Burlington Code Academy is closed

This school is now closed. Although Burlington Code Academy is no longer accepting students or running its program, you can still see historical information and Burlington Code Academy alumni reviews on the school page.


Burlington Code Academy

Average Rating4.89
46 Reviews
3 Courses

Burlington Code Academy offers online full-time and part-time web development and UX design bootcamps. In the web development bootcamp, students will learn languages and frameworks including HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Bootstrap, React, and JQuery, be prepared to work in a real development environment and be provided career support throughout the course. This program includes one-on-one mentoring, a curriculum focused on in-demand skills, portfolio and career development, and connections to the tech community. The Javascript After Hours course is part-time and covers beginner/intermediate Javascript concepts. In the UX design bootcamps, students learn technical practices and processes of designing digital experiences, and work with a real company on a capstone project.

No prior experience is needed to attend, but applicants must have dedication. To apply, prospective students will need to submit an inquiry online, speak with admissions staff, complete a logical assessment, and pass a technical interview.

Burlington Code Academy has a network of teachers, partners, and industry professionals who will assist students every step of the way. The school is also committed to helping accepted students attend by offering tuition discounts, diversity scholarships, and an abundance of helpful resources to help finance this education.

46 Burlington Code Academy Reviews

Schools can't pay to alter or remove their reviews. Course Report never suppresses negative reviews
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  • Morgan Matthews
    Morgan Matthews
    May 17, 2021
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    UX Design Bootcamp

    Having dabbled with the idea of a much needed career change for the last couple of years, I decided at the start 2021 to finally take the leap. Enrolling in Burlington Code Academy’s UX program turned out to be one of the best decisions I have made to date. I previously completed a 4-year degree at Parsons, and had some concerns over whether or not a 12 week program would provide a level of preparedness to successfully embark in a new field. Now that I have completed the UX program at BC...
  • Ben C.
    Ben C.
    Graduate • Software Development Bootcamp • Burlington
    Mar 19, 2021
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Jr. Software Developer

    This course is tough and rigorous but like with any good program, you get out what you put into it. The staff is extremely helpful with everything from outside-class assistance (like tutoring and group code-alongs), to job assistance after the course which is so crucial. I only wish I had more time there to soak up and cover even more material but I think the amount of knowledge you walk away with after 3 months is pretty astonishing. I would recommend this course and Burlington Code Aca...
  • Django Koenig
    Django Koenig
    Support Representative • Graduate • Software Development Bootcamp • Burlington
    Jan 21, 2021
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    "Take The Next Step & Enter Your Dream Career"

     I completed the BCA Web Development Bootcamp Summer 2019. This full-time 12-week course is a ferocious program that I found invaluable. Our course was taught by the renowned, Joshua Burke (a fellow alumni of Northern Vermont University) who was fantastic and very personable. Joshua cares deeply about each students progress sincerely -- something that cannot be taught. I felt as though I could contact him day or night and he would promptly get back to me. The teacher's assistants were al...
  • Emily Saber
    Emily Saber
    Jan 07, 2021
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    BCA Full Time Software Programming Bootcamp

    I graduated from the full time software programming bootcamp course in December and had a very positive experience with the Burlington Code Academy. This program is now remote so this institution is open to people outside of the Burlington, VT area which is when I decided to jump on in! To preface, this 12-week course is very rigorous and intensive and will stretch you academically, in a good way. You are learning to be a full-stack web developer in under three months and BCA provides yo...
  • mia
    Graduate • Online
    Jan 05, 2021
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    ux design bootcamp

    i am a recent graduate from this program, and couldn't recommend it enough. i live in new york city, and am used to the way things come and go here, so in many ways i was really drawn to the local environment and interpersonal skills that burlington code academy provided, above all.

    now that the bootcamp is over, i'm missing my classmates a lot! when i was looking at other bootcamps and speaking with my peers (in other bootcamps, like thinkful) during my time at the program, i rea...
  • Hannah Anderson
    Hannah Anderson
    Student • Online
    Dec 31, 2020
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Great Value!

    If you are considering taking a UX bootcamp, I highly recommend Burlington Code Academy. My experience at BCA was extremely rewarding. Our instructor Rick, and TA Collin were so helpful and knowledgable. They always made themselves available as a resource and I could honestly say that about everyone at every level at BCA. 

