
The Best Coding Bootcamp Prep Programs

Imogen Crispe

Written By Imogen Crispe

Jess Feldman

Edited By Jess Feldman

Last updated May 29, 2024

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Many competitive coding bootcamps want you to have some programming knowledge in order to be accepted into their programs – whether they’re looking for past experience on your resume or require that you pass a coding challenge. For a beginner, it can be tough to get the experience that a selective bootcamp looks for in the application process. There are many ways to learn basic coding (including teaching yourself) but if you want to make sure you’re covering the right material and quickly, then a bootcamp prep program may be for you.

How to Know If You Need a Bootcamp Prep Program:

  1. You have your heart set on a specific bootcamp and want to get in on the first try.
  2. You applied to a coding bootcamp but didn't get in.
  3. You've been learning to code on your own for a while, and don't know if you're ready.
  4. You're not sure if you want to do a full-time bootcamp, so you're looking for a trial-run.

Do any of those apply to you? Then keep reading for our list of great bootcamp prep programs, including a variety of in-person and online programs at different price points (including free options)! Most of the following programs cover basic HTML, CSS, and JavaScript; some of them offer application and interview prep. Others also guarantee participants entry into a coding bootcamp, or a money-back guarantee.

Remember that most coding bootcamps require you to complete pre-work once you’ve been admitted before starting class; however, this is a list of bootcamp prep programs to help you apply for and get accepted to a bootcamp!

(Prep programs are listed in alphabetical order)

1. App Academy Bootcamp Prep

Length: 4 weeks, part-time (40 hours total) – this class meets on weeknights from 6:30-9:30pm
Curriculum: Intro to web development, intermediate JavaScript, debugging, interview techniques, and bootcamp application techniques.
Admissions Guarantee: App Academy guarantees that after this course you will be accepted into App Academy, Fullstack Academy, Hack Reactor, Flatiron School, Galvanize, or Actualize or your money back. According to App Academy, 100% of graduates who have applied to these schools have been accepted to at least one. 
Cost: $2,999. If you are accepted into App Academy, the cost of Bootcamp Prep will be deducted from your deposit.
Locations: San Francisco, New York, Online

2. Codesmith Prep

CSX - Online Learning Platform
Curriculum: Introduction to core JavaScript functionality such as variables, data types, and loops, code execution, execution context, and the call stack, via online videos and coding challenges.
Cost: Free
Location: Online

CS Prep
 2 weeks on weeknights and weekends (~30 hours total)
Curriculum: Core intermediate JavaScript concepts (callbacks, closure, recursion), computer science fundamentals, engineering soft skills, project building. See how pair programming in CS Prep can prepare you for bootcamp.
Admissions Guarantee: You're guaranteed a Codesmith technical interview, but not guaranteed admission. If you are accepted into the Codesmith immersive program, the amount you pay for CS Prep goes toward your Codesmith tuition as a credit. If you do not pass the technical interview on your third try, Codesmith will refund the CS Prep tuition.
Cost: $750
Location: Online

JavaScript the Hard Parts
5, 2.5-hour workshops (10 hours total), taught on Tuesdays and Thursdays
Curriculum: Core JavaScript concepts including callbacks, higher order functions, closure, scope, execution context, asynchronous JavaScript, object-oriented programming - classes and prototypes, and recursion. 
Admissions Guarantee: None
Cost: Free
Location: Los Angeles, New York, Online

JavaScript for Beginners
Length: 2 consecutive Saturdays (around 12 hours total)
Curriculum: The program is designed for those with no previous coding experience and will teach JavaScript fundamentals (variables, functions, objects/arrays), as well as provide a broader context to how coding works.
Admissions Guarantee: If you are accepted into CS Prep, & later into the Software Engineering Immersive Program, your JavaScript for Beginners tuition will be applied to the next program you take.
Cost: $300
Location: Online

3. Flatiron School Bootcamp Prep

Length: 75+ hours (self-paced)
Curriculum: HTML, CSS, JavaScript fundamentals, interview prep, with on-demand support available from technical coaches.
Guarantee: Students who complete Bootcamp Prep will become priority applicants for Flatiron School which will fast track their applications.
Cost: Free
Location: Online

