Coder Camps is closed

This school is now closed. Although Coder Camps is no longer accepting students or running its program, you can still see historical information and Coder Camps alumni reviews on the school page.


Coder Camps

Average Rating3.84
64 Reviews
1 Course
Coder Camps offers 12-week coding bootcamps in Seattle, Washington, Phoenix, Arizona and online. Full and part-time students have the opportunity to choose between full-stack options like .NET, Java, JavaScript and C#. Unlike other schools that teach a single technology stack, Coder Camps covers a variety of technologies in a modular curriculum that prepares you for actual careers. All programs utilize Agile software development techniques and provide experience worki...
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64 Coder Camps Reviews

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  • Anonymous
    Software Engineer • Graduate • Houston
    Feb 03, 2016
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Awesome. Awesome. Awesome.

    I have no idea what these other guys are complaining about.  Numerous people went through the course and then got jobs, but only give 3 stars?  Seems like they are nit-picking to me.

    My experience was everything that I wanted it to be.  In short, I could have had a few things better here and there, but the teachers were amazing, the staff was very helpful, the financing worked perfectly, and the outcome was what I wanted - I got hired at $90k per year (as did more than half of my...

  • Anwar
    Jr. NET developer • Graduate • Full Stack Web Development • Online
    Feb 01, 2016
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Buyer beware

    The teacher was very knowledgeable, cared about student learning and progress and definitely took time to answer questions. I was online, but our class was delivered with in person students. The teaching method made sure everyone was included, during class time... Unfortunately, there was no offline office hours given. I know that the in person people were able to ask questions of the teacher and other staff members, but, knowing the value of expert advice and feedback, I'd think the program ...

    David of Coder Camps


    Aug 09, 2016

    Even though you had what seems to be a pretty good experience over all (you were employed after camp as a developer after all), I would like to remind you that as graduate you are in our Coder For Life program, which allows any grad to return to take any camp that we offer an unlimited number of times for FREE.  If you need more help getting to your goal of becoming a great developer, you need only reach out to our staff. Additionally, as a graduate, we will always work with you through our newly revised career services department and curriculum to get you ready for that next job.  You need only ask for help and we will be there for you.
  • Christopher Wessel
    Christopher Wessel
    Software Engineer • Graduate • Full Stack .NET + JavaScript • Seattle
    Jan 06, 2016
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Good program, great confidence booster

    Executive summary: first week is HARD but it gets easier. Facility is great, instructor is great, job assitance is mediocre, 75% of my troop was employed by the end. 


    I was in the pilot troop for Coder Camps in Redmond. There wasn't even a classroom set up when I moved into the apartment the week before. There were 4 people in my troop: myself with a BA in computer science and tube performance, an ex-chef, a downsized Microsoft engineer, and college...

  • Anonymous
    Full Stack .NET + JavaScript • Seattle
    Nov 21, 2015
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Great instructors, terrible student support

    Pros: My instructor was amazing. Stephen Walther is a professional developer who worked at Microsoft on the ASP .NET team, has written books, and knows his stuff. I learned a lot. I had almost no experience with code development. It was intense, and frustrating but very rewarding.  The other students were great. It was a very supportive class and a positive atmosphere. 

    Cons: My first complaint was having a class with both in person students and remote students. The flo...


    David of Coder Camps


    Aug 09, 2016

    Even though you had a bad experience, we would welcome you back if you are a graduate via our Coder For Life program, which allows any grad to return to take any camp that we offer an unlimited number of times for FREE.  If you need more help getting to your goal of becoming a great developer, you need only reach out to our staff. Additionally, as a graduate, we will always work with you through our newly revised career services department and curriculum to get you ready for that first job.
  • Cade
    Full Stack Web Development • Houston
    Nov 06, 2015
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Coder Camps Houston

    What I learned from Coder Camps paid immediate dividends for my company and me. I had very little programming knowledge when my brother and I entered the startup world, and even though I was on the business side of the company, I knew programming experience would be invaluable.

    I entered Coding From Scratch with just basic HTML, CSS and JavaScript skills from webmasters in high school and codecademy, and I was able to get everything out of the 9-week .NET course that I expec...


    David of Coder Camps


    Aug 09, 2016

    No matter what you do Cade, you will be a rock star.  Never lose that amazing attitude that sets you up for success.  I hope that we get to work on a project together in the future.
  • Chris Pena
    Chris Pena
    Graduate • Full Stack Web Development • Houston
    Nov 05, 2015
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Coder Camps, Thank you.

    i must say that attending Coder Camps was one of the best decisions I've ever made in terms of education. I've never been motivated by the college environment. I would just study to pass tests and slack just because I wasn't interested in what college had to offer. I can say happily that there wasn't a single day that I wasn't engaged or trilled to be there. I would spend 14+ hour a day at Coder Camps for the 12 weeks I was there doing the program.

    Now I will ...


    David of Coder Camps


    Aug 09, 2016

    Your team really raised the bar for group projects!  So glad that you came to our camp and let us help you along your path.  You are a rock star and we look forward to your future visits to Coder Camps.
  • Anonymous
    Full Stack .NET + JavaScript • Washington
    Nov 05, 2015
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    THANK YOU Coder Camps! So Much More Than Just Code.