    I went way out of my comfort zone joining this bootcamp and I learned and evolved so much in such a short period of time (it actually flew by). We were working ...
  • Andrea Valdez
    Andrea Valdez
    Student • Online
    Dec 31, 2020
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Software Development Bootcamp

    Great learning experience. I have wanted to learn how to code for a while and BCA gave me the necessary guidance, tools and provided the information in a practical, logical and useful order, with each lesson building upon the previous one.  This material can be difficult to learn alone if you are unsure of what to practice first and don't have projects to work on or feedback.  The only thing I regret is not doing enough review before the course started. 
  • Vic A.
    Vic A.
    Graduate • Online
    Dec 17, 2020
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Challenging, but worth it

    Coming into this course with no coding experience was daunting, but you quickly realize you’re not alone. You get tons of support from teachers, classmates, and the coding community as a whole. The remote structure takes some getting used to, but once you start, the 12 weeks really fly by. There are many challenges along the way, but every obstacle overcome is a problem you now know how to solve, which is an incredibly rewarding feeling. This is the place to be if you’re looking to learn...
  • Alex Holder
    Alex Holder
    Graduate • UX Design Bootcamp • Burlington
    Sep 03, 2020
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    UX Design bootcamp

    I just completed BCA's first UX Design Bootcamp. It was an amazing experience. If you're in an appropriate time zone, you can take this bootcamp remotely. I wasn't anywhere near Burlington and I still felt connected. Their biggest strength is that the UX program is taught by Rick Machanic, who has decades of experience in this field. He owned his own web agency so he offers much more than the typical bootcamp teacher. BCA is great about gathering feedback and I'm sure they're going to im...
  • zach f
    zach f
    Student • JavaScript After Hours (Part-Time) • Burlington
    Aug 20, 2020
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Beginners Beware

    I was expecting as a 'code illiterate' person, that I would be lost and confused along the way. I had done some slight research about code and realized it can be like learning a new language. I was geared to take the summer intensive bootcamp course for three months but was allowed to take a Javascript specific course beforehand as a sort of precursor. I was lost from the beginning to the end. The homework and assignments were way above my head, even having the kindness and aid of a fell...
  • Josh Jakab
    Josh Jakab
    Student • Burlington
    Apr 29, 2020
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance


    Intense course with an incredibly supportive staff
  • Katie Yawney
    Katie Yawney
    UI Engineer • Graduate • Software Development Bootcamp • Burlington
    Dec 29, 2019
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Awesome bootcamp experience

    I really appreciated the positive atmosphere at Burlington Code Academy. We were encouraged to have fun, support one other, take breaks, and experiment and grow in our own way.

    The instructors we had were top notch and came with lots of real-world experience as coders and coding teachers. And with the small class size, they were very accessible, so I was able to ask questions whenever I felt confused or just wanted to learn more.

    The projects they designed for us were f...


Burlington Code Academy Alumni Outcomes

Employment Rate
Graduation Rate
Median Salary
Of the students who enroll at Burlington Code Academy, 100% graduated. 70% of graduates were job-seeking and 93% of job-seeking graduates found in-field employment after 180 days and report a median income of $78,250. Below is the 180 Day Employment Breakdown for 14 graduates included in this report:
180 Day Employment Breakdown
Full Time, In-Field Employee50.0%
Full-time apprenticeship, internship or contract position7.1%
Short-term contract, part-time position, freelanceN/A
Employed out-of-fieldN/A
Notes and Caveats
* These outcomes are not audited by Course Report. In some cases, data is audited by a third party.

Recent Burlington Code Academy News

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Updated December 03, 2024
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Burlington Code Academy Alumni Reviews Summary

Overall Experience
Job Assistance
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Guarantees Job
Job Assistance
Includes Housing
Offers Corporate Training
Accepts GI Bill
Burlington Code Academy meets all licensing requirements in the State of Vermont.
Recent Burlington Code Academy News

How much does Burlington Code Academy cost?

Burlington Code Academy costs around $9,950. On the lower end, some Burlington Code Academy courses like JavaScript After Hours (Part-Time) cost $3,950.

What courses does Burlington Code Academy teach?

Burlington Code Academy offers courses like JavaScript After Hours (Part-Time) , Software Development Bootcamp, UX Design Bootcamp.

Where does Burlington Code Academy have campuses?

Burlington Code Academy teaches students Online in a remote classroom.

Is Burlington Code Academy worth it?

The data says yes! In 2018, Burlington Code Academy reported a 100% graduation rate, a median salary of $78,250, and 93% of Burlington Code Academy alumni are employed.

Is Burlington Code Academy legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 46 Burlington Code Academy alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Burlington Code Academy and rate their overall experience a 4.89 out of 5.

Does Burlington Code Academy offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like Burlington Code Academy offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read Burlington Code Academy reviews?

You can read 46 reviews of Burlington Code Academy on Course Report! Burlington Code Academy alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Burlington Code Academy and rate their overall experience a 4.89 out of 5.

Is Burlington Code Academy accredited?

Burlington Code Academy meets all licensing requirements in the State of Vermont.

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