
Launch Academy

Average Rating4.63
54 Reviews
1 Course

Launch Academy is a full-time, 18-week program with a part-time, 8-week online phase and then a full-time, 10-week course in Boston, Massachusetts. After this immersive learning experience, aspiring software developers will be transformed into contributing members of the development community. The core curriculum is built on JavaScript, React, Ruby on Rails, HTML, and CSS. Students learn from building real products under the guidance of experienced software engineers. "Breakable toys" are at the core of the learning experience at Launch Academy. Students conceptualize products they always wanted to use and over the course of the program learn the technical skills they need to build and improve upon their "breakable toy". Launchers complete the program with a workable product they can present to companies at career day where they meet with hiring managers from tech companies all over the country.

Graduates receive lifetime access to post-grad support including regularly updated curriculum and career services. Launch Academy is looking for highly motivated and naturally curious students driven to create things that help other people.

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54 Launch Academy Reviews

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  • Scott
    Beckett • Graduate • Immersive Full Stack Software Engineering Program • Boston
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    Apr 20, 2021
    Overall Experience
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    Launch Academy

    I was skeptical about going to a bootcamp, but I had a good experience with Launch. They just switched to also teaching a full stack in Node.js which was good to learn. The environment of learning remotely worked really well for me, and learning in an Agile environment was very helpful as well. Post grad can be really difficult because it seems like you are spinning your wheels, but after much despair on my part, it only took me 2 months to find a great job! What ended up being really he...
  • Brian
    Solutions Consultant • Graduate • Immersive Full Stack Software Engineering Program • Boston
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Mar 23, 2021
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Apprentice Full Stack Web Developer

    My thoughts about my time at Launch Academy. I thought the experience was great overall. This course was taken during the pandemic so it was mostly done online. There was an option to go in the classroom but it was the middle of winter and leaving the house didn't seem as appealing. All of the instructors were great. They did a good job of explaining the concepts and helping you if you needed it. You will not be spoon-fed information. There is a level of expectation for you to put in som...
  • Josh
    Junior Full Stack Developer • Graduate • Launch Academy Online • Online
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    Mar 15, 2021
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Junior Full Stack Developer

    Couldn't recommend this place enough for anyone looking to get into the world of coding/tech. All the teachers are wonderful people that are attentive and thorough with explaining crucial concepts of coding, and they're always there if you need things explained more, or just need some advice on something you're working on! I was also lucky to have a cohort filled with other awesome and inspiring students that were constantly lifting each other up. Now that it's over I feel like I am equi...
  • Liishi
    Software Engineer Intern • Graduate • Immersive Full Stack Software Engineering Program • Boston
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Dec 17, 2020
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Software Engineer

    I couldn't recommend Launch Academy enough! This program really can get you where you want to go if you put in the work, and the team there are so compassionate, caring, and genuinely invested in your success. It is a difficult program, but well worth the investment. They have great connections, an amazing list of hiring partners, a robust alumni network, and will teach you both the hard and the soft skills of being a software engineer. I went in with really no technical background, and ...
  • Casey Whittaker
    Full Stack Web Developer • Graduate • Immersive Full Stack Software Engineering Program • Boston
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    Dec 03, 2019
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Fantastic experience

    I went in to Launch Academy a little hesitant. I didn't think a short 18 weeks would give me enough time to learn what I needed to land a web developer role. Turns out I was pretty wrong. 

    The first few months of ignition totally helped me get over those fears. I learned at a very rapid pace, and I quickly understood that Launch Academy's style of teaching is very similar to how an actual developer job would be. I learned the basics of ruby, javascript, HTML, CSS, and principles ...

  • Tyler Hui Mingalone
    Tyler Hui Mingalone
    Technical Project Coordinator • Graduate • Immersive Full Stack Software Engineering Program • Boston
    Verified by GitHub
    Dec 02, 2019
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Wonderful Experience

    I attended Launch Academy in the fall of 2019 and have nothing but good things to say. My cohort learned Ruby on Rails and React.js over a period of 18 weeks, with the first 8 being part time off campus and the final 10 being full time on campus. The mentors/teachers at Launch were all very dedicated to my success and were extremely capable at communicating complex ideas in an understandable manner. 

    Additionally, Launch Academy has two full time staff members who run their Caree...

  • Susan Ma
    Software Engineer • Graduate • Immersive Full Stack Software Engineering Program • Boston
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Nov 20, 2019
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Best Decision for a Real Future

    - Full support from staff throughout admissions, during the program itself, and post-graduation
    - Informative staff with relevant industry experience and passion with many professional connections
    - Small class size (~23 students)
    - Budget friendly compared to a computer science degree
    - Great location in the heart of Boston
    - Positive atmosphere and safe space for all learning types
    - Lots of support from alumni, including alumni n...

