
La Capsule Academy

Average Rating4.98
382 Reviews
5 Courses
La Capsule is a coding bootcamp offering 10-week, full-time Full Stack Web & Mobile Developer Bootcamp and 9-week, full-time DevOps Engineer Bootcamp in Bordeaux, Lille, Lyon, Paris, Nice, Marseille (France), Monaco and Brussels (Belgium). The signature pedagogy of La Capsule is project-based learning so students can have hands-on tech experience. Students will complete a project during each work of the bootcamp. In the Full Stack Web & Mobile Developer Bootc...
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382 La Capsule Academy Reviews

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  • Pierre SIMON
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Jun 18, 2024
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Very good experience

    Very good experience, good teachers and company. i learnt a lot with this bootcamp. My instructor Raida was very patient and professional. All the Capsule team was here to answer our questions. I am now able to code anything. Thank you for this.
  • Ophélie ROUX
    Front-End Developer • Graduate
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Apr 12, 2024
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Amazing Bootcamp

    I've always had an interest in computing, especially since several family members work in the sector. No longer finding fulfillment in commerce, I felt the need for a change. I started by learning the basics of HTML and CSS, then decided to join a bootcamp at La Capsule to work and progress in a group.
    I am very happy with my training at La Capsule. What I appreciated the most was the constant availability and support of the trainers. They were always there to ex...
  • Gwendoline Gaches
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Apr 05, 2024
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    I highly recommend

    I completed my training at La Capsule last March, remotely. After 10 weeks of training, here is my review. I decided to sign up for La Capsule, attracted by their full JavaScript program, which seemed perfectly aligned with the current market demands. Today, I can say that I am completely satisfied with my decision. What I particularly appreciated in this training is its logical progression and suitability for beginners, as well as the opportunity to delve deeper into certain ...
  • Necati KARATAS
    DevOps Engineer • Student • Cloud & DevOps Engineer - In Person • Paris
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    Apr 02, 2024
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Perfect experience...

     I highly recommend La Capsule's DevOps training. A pivotal professional step, it expanded my skills with excellent support, especially from Amin. Essential for those with basic networking knowledge. 
  • Estelle
    Student • Full Stack Web Developer - In Person • Lyon
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Feb 19, 2024
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Good experience !

    I recommend the La capsule school, which allows you to learn the basics of development in 10 weeks. a very good teaching team, real student monitoring and good work materials are available. At the end of the training, I obtained my web and mobile designer developer diploma! THANKS !
  • Arnaud
    QA Engineer • Graduate • Full Stack Web Developer - In Person • Paris
    Verified by GitHub
    Feb 07, 2024
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Hands on intensive learning experience

    I attended the web developer training at La Capsule in October 2023. As a QA engineer, my goal was to enhance my development skills, especially in JavaScript, to broaden my professional opportunities, especially on the international stage.
    Overall, I am very satisfied with the training. The format is intensive, so one needs to be prepared to review and work on the concepts outside of the training hours to fully grasp them. The content of the training was highly r...
  • Thibaud Veyssade
    Graduate • Full Stack Web Developer - In Person • Lyon
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    Feb 05, 2024
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Great experience

    As a former student of batch 98 in Lyon, I finished my training at the end of December. I really appreciated the pedagogy at La Capsule, which combined an hour of theoretical lessons followed by the practical application of the concepts discussed in class. This method allowed me to immediately see the usefulness of the concepts. The pedagogical approach made me feel like I was learning in a significant and effective way.My relationship with my teacher was particularly rewardin...
  • A
    Graduate • Full Stack Web Developer - In Person • Paris
    Verified by GitHub
    Jan 23, 2024
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Great experience. Super empowering

    As an engineer, I was seeking an hands-on training program that could fuel my goal to ship web projects by myself.

    Learning JavaScript was a non-negotiable for me.
    I also wanted the option to follow courses IRL.
    La Capsule emerged as the most fitting choice for me.
    My experience at La Capsule was exceptional! 
    The program is well-structured with a brisk pace, yet each concept is skillfully articulated, maintaining a motivating pressure to progress...
  • Full Stack Web Developer
    Student • Full Stack Web Developer - In Person • Paris
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    Jan 22, 2024
    Overall Experience
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    Fun and Intensive Experience

    I completed my training at La Capsule in December 2023, in Paris. My goal in joining this school was to specialize in a programming language. I had already undergone training in the field and had some coding experience. After exploring various options, I discovered La Capsule through Pôle Emploi, and their specialization in JavaScript immediately caught my attention.
    I am thoroughly satisfied with my training at La Capsule. The supervision is very professional, a...
  • Khalid Kafmaghni
    Developer • Student • Full Stack Web Developer - In Person • Paris
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Jan 22, 2024
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    I highly recommend La Capsule.

