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  • Liz Eggleston
    Liz Eggleston
    Updated on March 10, 2015
    After learning to program C in high school, Greg Piccolo was drawn to the New York startup scene and knew he had to be a part of it. He graduated from Dev Bootcamp and was hired as an instructor at Byte Academy, a New York City coding bootcamp at specializing in Finance and fintech. Greg took a break from Graduation Day to ta...
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  • Liz Eggleston
    Liz Eggleston
    Updated on March 6, 2015
    Martin Puryear has been programming since he was in junior high. After studying Computer Systems at Stanford and working in software development at Microsoft, Martin decided he wanted to transition to web development. He graduated from Coding Dojo, and realized that his dream job opportunity was to be a bootcamp leader with th...
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  • Jess Feldman
    Jess Feldman
    Updated on July 23, 2024
    Python is often hailed as one of the best programming languages for first-time coders to learn as they break into programming. It’s the main technology powering big data, finance, and statistics, and its clean syntax r...
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  • Liz Eggleston
    Liz Eggleston
    Updated on March 5, 2015
    T. J. Jones is the Director of Partnership Development at Coder Foundry in North Carolina. We talk to T. J. about the types of students who excel at Coder Foundry, the companies who hire from the school, and the value that Coder Foundry adds to the job placement process.   Tell us about what you were doing before you c...
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  • Liz Eggleston
    Liz Eggleston
    Updated on March 4, 2015
    CareerFoundry combines the flexibility of online learning with the proven guidance of mentors, training students to become employable developers and UX designers in three months. Watch the live webinar to: Hear from Martin Ramsin, CTO and founder of Continue Reading →
  • Liz Eggleston
    Liz Eggleston
    Updated on March 19, 2019
    Antonio Raynor had a Computer Science degree from East Carolina and a career in software development; but he knew that the tech market was trending towards web development. He was excited to find out that Coder Foundry was a bootcamp right in the North Carolina area that could teach him the web skills he would need to advanc...
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  • Liz Eggleston
    Liz Eggleston
    Updated on March 3, 2015
    Evgeny Shadchnev is a classically trained software developer, with undergraduate and post-grad degrees in computer science. As he started assembling development teams, he was struck by the lack of qualified developers on the market. In response, he co-founded Makers Academy in London to turn beginners with an interest in code int...
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  • Harry Hantel
    Harry Hantel
    Updated on December 15, 2016
    Welcome to the February News Roundup, your monthly news digest full of the most interesting articles and announcements in the bootcamp space. Want your bootcamp's news to be included in the next News Roundup?  Submit announcements of new courses, scholarships, or open jobs at your school!   Bootcamps in the News Are Coding Bootcamps a Continue Reading →
  • Launch Academy is a 10-week, full-time, immersive bootcamp in Boston, Massachusetts. Launch Academy’s web development bootcamp instructs students in the language of Ruby on Rails and focuses on long term education and real project based learning. Students are granted access to an extensive career support system after gradua...
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  • Liz Eggleston
    Liz Eggleston
    Updated on February 27, 2015
    We recently sat down with Chris Beck, the head of mentorship at Bloc. With over 20 years of experience in software development under his belt, Chris was previously VP of Engineering at Privia Health, a DC health-tech company before joining Bloc. Chris has been a Bloc mentor for years, and joined full-time following Bloc's Series A f...
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