    I was super scared coming into Coder Camps.  I had very little experience coding and I almost quit in Coding From Scratch.  Cody, my instructor for Coding From Scratch, was awesome.  He really pumped me up and made me feel like the struggles that I was going through were normal.  It gave me a huge boost in confidence about my code.

    While I was there though, I found out just how strong I was.  Whether it was the exhaustive days, or the extremely difficult ...

  • Anna
    Graduate • Full Stack Web Development • Houston
    Oct 29, 2015
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Coder Camps Houston

    I had a great experience with Coder Camps at their Houston campus. I came in with extremely minimal knowledge of programming; I had only completed HTML, CSS, and half of JS on codecademy before I enrolled and began their Coding From Scratch program online then went on to attend the Full Stack .NET course in-person. Nick was my instructor at Houston, and he is an absolutely amazing professor and resource as well. He was always more than willing to help myself and other students with problem...

  • J.R. Neumeier
    J.R. Neumeier
    Hopeful Full Stack .NET Web Developer • Graduate • Full Stack .NET + JavaScript • Seattle
    Oct 06, 2015
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Go Somewhere Else!

    I was part of their second troop (started May 04th, 2015, graduated July 24th, 2015), and I'm writing this review to highlight issues not only with Coder Camps but also boot camps in general. I DO NOT RECOMMEND going to a boot camp in the Seattle area because they have not caught on really at all here, unless you have prior experience (atleast some college experience). I was a high school graduate with no coding experience before this, took their CFS and their Full Stack .NET bootcamp,...


    David of Coder Camps


    Aug 09, 2016

    Even though you had a bad experience, we would welcome you back if you are a graduate into our Coder For Life program, which allows any grad to return to take any camp that we offer an unlimited number of times for FREE.  If you need more help getting to your goal of becoming a great developer, you need only reach out to our staff.

    Additionally, as a graduate, we will always work with you through our newly revised career services department to get you ready for that first job.
  • Philip Lanphar
    Philip Lanphar
    Graduate • San Francisco
    Oct 05, 2015
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Coder Camps Oakland

    I had a great experience at the Oakland campus. The instructors were phenomenal and Jackie the campus director is awesome. The curriculum and learning pace were intense but you get a lot out of it. It is truly amazing what you can learn in 9 weeks. Would highly recommend this program to anyone interested in attending.

  • Dan Do
    Dan Do
    Graduate • Full Stack Web Development • Houston
    Jun 08, 2015
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    My experience with Coder Camps

    Before coming to the Coder Camps Greater Seattle (Redmond, WA) location, I also had a chance to go through the curriculum down at Houston.

    At first, I was hesitant to go through the program because I wasn't sure if it would be possible to learn ASP.NET+JavaScript Technology stack in just a short period amount of time (9 weeks). I decided to give it a shot since there were such high demand of ASP.NET developers in Seattle and I wanted to get my skill set up as quick as possibl...

  • Tre Davis
    Tre Davis
    Graduate • Full Stack .NET + JavaScript • San Francisco
    Apr 06, 2015
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Recent Grad (April 2015)

    I attended Coder Camps from January - March 2015 at their Bay Area location. It was the best decision I've made in my high school/college drop-out career. I worked in sales for a company and made decent money. It wasn't fulfilling, and I knew I could do more with my brain. So I took the leap of faith and enrolled in camp.

    Before coming to camp, I was asked to learn and was tested on the basics of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. During the first 3 weeks of camp there is ...


