
Hackbright Academy

Average Rating4.51
108 Reviews
3 Courses
Hackbright Academy is a software engineering school for gender equality founded in 2012 that offers online courses. The school offers a 12-week, immersive full-time software engineering program and a 26-week, part-time program, both of which cover the fundamentals of computer science and modern web development such as the command line, Python, JavaScript, HTML & CSS, Git, Flask, pair programming, SQL/ORMS, and deployment. The part-time program covers the same cont...
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108 Hackbright Academy Reviews

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  • Estrella Vinces
    Software Engineer • Graduate • Full-Time (12-week) Software Engineering Program • San Jose
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Jul 12, 2018
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    Amazing Support with Career Transition

    At the beginning of the year, I decided to leave my decade-long career in Customer Support and attempt a transition to Software Engineering. I considered multiple bootcamps but ultimately settled on Hackbright Academy after the admissions interview.

    The main thing that stood out to me in the admissions interview was that the questions focused on how I might support my cohort throughout the program. What I took from that conversation was that Hackbright uniquely cares for its stud...

  • Shirley Xu
    Software Engineer • Graduate • Full-Time (12-week) Software Engineering Program • San Francisco
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    May 01, 2018
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    One of the Best Decisions of My Life

    The most valuable resources you need making a major career switch is a strong network and support system. The community at Hackbright is unbelievable. I started school with a competitive mindset and just wanted to make a quick career switch and get sh-t done. At Hackbright, I learned how to build community and what it means to empower others, especially women. I felt more accepted than I ever had by a group of peers (besides my best friends from childhood). My incredible cohortmates inspir...

  • Hallie
    Software Developer • Graduate • Full-Time (12-week) Software Engineering Program • San Francisco
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    Apr 24, 2018
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    Highly Recommend

    I could easily write 20 pages about how much I loved Hackbright but I’ll try to keep this a little shorter than that. Just as a background, I might not be the traditional Hackbright student in that I came to Hackbright directly after getting my degree from UC Berkeley.



    The program starts off with two lectures and two labs per day. You give anonymous feedback after every lect...

  • Sarai Rosenberg
    Sarai Rosenberg
    Application Security Engineer • Graduate • Full-Time (12-week) Software Engineering Program • San Francisco
    Verified by GitHub
    Apr 06, 2018
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Hackbright opened doors for me!

    I applied for engineering roles before Hackbright, but I rarely heard back from recruiters, and I couldn't succeed in on-site interviews.

    Hackbright Academy gave me the skills, confidence, vocabulary, and connections to excel at interviews and land my first software engineering role!

    The atmosphere at Hackbright was superb. I felt supported every step of the way—by the instructors, by career development, by my mentors, and most of all, by my cohort! Even th...

  • Swathi Iyer
    Swathi Iyer
    Software Engineer • Graduate • Full-Time (12-week) Software Engineering Program • San Francisco
    Verified by GitHub
    Mar 27, 2018
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Great learning experience!

    After having worked in semi-technical field for a couple of years, I wanted to move my career forward and learn programming. I began with online javascript courses, and one fine day bumped into a Hackbright ad online! I was amazed with the #changetheratio mission, and the academy's purpose of empowering women via Tech education.

      I was new to Python, hence I joined the part-time program first, to get a feel of the culture and curriculum (and I wasn't disappoint...
  • Jessica Brock
    Jessica Brock
    Graduate • Full-Time (12-week) Software Engineering Program • San Francisco
    Verified by GitHub
    Dec 30, 2017
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Great Environment for Women

    Like any bootcamp you will not leave as a Senior Software Engineer. But you will be a proficient Python/Javascript web developer. And have the tools you need to learn any programming technology.

    The first five weeks you will learn Python, Javascript/jQuery, Flask web framework and Jinja (templating), HTML/CSS/Bootstrap, SQL/SQL Alchemy and other technologies you will need on the job.

    The second five weeks you will work on your capstone project and present it on Demo Nig...

  • Olivia Bettaglio
    Olivia Bettaglio
    Software Engineer • Graduate • Full-Time (12-week) Software Engineering Program • San Francisco
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Dec 16, 2017
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Learning 24/7, and loving it!

