tradecraft is closed

This school is now closed. Although tradecraft is no longer accepting students or running its program, you can still see historical information and tradecraft alumni reviews on the school page.



Average Rating4.91
139 Reviews
3 Courses

Tradecraft in San Francisco offers full time, 12-week immersive bootcamp programs for smart, motivated people who want to get into tech. Tradecraft offers courses in Sales & Business Development, Growth Marketing, Product Design and Engineering.

The program has been designed by industry-leading experts to ensure that students graduate with the depth and breadth of knowledge to make meaningful contributions from day one at a high-growth startup. Tradecraft students work with a large group of world-class mentors and a small group of inspiring peers. Students gain real work experience during the course of the program by working on projects for Silicon Valley companies.

Tradecraft’s unique approach to training means that graduates will have access to programs and resources until they get a job. Tradecraft offers ongoing mentorship and support to their alumni.

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139 tradecraft Reviews

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  • Catherine Lagman
    Senior Product Designer • Graduate • Product Design • San Francisco
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Mar 13, 2017
    Overall Experience
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    Best accelerated program

    I was a graphic/visual designer for both marketing and product teams throughout my career. I decided to invest in myself and "level up" by focusing on UX/product design. I researched a lot of programs out here in the Bay Area and heard about TC from a friend. After reading reviews and speaking to the staff, I knew this was the right move for me. As soon as I was accepted to the program, I quit my full-time job and went all in -- I've never looked back since. I feel extremely grateful for t...

  • Stefanie
    Product Designer • Student • Product Design • San Francisco
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Mar 08, 2017
    Overall Experience
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    This review focuses specifically on the value I received from Tradecraft as a student who transitioned from a seemingly unrelated job and industry into product design and tech. 

    TC is awesome, and I could wax on forever about the experience generally, but I want to be useful to the folks like me who sat wringing their hands for months, waffling on whether a non-artsy business strategy person could transition into UX/product design. SPOILER: you definitely can, an...

  • Saiya
    UX Researcher • Student • Product Design • San Francisco
    Nov 14, 2021
    Overall Experience
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    Tradecraft is a glorified meetup group

    I went to tradecraft in 2015. Did i get a job within 3 months of graduating? Yes. Do i still work UX? Yes. I accomplished my goals through being self taught and hard work. Tradecraft did not provide any curriculum or support it promised. This school will only accept you if you are already capable of landing a job in UX. All of the guest speakers and projects are brought in by the students. The mentors are other students. Tradecraft claims they partner with real companies so you can work ...
  • Charles
    Product Designer • Graduate • Product Design • San Francisco
    Aug 28, 2019
    Overall Experience
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    Accelerate your learning and break into tech

    A little over a year ago, I was unsatisfied with my job at a company where I had no room to grow. After talking to some alumni they all reaffirmed the positive reviews about Tradecraft. So I decided to take the leap and it was one of the best decisions of my life.

    I wanted to surround myself with motivated people because I knew it would accelerate my learning. Moving into the Bay from out of town, I didn’t have a lot of connections. TC quickly became my network and welcomed me in...

  • Ivanna
    Product Design • San Francisco
    Jul 15, 2019
    Overall Experience
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    Best career investment I've ever made

    I transitioned from a background in social science research to product design in less than 6 months. I had taught myself design for about a month before Tradecraft, but ultimately turned to bootcamps to speed things up. After extensive research (LOTS of phone calls with alum, combing through coursera reviews like this one, etc.), Tradecraft became the obvious choice. 


    1. Learning in the Valley 
      Learning design in an area with a strong...
  • Sruthy Kumar
    Sruthy Kumar
    Product Designer • Graduate • Product Design • San Francisco
    Jan 22, 2019
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Highly Recommend Product Design Track

    I graduated from the Product Design Track in Jul 2017 and found a role as a product designer at an SF-based tech company within 2 months of graduating. That said, I want to be very clear that I do not mean it in a how-to-get-rich-quick kind of way - Tradecraft is NOT a hack to getting the growth/product design role that you want. But for the candidate with the right attitude, willingness to put in the time and effort into the painful task of carving out one's path from scratch in growth/pr...

