

Average Rating4.75
41 Reviews
1 Course
CodeBoxx is a 16-week full-stack bootcamp in Canada and the US. The course offers students a deep understanding of web site development and information systems and covers programming languages such as HTML, Javascript, Python, Go, C#, Ruby, and Ruby on Rails. Students can develop code on either a PC or Mac and will learn developer tools such as GitHub and SQL. CodeBoxx’s mission is to help students realize their full potential in the world of coding and web developmen...
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41 CodeBoxx Reviews

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  • jessy belanger
    jessy belanger
    web developer aspirant • Applicant • Full-Stack Development Program - Full Time, Part Time, On Campus, Online, & Hybrid • Montreal
    Mar 08, 2020
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Not very ethical- run

    I went to one of their open doors with my friend. We met one of the students that we know at the main door.. What I understood is surprising.. First, all the reviews are from either the management or employees at codeboxx. I even talked to one of them and he is a recruiter for codeboxx .. Well according to the students,It is definitely not for beginners. The coaches are new, like don't exist, they have no clue about the curriculum. You are on your own and operate under the pressure of th...

    Brian Peret of CodeBoxx

    Program and Campus Director

    Aug 01, 2023

    Much has changed since 2020, including CodeBoxx! We completed a major overhaul of our program, leadership team, board members, company culture, and more. 

    • First off, we've moved! ☀️ Our headquarters, once nestled in Canada, now enjoys the warmth of St. Petersburg, Florida, a thriving hub of innovation. And that's not all! We've also welcomed aboard a dynamic range of new senior and mid-level leaders and even formed an independent Employer Advisory Council. 

    • Why the changes, you ask? 🤔 Part of our glow-up comes from realizing that the sink-or-swim, one-size-fits-all bootcamp model is failing people. By working closely with the technology leaders on our Employer Advisory Council, we realized that while technical skill is vital, a major component of success in the tech industry is cultivating critical personal and business skills. That realization led us to shift gears from the traditional bootcamp model to create a nurturing space that focuses on developing well-rounded developers! 

    • So, say hello to our innovative Pro Dev modules! 🎉 We've layered our tech training with major emphasis on key life and business skills. That's now our secret sauce! Our graduates possess coding skills along with stellar communication, a sprinkle of creative problem-solving, and a generous helping of resilience. That's what tech employers consistently tell us they look for in their new hires, so it's a huge part of our programs. 

    • We're striving every day to erase the experiences of the past and create a new norm - a space that celebrates learning, growth, and mutual support. Our dedicated coaches, hailing from the realm of development themselves, are committed to guiding you toward achieving your tech dreams. 💫 

    So, come along for this revamp! We're ecstatic about the journey ahead, and we hope you are too! 🚀
  • Diego Alvarez
    Still unemployed graduate • Graduate • Full-Stack Development Program - Full Time, Part Time, On Campus, Online, & Hybrid • Tampa
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Jan 09, 2024
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Job placement is a lie

    I graduated jan 2024 and I can say with 100% confidence that I was lured in with false promises of job placement assistance right out of graduation. 
    The program itself was less the mediocre, the instructors are all former students and their understanding of the material is cookie cut and strictly based on "how they did their project". 
    Ask them what a binary tree is, ask them what polymorphism is, ask them what abstraction is, ask them what the law of detmeter is, ask them a quest...
  • David
    Verified by GitHub
    May 20, 2022
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Thx for that!

    Been there, done that!
    Thx for that journey. 
    I'm ready to start my new career.
  • Vanessa
    IOS developer • Graduate • Full-Stack Development Program - Full Time, Part Time, On Campus, Online, & Hybrid • Montreal
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Nov 20, 2020
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance


    2020 Graduate working as an IOS Developer. Codeboxx provided me with the tools necessary to start a new career.  
    It was an incredibly difficult experience, but nothing worth doing is easy. The camp has to be treated as full time job to succeed.
    I would recommend building up a solid base in the fundamentals before taking the course. It'll help you immensely throughout the program.
  • Afandy
    Junior Developer • Graduate • Full-Stack Development Program - Full Time, Part Time, On Campus, Online, & Hybrid • Montreal
    Verified by GitHub
    Nov 19, 2020
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Career change

     Overall, it was a good experience if you are looking for a career change. They teach you not only how to code, but how to think and figure out problems on your own. The best part is you only pay tuition once you get a job.
  • Jackie Lai
    Jackie Lai
    Junior Full Stack Developer • Graduate • Full-Stack Development Program - Full Time, Part Time, On Campus, Online, & Hybrid • Montreal
    Verified by GitHub
    Nov 18, 2020
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Great Opportunity