Coder Camps Alumni Outcomes

Recent Coder Camps News

Imogen Crispe
Imogen Crispe
Updated February 28, 2018
A lot happened in the world of technology education in February 2018! In case you missed it, we put together a roundup of all the coding bootcamp news we found interesting at Course Report. We read about government support for bootcamps and vocational education, we heard about companies training their employees at bootcamps, we saw coverage on the debate between colleges and bootcamps, and there was an in-depth article about the pros and cons of income sharing agreements. We ...
Imogen Crispe
Imogen Crispe
Updated July 16, 2021
Welcome to the first News Roundup of 2018! We re already having a busy 2018 we published our latest outcomes and demographics report, and we re seeing a promising focus on diversity in tech! In January we saw a significant fundraising announcement from an online bootcamp, we saw journalists exploring why employers should hire bootcamp and apprenticeship graduates, we read about community colleges versus bootcamps and how bootcamps are helping to grow tech ecosystems. Plus, ...
Lauren Stewart
Lauren Stewart
Updated August 21, 2017
Since 5th grade, Matthew Arvidson wanted to be a developer, but didn’t think it was a viable career because he didn’t know anyone working in the tech industry. After teaching himself some code online, Matthew took a friend’s advice and chose to attend Coder Camps ’ Full Stack Software Development online program. Read more about the Coder Camps online experience and see how Matthew landed a job as a Software Developer. Q&A What is your pre- bootcamp ...
Imogen Crispe
Imogen Crispe
Updated July 25, 2017
With the closing of Dev Bootcamp (slated for December 8, 2017), you re probably wondering what other coding bootcamp options are out there. Dev Bootcamp changed thousands of lives , and built a great reputation with employers, so we are sad to see it go. Fortunately, there are still plenty of quality coding bootcamps in the cities where Dev Bootcamp operated. Here is a list of coding bootcamps with similar lengths, time commitments, and curriculums in the six cities where Dev ...
Imogen Crispe
Imogen Crispe
Updated April 27, 2017
Coder Camps has been teaching programs in full stack JavaScript and . NET since 2013, but in April 2017 they launched a new, modular curriculum. Students can now choose which technologies to learn over 12 weeks, preparing them for the job market in their city and pushing students to understand the why behind their decisions. Coder Camps COO, Chris Coleman, explains how students will learn via a blend of in-person and online instruction, and how the Coder For Life program enables ...
Imogen Crispe
Imogen Crispe
Updated March 30, 2017
Coder Camps JavaScript instructor Nick Suwyn first learned to code when he was 11, and although he pursued a career in music education, Nick eventually got a degree in Computer Information Systems. After working as a software engineer for a number of years, he was able to combine his tech and education skills and join Coder Camps in Phoenix as an instructor. Nick tells us how he relates to his students who are switching careers, why his teaching style focuses on best practices, ...
Imogen Crispe
Imogen Crispe
Updated February 10, 2017
Michael Miller-Hairston found a passion for coding during his degree in digital culture, then taught himself to code while waiting tables. He almost went back to college to study computer science, then came across Coder Camps and enrolled at their Phoenix, Arizona campus. Michael tells us about O Source, the project his Coder Camps team of three built in just three weeks. He shares his screen to demo the project and explains how he hopes it will help new coders build up their experience ...
Imogen Crispe
Imogen Crispe
Updated December 09, 2016
Why is Phoenix, Arizona a good place to learn to code? Coder Camps just opened a new coding bootcamp campus in Phoenix hoping to help fill the demand for tech talent. It s their third campus after Seattle and Houston, all teaching .NET and full stack JavaScript. We spoke to Coder Camps Director of Education John Thomas about what the Phoenix campus is like, what students will learn there, and what sort of companies are hiring. Plus, find out about the large variety of tech meetups ...
Imogen Crispe
Imogen Crispe
Updated November 22, 2016
Duran Gradwell and Debbie Westwood both learned to code at Coder Camps , but what we found most interesting is that Duran studied at Coder Camps Seattle campus, while Debbie studied online remotely from Phoenix, Arizona. We wanted to examine the difference between studying in-person versus online, so we asked Duran and Debbie to compare and contrast why they chose their study methods, what the learning experience was like, and what their favorite projects were. And regardless ...
Imogen Crispe
Imogen Crispe
Updated October 05, 2016
Nick built web applications to solve business problems for 15 years before he became a founding member of Coder Camps coding bootcamp in Houston, Texas. Now, three years later, Nick wears many hats including instructor, campus director, and CTO. We asked Nick why Coder Camps teaches .NET in Houston, how the team keeps the curriculum up to date, and why it’s important to give practical, real examples to help students learn. Q&A Tell us about your programming experience ...
Lauren Stewart
Lauren Stewart
Updated September 20, 2016
Jasmine was a junior college student studying elementary education before she took a semester off to attend Coder Camps ’ 12-week full-stack bootcamp in Houston, Texas. Coming from a family of programmers, she decided to leave university to see if she would enjoy learning to code. Check out how Jasmine enjoyed learning alongside lots of other women at Coder Camps , find out about the baking app she built, and why she’s shifting her goals to become a front-end developer. ...
Harry Hantel
Harry Hantel
Updated April 06, 2015
(updated April 2018) Slide across the roof of the General Lee, we re heading south of the Mason-Dixon to check out the best coding bootcamps in the southern United States. There are some fantastic code schools from the Carolinas to Georgia and all the way to Texas, and we re covering them all. Talk about Southern Hospitality! Hack Reactor Why Even as they ve expanded to San Francisco and Los Angeles, Hack Reactor has maintained their base in Austin and continued to graduate qualified ...

Coder Camps Alumni Reviews Summary

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Guarantees Job
Job Assistance
Includes Housing
Offers Corporate Training
Accepts GI Bill

How much does Coder Camps cost?

Coder Camps costs around $13,900.

What courses does Coder Camps teach?

Coder Camps offers courses like Full Stack Web Development.

Where does Coder Camps have campuses?

Coder Camps has in-person campuses in Phoenix and Seattle. Coder Camps also has a remote classroom so students can learn online.

Is Coder Camps worth it?

Coder Camps hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 64 Coder Camps alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Coder Camps on Course Report - you should start there!

Is Coder Camps legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 64 Coder Camps alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Coder Camps and rate their overall experience a 3.84 out of 5.

Does Coder Camps offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like Coder Camps offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read Coder Camps reviews?

You can read 64 reviews of Coder Camps on Course Report! Coder Camps alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Coder Camps and rate their overall experience a 3.84 out of 5.

Is Coder Camps accredited?


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