4. Fullstack Academy Bootcamp Prep

Length: Self-paced
Curriculum: JavaScript fundamentals, problem-solving, mock interviews, final project.
Guarantee: Completion of Bootcamp Prep does not specifically guarantee acceptance into a Fullstack program. According to Fullstack Academy, students who complete the Bootcamp Prep course and apply to one of Fullstack's programs are 2.5x more likely to be accepted to the program. Anyone who completes 90% of Prep, and anyone accepted into the Fullstack Immersive program will be credited back the amount they paid for Bootcamp Prep
Cost: $175 for 40-hour online course
Location: Online

5. Hackbright Prep Course

Length: 5 weeks, evening and weekends
Curriculum: Python foundations, developer tools, organizing code, programming logic, data structures, and application prep. See inside Hackbright Prep at Netflix, San Jose and see how Valerie Got into Bootcamp with Hackbright Prep!
Admissions Guarantee: Students who have completed Prep are eligible for a $1,500 discount if enrolling in the Software Engineering Program.
Cost: $1,500
Location: Online

6. Hack Reactor Bootcamp Prep

Length: 60-90 hours, self-paced
Curriculum: Fundamentals of front-end JavaScript, hackathon
Admissions Guarantee: Hack Reactor Prep does not guarantee admittance into Hack Reactor's Immersive Programs. According to Hack Reactor, 75% of students who interview after completing Bootcamp Prep in its entirety are accepted to Hack Reactor.  
Cost: Free or $495 (includes 1-1 instructor mentorship, feedback, and evaluation)
Location: Online

7. LearningFuze Prep

Web Development Prep Course

Length: 2.5 weeks (15 hours/week)
Curriculum: HTML, CSS, intro to JavaScript, Github, dev tools, debugging, layouts, mobile design
Admissions Guarantee: If you are accepted to the LearningFuze full immersion program, the cost of the prep course will be put towards your tuition.
Cost: $95
Location: Online

Software Engineering for Beginners

Length: 4 weeks (6 hours/week)
Curriculum: HTML, CSS, JavaScript basics, databases, server-side programming, back end frameworks
Admissions Guarantee: Students who continue into Full-Time or Part-Time programs can apply the Software Engineering for Beginners tuition to any LearningFuze program over 30 hours.
Cost: $1,500
Location: Online

8. One Month

Length: One month, 2-4 hours per week 
Curriculum: Courses in Python, HTML, Rails, Ruby, JavaScript, with interaction with an instructor and other students.
Guarantee: Students can get a refund if they are unsatisfied with the course.
Cost: $199-$299 per class

9. Rithm School Private Prep Course

Length: 2 weeks (4 evenings)
Curriculum: A focus on JavaScript, problem-solving, and algorithms with an instructor and other students.
Guarantee: n/a
Cost: FREE!
Location: Online

10. V School's Web Development Foundations Course

Length: Self-paced
Curriculum: V School's Web Development Foundations Course includes hands-on project work and on-demand access to instructors. The curriculum covers JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.
Guarantee: n/a
Location: Online

11. We Can Code IT's Intro to Programming

Length: 3 weeks (9 evening sessions)
Curriculum: We Can Code IT's Intro to Programming is broken down into three intro courses: coding fundamentals, web development, and software development. The curriculum covers JavaScript, OOP, HTML, CSS, and a resume workshop.
Guarantee: n/a
Cost: $3,000
Location: Online

Online Resources to Prepare for a Coding Bootcamp

Free Coding Resources:

Subscription-based Coding Resources:


Imogen Crispe

Written by

Imogen Crispe, Content Creator and Entrepreneur

Imogen is a writer and content producer who loves exploring technology and education in her work. Her strong background in journalism, writing for newspapers and news websites, makes her a contributor with professionalism and integrity.

Jess Feldman

Edited by

Jess Feldman, Content Manager at Course Report

Jess Feldman is an accomplished writer and the Content Manager at Course Report, the leading platform for career changers who are exploring coding bootcamps. With a background in writing, teaching, and social media management, Jess plays a pivotal role in helping Course Report readers make informed decisions about their educational journey.

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