  • Paul Michael Armstrong
    Paul Michael Armstrong
    Product Designer • Graduate • Product Design • San Francisco
    Jan 09, 2019
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    So Much More Than Expected

    Enrolling at Tradecraft was one of the best decisions I ever made. I came to Tradecraft after being laid off from the company I had been at for 11 years – 8 of which I was doing graphic design. The months in the program were difficult and demanding but that's where the magic happens. With the fast paced curriculum learnings, real world projects, and amazing faculty’s support all under my belt, I was able to land a contract at a high-growth startup a few months shortly after wrapping up all...

  • Shu Jiang
    Shu Jiang
    UX Designer • Graduate • Product Design • San Francisco
    Oct 30, 2018
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    Product Design

    I had an amazing experience with Tradecraft. The program was effective, dynamic, and super hands-on. The staff is brilliant and provides lots of guidance along the journey. If you are looking to learn details on how to use the tools (i.e. Sketch), this might not be your choice. The staff expects you to learn on your own for basic skills, but spend the time teaching many valuable things that you won't be able to learn from the internet (makes a lot of sense to me). The real-world experience...

  • Wenting
    Product Researcher • Applicant • Product Design • San Francisco
    Oct 09, 2018
    Overall Experience
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    Help you get grounded

    Tradecraft helped me change to the UX field in a fantastic company! If you want to change your career path to product design/research, Tradecraft would be a top choice. 2 resons:

    1) Real projects

    Real project experience is very important to start a career in the UX field because of competition. At Tradecraft, most projects are real - you will work with real companies to solve real problems. I learned a lot through those projects and those projects became my strong showcases...

  • Kevin
    Operations Lead • Graduate • Growth • San Francisco
    Oct 07, 2018
    Overall Experience
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    Great Investment - Growth Marketing

    My reason for considering an accelerator school was this: I was living in San Francisco, three years removed from being in the military, and working at a job I felt placed a ceiling on my growth. Projecting outwards, I realized there was a likelihood that job mobility would be an issue if I didn't expand my network and skill-base. It was an unfortunate, but true, realization that a military background rarely fits into tech-based Bay Area job descriptions. I needed a quick way to overcome t...

  • Taso Kasaris
    Taso Kasaris
    Strategic Partnerships Manager • Graduate • Business Development & Sales • San Francisco
    Oct 02, 2018
    Overall Experience
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    Guidance toward career fulfillment

    After a decade in financial sevices, I made the tough decision to pivot towards a career in technology.  I was always interested in innovation, and the most fun I had in my career was through builidng teams or establishing new initiatives.  As I began interviewing, I realized the pivot was deeper than I had realized.  I had a lot to learn about how tech companies are orgnanized, how they they operate, what language they speak, and about what roles best fit my goals.

    Tradecraft gave...

  • Andrew
    Product Designer • Graduate • Product Design • San Francisco
    Sep 28, 2018
    Overall Experience
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    Got My Design Job

    With these types of programs, I'm very results-driven. Bootcamps are here to help you find a job, and Tradecraft succeeds in this area for the vast majority of its members. Tradecraft makes it clear from the outset that the program is self-driven, and you get out what you put in. The resources are there, but you need to take advantage of them in your own way that works for your own, unique background. This is the program for self-motivated learners, and not for those who crave structure.


tradecraft Alumni Outcomes

Recent tradecraft News

Imogen Crispe
Imogen Crispe
Updated August 11, 2016
Adam attended Tradecraft’s 12-week growth marketing bootcamp in San Francisco, with a mission to shake up his skills in tech. Although he had a ton of tech experience with A/B testing and experimentation, he realized he couldn’t land the marketing career that he wanted. Read more about his thoughts on learning in a bootcamp classroom, why he used Tradecraft to take hold of his own destiny, ...

tradecraft Alumni Reviews Summary

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Guarantees Job
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Includes Housing
Offers Corporate Training
Accepts GI Bill
Recent tradecraft News

How much does tradecraft cost?

tradecraft costs around $14,000.

What courses does tradecraft teach?

tradecraft offers courses like Business Development & Sales, Growth, Product Design.

Where does tradecraft have campuses?

tradecraft has an in-person campus in San Francisco.

Is tradecraft worth it?

tradecraft hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 139 tradecraft alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed tradecraft on Course Report - you should start there!

Is tradecraft legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 139 tradecraft alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed tradecraft and rate their overall experience a 4.91 out of 5.

Does tradecraft offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like tradecraft offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read tradecraft reviews?

You can read 139 reviews of tradecraft on Course Report! tradecraft alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed tradecraft and rate their overall experience a 4.91 out of 5.

Is tradecraft accredited?

While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. tradecraft doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.

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