary

Based on 240+ TrueCoders alumni reviews on Course Report, the school is appreciated for its Full-Stack Software Engineering and Web Development courses. Alumni appreciate the engaging and comprehensive curriculum, supportive instructors, and the strong sense of community. One review states, "TrueCoders is much more than just a bootcamp... Not only do they train you, they offer continuing education (for free), coding help for life (for free)."​ However, a contrasting view is noted in some reviews, mentioning that job placement assistance did not meet expectations​​.
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Includes Housing
Offers Corporate Training
Accepts GI Bill
TrueCoders is recognized by the state of Alabama as a secondary education provider.

How much does TrueCoders cost?

TrueCoders costs around $6,500. On the lower end, some TrueCoders courses like Live - Artificial Intelligence Bootcamp cost $3,500.

Where does TrueCoders have campuses?

TrueCoders teaches students Online in a remote classroom.

Is TrueCoders worth it?

TrueCoders hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 252 TrueCoders alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed TrueCoders on Course Report - you should start there!

Is TrueCoders legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 252 TrueCoders alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed TrueCoders and rate their overall experience a 4.92 out of 5.

Does TrueCoders offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like TrueCoders offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read TrueCoders reviews?

You can read 252 reviews of TrueCoders on Course Report! TrueCoders alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed TrueCoders and rate their overall experience a 4.92 out of 5.

Is TrueCoders accredited?

TrueCoders is recognized by the state of Alabama as a secondary education provider.

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