    It's a hectic 16 weeks not the say the least.. This bootcamp does a good job at mimicking a dev job.
    For 16 weeks and all there is to learn, you can expect to be more of a jack of all trades more than a master at everything. Once you're done with those 16 weeks, they guarentee you a job and this is where you start to master certain things over others.
    I can't really compare bootcamps as I've only done one but I can say that the Codeboxx experience is at the very least pretty decent...
  • Christopher Hardoin
    Christopher Hardoin
    Graduate • Accelerated Technology Program • Quebec City
    Verified by GitHub
    Nov 06, 2020
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Very Nice

    Very nice program. The best you could hope for.
  • Thomas Carrier
    Thomas Carrier
    Developer • Graduate • Accelerated Technology Program • Quebec City
    Verified by GitHub
    Nov 06, 2020
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Hard work for life changing opportunity

    I would be lying saying the bootcamp is easy, but once you are done with it, and you've put in all the efforts required to successfully finish the bootcamp. You get a job, (and definitely not a mediocre one), and you get a big network of people who have the same interest has you do, coding.
  • Mathieu
    Junior Developer • Graduate • Accelerated Technology Program • Quebec City
    Verified by GitHub
    Sep 01, 2020
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Career Changing

     I have been looking for a career change for some time when I heard about CodeBoxx bootcamp. The fast pace of the program was a game changer for me because I couldn’t go back to college for an extended (2-3 years) period of time but I was ready to completely invest 16 weeks of my life. 
    The program is set in a business simulation where you’ll be called to complete tasks for a fictional corporation. Those tasks get you through the basis of some of the most used pr...
  • Paul-Olivier
    Dev Full Stack • Accelerated Technology Program • Quebec City
    Verified by GitHub
    Aug 26, 2020
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    CodeBoxx Experiance

    As a graduate of the first cohort of Quebec, I can't say much apart that the program is functional and that it helps both 17-year-olds and adults of 40 and + to understand new technologies in programming. Since my graduation I have been working for codeboxx and I am able to fulfill contracts that I never thought I would be able to do, codeboxx helped me to discover life in technologies but also to develop my system for my resourcefulness and without this bootcamps I cannot would probably...
  • Danny
    Front-End Dev • Graduate • Accelerated Technology Program • Quebec City
    Verified by GitHub
    Aug 19, 2020
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Pro programmer for more than a year now

    CodeBoxx certainly did it for me! 

    At the time I write this review (august 2020) I am a professionnal programmer working in one of the best company in Québec City Canada for more than a year. 

    Be ready to work hard and you will learn all you need to go forward into a new carreer. 

    Even now, after many lines of code merged into a very complex program. There are many things that I learned at CodeBoxx that are still very usefull.

    Its honest and it works.
  • Alexis Grenier
    Alexis Grenier
    Junior FullStack Developer at Codeboxx • Student • Full-Stack Development Program - Full Time, Part Time, On Campus, Online, & Hybrid • Montreal
    Verified by GitHub
    Aug 17, 2020
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    A Life Changer

    I'm 19 year old and I am a graduate of codeboxx since a couple months ago, I really liked the experience of learning by myself at Codeboxx, growing up I always loved technology and I was always eager to learn more about it. I always knew I wanted to become a programmer but it's way easier said than done, there are alot of challenges to face, and that's where Codeboxx plays a major part, at Codeboxx you get the time, ressources and tools you need to motivate yourself and learn and do the ...
  • Agnes Vizvari
    Agnes Vizvari
    Junior Developer • Graduate • Accelerated Technology Program • Quebec City
    Verified by GitHub
    Jul 07, 2020
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Unique program and a wonderful team

    With CodeBoxx, programming has become a true love. They gave me the opportunity to start a new, exciting chapter in my life. Everybody was really supportive and kind in my cohort! It is a really intense 16 weeks and you can learn really much during that short period of time if you are devoted heart and soul to your work. Be open, flexible and dedicated and you will successfully complete the challenges! What I really loved in this program, the business simulation! Th...

CodeBoxx Alumni Outcomes

Employment Rate
Graduation Rate
Median Salary
Of the students who enroll at CodeBoxx, 47% graduated. 5% of graduates were job-seeking and N/A of job-seeking graduates found in-field employment after 180 days and report a median income of $48,000. Below is the 180 Day Employment Breakdown for 5 graduates included in this report:
180 Day Employment Breakdown
Full Time, In-Field EmployeeN/A
Full-time apprenticeship, internship or contract positionN/A
Short-term contract, part-time position, freelanceN/A
Employed out-of-fieldN/A
Notes and Caveats
Link to full report for all campuses will be posted shortly.
* These outcomes are not audited by Course Report. In some cases, data is audited by a third party.