    Before I found Hackbright, I never considered being a software engineer. That option was never offered to me in high school or college, and by the time I decided to study it on my own, I immediately regretted not starting sooner and taking CS classes in college. Luckily, Hackbright quickly entered the scene and showed me that my chance wasn't over. By taking me on and feeding my desire to enter a technical field, Hackbright ignited a fire in me that I doubt will ever go out. I learned so m...

  • Charlotte S.
    Software Engineer • Graduate • Full-Time (12-week) Software Engineering Program • San Francisco
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    Sep 21, 2017
    Overall Experience
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    Absolutely the best!

    Coming from a nursing background, I had zero coding experience prior to attending Hackbright's prep course (and onto the fellowship). After talking to tech recruiters regarding what bootcamp to attend, they all unanimously pointed towards Hackbright.

    There are 4 dinstinct qualities about Hackbright that make it stand out from the rest: the transparency, continuous passion for improvement, support system, and alumnae network.

    Transparency - They held info sessions for pr...

  • Vivian Lin
    Vivian Lin
    Software Engineer • Student • Full-Time (12-week) Software Engineering Program • San Francisco
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    Jun 19, 2017
    Overall Experience
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    Life-changing course

    I began my coding journey by following along MIT's introduction to programming course and various Codecademy courses here and there. A few weeks later, I decided to check out Hackbright's fellowship application. It was a day before the deadline for the next cohort, so I stopped halfway through the application. I figured that there's no way I could complete the whole process in one day. Then I got a call from Victoria from Admissions, who encouraged me to submit my application since the dea...

  • Jennifer Grace
    Software Engineer • Graduate • Full-Time (12-week) Software Engineering Program • San Francisco
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    Apr 11, 2017
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Software Engineering Fellowship

    I had a positive experience at Hackbright Academy. Hackbright was a supportive and positive environment for me to learn how to code and prepare for the job search.

    First of all, I was super impressed with the collaboration environment among the students. It did not feel like a competition where there is a sole "winner" of Hackbright. I feel like we ALL came out as winners at the end and we all helped each other in our own way, whether it was emotional s...

  • Chung Nguyen
    Chung Nguyen
    Graduate • Full-Time (12-week) Software Engineering Program • San Francisco
    Verified by GitHub
    Jan 30, 2017
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Professional Leveling Up

    As you can tell from the ratings, I really enjoyed my time at Hackbright. I'm more of a list person, so let's make some lists.


    • Excellent structure. First five weeks: lecture in the morning, lab, lunch, lecture in the afternoon, lab. Homework. Weekend assessments. Weeks six through ten: lecture in the morning, work on your projects the rest of the time. Weeks eleven and twelve: lectures and guest speakers on career things (interviewing tip...
  • Angelika Mazurek
    Angelika Mazurek
    Graduate • Full-Time (12-week) Software Engineering Program • San Francisco
    Jun 05, 2023
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    12 weeks that changed not only my profession but also my confidence and skills

    Very detailed topics, always helpful and patient teachers, from the very beginning building a great team that after 12 weeks creates a harmonious family.  This course gave me more than a change of profession or self-confidence, it gave me great friends and wonderful support on my way, for which I am very grateful.

Hackbright Academy Alumni Outcomes

Recent Hackbright Academy News

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Nat Davis
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Jess Feldman
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Hackbright Academy Alumni Reviews Summary

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Guarantees Job
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Includes Housing
Offers Corporate Training
Accepts GI Bill

How much does Hackbright Academy cost?

Hackbright Academy costs around $12,900. On the lower end, some Hackbright Academy courses like Hackbright Prep Course cost $249.

What courses does Hackbright Academy teach?

Hackbright Academy offers courses like Full-Time (12-week) Software Engineering Program, Hackbright Prep Course, Part-Time (24-week) Software Engineering Program.

Where does Hackbright Academy have campuses?

Hackbright Academy has an in-person campus in San Francisco.

Is Hackbright Academy worth it?

Hackbright Academy hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 108 Hackbright Academy alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Hackbright Academy on Course Report - you should start there!

Is Hackbright Academy legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 108 Hackbright Academy alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Hackbright Academy and rate their overall experience a 4.51 out of 5.

Does Hackbright Academy offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like Hackbright Academy offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read Hackbright Academy reviews?

You can read 108 reviews of Hackbright Academy on Course Report! Hackbright Academy alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Hackbright Academy and rate their overall experience a 4.51 out of 5.

Is Hackbright Academy accredited?

While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. Hackbright Academy doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.

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