    I highly recommend La Capsule! Originally a bank advisor, I wanted to shift my career towards web development. After conducting some research, I chose to enroll in La Capsule's Fullstack Web & Mobile Developer program in October 2023. My decision was motivated by the language choice, JavaScript, which is both highly sought after and versatile.
    I am extremely satisfied with the training! I particularly appreciated the methodology, starting with the basics duri...
  • sophie blanchon
    sophie blanchon
    Student • Full Stack Web Developer - In Person • Lyon
    Verified by GitHub
    Jan 16, 2024
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    My experience at La Capsule was very positive

    I particularly enjoyed the intensive pace of the training, with a hands-on pedagogy that included morning classes followed by practical application. The program content is excellent, focusing on modern and sought-after technologies. Our teacher was highly effective, combining pedagogical skills with patience. He consistently supported us, even during challenging phases of the program, always with a great deal of kindness, which was very pleasant! Group dynamics were excellent, creating a...
  • FAUCON Killyan
    FAUCON Killyan
    Graduate • Full Stack Web Developer - In Person • Bordeaux
    Verified by GitHub
    Jan 15, 2024
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Great !!!

    Having already completed a training in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, my goal in joining La Capsule was to delve into JavaScript frameworks and obtain a recognized certification. After 2 and a half months of the bootcamp, I can confidently say that La Capsule has exceeded these expectations! 
    The training is very hands-on, with a curriculum aligned with the needs of companies. It adapts to the students' levels, and even with a solid foundation, I never felt bored tha...

La Capsule Academy Alumni Outcomes

Employment Rate
Graduation Rate
Median Salary
6% of students intended to seek in-field employment within 180 days of graduating. 10% of students did not intend to seek in-field employment. Below is the 180 Day Employment Breakdown for 182 graduates included in report:
180 Day employment breakdown
Employed in-field94.0%
Full-time employee58.0%
Full-time apprenticeship, internship or contract position12.0%
Short-term contract, part-time, or freelance16.0%
Started a new company or venture after graduation8.0%
Not seeking in-field employment1.2%
Employed out-of-field0.0%
Continuing to higher education12.0%
Not seeking a job for health, family, or personal reasons1.2%
Still seeking job in-field6.0%
Could not contact12.0%
salary breakdown
Notes and Caveats
Au total, 94% des diplômés de La Capsule sont en poste. 

Recent La Capsule Academy News

There are no blog posts about this school yet.

La Capsule Academy Alumni Reviews Summary

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Guarantees Job
Job Assistance
Includes Housing
Offers Corporate Training
Accepts GI Bill
Qualiopi - France
Recent La Capsule Academy News

How much does La Capsule Academy cost?

La Capsule Academy costs around €7,000. On the lower end, some La Capsule Academy courses like Code Essentials - Online cost €1,500.

What courses does La Capsule Academy teach?

La Capsule Academy offers courses like Cloud & DevOps Engineer - In Person, Cloud & DevOps Engineer - Online, Code Essentials - Online, Full Stack Web Developer - In Person and 1 more.

Where does La Capsule Academy have campuses?

La Capsule Academy has in-person campuses in Bordeaux, Brussels, Lille, Lyon, Marseille, Monaco, Nice, and Paris.

Is La Capsule Academy worth it?

The data says yes! La Capsule Academy reports a 100% graduation rate, a median salary of $35,000 and 94% of La Capsule Academy alumni are employed. La Capsule Academy hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 382 La Capsule Academy alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed La Capsule Academy on Course Report - you should start there!

Is La Capsule Academy legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 382 La Capsule Academy alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed La Capsule Academy and rate their overall experience a 4.98 out of 5.

Does La Capsule Academy offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like La Capsule Academy offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read La Capsule Academy reviews?

You can read 382 reviews of La Capsule Academy on Course Report! La Capsule Academy alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed La Capsule Academy and rate their overall experience a 4.98 out of 5.

Is La Capsule Academy accredited?

Qualiopi - France

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