Recent CodeBoxx News

Jess Feldman
Jess Feldman
Updated May 10, 2024
As a response to the COVID pandemic in 2020, most in-person bootcamps quickly transitioned to online or remote classrooms. In 2024, hybrid classrooms and immersive online learning continue to be popular, but in-person bootcamp options are available again. If you ve been waiting for an in-person classroom to start your career change, then here are the 30 in-person coding bootcamps with campuses in the U.S. 3 Reasons to Go to In-Person Coding Bootcamp In-person learning may ...
Jess Feldman
Jess Feldman
Updated June 17, 2022
Course Report Course Report EOY 2021 Episode 2021 was another rollercoaster of a year, and we re rounding up all of the most impactful coding bootcamp news we saw in 2021. Follow along as we call out the top trends of 2021 and break down this year s biggest acquisitions and fundraises in the bootcamp space. Plus, we re sharing our predictions for 2022, how accreditation and skills-based credentialing may affect bootcamps, and what we re hoping to see in the bootcamp world this coming ...
Jess Feldman
Jess Feldman
Updated July 29, 2021
Course Report Course Report Coding Bootcamp News Roundup - July 2021 This July, we re reporting on one huge ( 850M!) bootcamp acquisition and 35 million in bootcamp fundraises. Two higher ed experts opined about both sides of the debate around expanding federal funding like Pell grants to short-term programs like bootcamps. We re also covering what bootcamps need to do beyond just teaching students to code, and we ll share a bunch of partnerships that are giving validity to the ...
Liz Eggleston
Liz Eggleston
Updated February 23, 2021
David Boutin had no coding experience before applying to CodeBoxx . Two years after graduating, he s been promoted, leads a team of developers, and continues to apply the skills (both technical skills and soft skills) that he learned during the bootcamp. Find out how this Canadian military veteran found his passion for web development by following the three pillars of CodeBoxx . Plus, since graduating, David has started teaching at CodeBoxx to pass on the education that changed ...
Jess Feldman
Jess Feldman
Updated October 29, 2020
Course Report October 2020 Coding Bootcamp News This October, workforce development was on everyone s minds. In this new roundup, we re covering the latest initiatives to lift up unemployed Americans and avoid a K-shaped economic recovery (we also included all of these initiatives in our new Guide to Workforce Development Grants ). We re also happy to cover several new scholarships to boost diversity in tech and new campuses, including two university-coding bootcamps. Plus, ...
Jess Feldman
Jess Feldman
Updated October 28, 2020
David Amyot was lost and uninspired by the path he was taking in college and in the Army. Driven by a lifelong love of computers and enlightened by the opportunity that awaited him in programming, he discovered CodeBoxx , and sought what was offered in this 16-week bootcamp. Now a Junior Developer in CodeBoxx s Digital Solutions Business , David is financially and personally secure in the direction of his dreams. Find out how he went from no experience to the experience of a lifetime, ...
Jess Feldman
Jess Feldman
Updated August 27, 2020
Course Report August 2020 Coding Bootcamp News Over 100M was invested in coding bootcamps this August! We cover those fundraises and why coding bootcamps are looking so appealing to investors these days. This month, we also saw new research about the rising interest in gap years and the demand for upskilling, and how coding bootcamps are uniquely positioned to meet both of those needs. August marks the Women s Vote Centennial in the U.S., and we uncovered advice on how tech can ...

CodeBoxx Alumni Reviews Summary

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Guarantees Job
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Includes Housing
Offers Corporate Training
Accepts GI Bill
CodeBoxx is licensed by the State of Florida, Commission for Independent Education. License #9103.

How much does CodeBoxx cost?

CodeBoxx costs around $9,800.

What courses does CodeBoxx teach?

CodeBoxx offers courses like Full-Stack Development Program - Full Time, Part Time, On Campus, Online, & Hybrid.

Where does CodeBoxx have campuses?

CodeBoxx has in-person campuses in Montreal, Quebec City, and Tampa. CodeBoxx also has a remote classroom so students can learn online.

Is CodeBoxx worth it?

The data says yes! In 2020, CodeBoxx reported a 47% graduation rate, a median salary of $48,000, and N/A of CodeBoxx alumni are employed.

Is CodeBoxx legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 41 CodeBoxx alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed CodeBoxx and rate their overall experience a 4.75 out of 5.

Does CodeBoxx offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Yes, CodeBoxx accepts the GI Bill!

Can I read CodeBoxx reviews?

You can read 41 reviews of CodeBoxx on Course Report! CodeBoxx alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed CodeBoxx and rate their overall experience a 4.75 out of 5.

Is CodeBoxx accredited?

CodeBoxx is licensed by the State of Florida, Commission for Independent Education. License #9103.

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