  • Sean
    Junior Software Developer • Graduate • Immersive Full Stack Software Engineering Program • Boston
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Sep 30, 2019
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    A really fast, enjoyable way to get a job in tech


    I write this for you, the prospective tech bootcamp shopper, from my cushy reclining chair behind the desk of my sparkly new junior developer job. I can genuinely say that if I didn't sign up for Launch Academy, then I would not be sitting here writing this review, off-task from the awesome tech work that I was trained to do so very well at Launch Academy.

    Before I touch on 3 reasons why Launch Academy is as awesome as it is, I'll say that for a while I tried to ...

  • Nick
    Junior Operations Engineer • Graduate • Immersive Full Stack Software Engineering Program • Boston
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    Mar 25, 2019
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Great Experience

    Launch Academy changed my life. It is what you look for in a boot camp. The instructors are super helpful, career services is great and helps you out even after you graduate, and the launch alumni is always trying to help one another. Before going to Launch I didn't have a clear path for myself. I had a full time job but I wanted a career that was more rewarding and something that I could feel proud to be a part of. If you are setting your sights on becoming a software developer, I would ...
  • Junaid
    Consultant • Graduate • Boston
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    Jan 17, 2019
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Great Roadmap

    Launch Academy was an excellent experience, and I highly recommend it for folks looking to enter the Web Development profession. Be aware that this is not something that you can do by halves. It requires your full attention and participation every day to really drill in the technical aspects of Web Development. While the laungages and frameworks learned are modern and well taught, I see it as more of a roadmap to future endeavours and it has given me the resources and direction to better i...

  • Alex Smith
    Developer I • Graduate • Immersive Full Stack Software Engineering Program • Boston
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Oct 31, 2018
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Launch is awesome!

    All the instructors at Launch Academy were fantastic! They were always incredibly helpful and never got frustrated no matter how much help we needed. The curriculum is well written and very modern. The career services department works very hard to make sure you get job placement after you graduate. I believe that the Ignition program they implement before coming on campus greatly sets them apart from other camps and will assist all newcomers in being able to digest such a large amount of i...

  • David Garber
    David Garber
    Graduate • Web Development • Philadelphia
    Verified by GitHub
    Jun 16, 2018
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    You're better off saving your money.

    I'm a graduate of Launch Academy's [LA] 5th and final Philadelphia cohort. During my time, LA was able to deliver a comprehensive plan to develop my foundational development knowledge. At first, you will be taken for a whirlwind of courses designed to instill a deeper responsibility of writing code; writing for other developers to understand your intentions. We are encouraged to practice DRY, test-driven programming in two languages. There is a context switch mid-course that will break any...


Launch Academy Alumni Outcomes

Employment Rate
Graduation Rate
Median Salary
100% of students intended to seek in-field employment within 180 days of graduating. 0% of students did not intend to seek in-field employment. Below is the 180 Day Employment Breakdown for 30 graduates included in report:
180 Day employment breakdown
Employed in-field96.7%
Full-time employee73.3%
Full-time apprenticeship, internship or contract position23.3%
Short-term contract, part-time, or freelance0.0%
Started a new company or venture after graduation0.0%
Not seeking in-field employment3.3%
Employed out-of-field0.0%
Continuing to higher education0.0%
Not seeking a job for health, family, or personal reasons3.3%
Still seeking job in-field0.0%
Could not contact0.0%
salary breakdown
Notes and Caveats
Read the full Launch Academy CIRR Report here.

Recent Launch Academy News

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With a degree in journalism and a job in communications work for a nonprofit, Julissa Jansen had the chance to do basic web development for a site redesign and she was hooked. She did online tutorials, but decided to make a career change, so Julissa applied to Launch Academy, a top coding bootcamp in her local Boston. She met her future employer, Constant Contact, at Launch Academy’s Care...
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Launch Academy Alumni Reviews Summary

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Guarantees Job
Job Assistance
Includes Housing
Offers Corporate Training
Accepts GI Bill
Licensed by the State of Massachusetts.

How much does Launch Academy cost?

Launch Academy costs around $17,500.

What courses does Launch Academy teach?

Launch Academy offers courses like Immersive Full Stack Software Engineering Program.

Where does Launch Academy have campuses?

Launch Academy has an in-person campus in Boston.

Is Launch Academy worth it?

The data says yes! In 2020, Launch Academy reported a 58% graduation rate, a median salary of $70,000, and 97% of Launch Academy alumni are employed. Launch Academy hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 54 Launch Academy alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Launch Academy on Course Report - you should start there!

Is Launch Academy legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 54 Launch Academy alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Launch Academy and rate their overall experience a 4.63 out of 5.

Does Launch Academy offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like Launch Academy offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read Launch Academy reviews?

You can read 54 reviews of Launch Academy on Course Report! Launch Academy alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Launch Academy and rate their overall experience a 4.63 out of 5.

Is Launch Academy accredited?

Licensed by the State of Massachusetts.

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