Orange County Code School is closed

This school is now closed. Although Orange County Code School is no longer accepting students or running its program, you can still see historical information and Orange County Code School alumni reviews on the school page.


Orange County Code School

Average Rating5.0
40 Reviews
1 Course

Orange County Code School is a 12-week immersive coding bootcamp in Orange County, CA. OCCS includes 540 hours of hands-on coding and instructors with 15+ years of industry experience. There are no pre-requisites or coding experience required for admission. Classes cover JavaScript, Node.js React, Redux, Angular, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, HTML5, and CSS3. Coursework focuses on industry best practices and collaboration workflow, and includes guest speakers from the largest local technology companies. Students receive ongoing job assistance including skill building, and hiring/networking workshops and events. Students are also given the opportunity to connect with peers in alumni activities after completion of the bootcamp.

40 Orange County Code School Reviews

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  • Alvin C
    Graduate • Full-Time Immersive • Orange County
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Mar 09, 2018
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Life-Changing Experience

    I'm going to keep this review short and sweet. Making the commitment to go to OCCS was the best decision I've ever made. 

    Quick background about me: I realized I wanted to switch to a career in programming about 1 year ago. I began to try to teach myself, by spending a few hours each day after work watching videos and doing tutorials. However, after a couple months, I realized that 1. I was going at too slow of a pace and 2. I was beginning to plateau. I realized that if I was to...

  • Kenny Kim Jr.
    Associate Development Engineer • Graduate • Irvine
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Nov 23, 2017
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Best Decision I've Ever Made in My Life

    I was a member of the 9th Cohort. I graduated in August 2017 and have since then landed a position at a major company, content with my new line of work and grateful for the experience that OCCS has given me. Having been out of the program for more than 3 months now, and being where I want to be in life, I am writing this review with my wholehearted gratitude. 

    In the prelude to going to OCCS, I remember being unhappy with where I was in life after I graduated. Having no real dire...

  • Travis LaDuke
    Travis LaDuke
    Software Developer • Student • Full-Time Immersive • Orange County
    Verified by GitHub
    Apr 18, 2017
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    A+ code school


    - They got me a job offer 3 or 4 weeks before the cohort ended. 

    - It's by an Ike's Sandwhiches. 

    - Seems like the numbers on the website are correct; Everybody in my cohort has a real job now. 

    - They understand how people learn. 

    - There is a lot of low-quality information about programming and javascript on the internet. You get to skip it. 

    - Cohort six was the best cohort ever


  • Anson W
    Anson W
    Software Engineer • Graduate • Full-Time Immersive • Orange County
    Verified by GitHub
    Mar 24, 2017
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    An Opportunity of a Lifetime

    I am a proud member of the 7th cohort at the Orange County Code School.


    I graduated from the University of Southern California with a Bachelors in Electrical Engineering. I had a year of experience working on a rapid deployment medical laboratory software team, and about half a year of experience working in the entertainment sector at AT&T in a non-developer role.


    During the last few months...

  • Sean H
    Sean H
    Software Engineer • Graduate • Orange County
    Verified by GitHub
    Jan 22, 2017
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Hard Work Pays Off

    I came into the course after almost a year of drifting through free online courses and a few JavaScript books. I was familiar with a lot of the basics, especially HTML and CSS, but hadn't been able to put it all together or push through that beginner level. Programming as a career was a big change for me, and I was both excited and nervous about actually making the leap.

    Ron starts his curriculum fast right out of the gate. He knows that there is more to learn than can possibly f...

  • Andrew F.
    Andrew F.
    Software Developer • Graduate • Full-Time Immersive • Orange County
    Mar 19, 2018
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Got Me A Programming Job


    I finally decided to enroll after years of working an unsatisfying Engineering job. Today, I'm happily coding all day for a Cybersecurity company with salary and benfits. OCCS made this possible.


    Leaving my job with steady pay to go through a coding bootcamp without another job lined up was intimidating. The three months of learning web development at OCCS was fast-paced and very challenging. Conducting th...

  • Ryan Shin
    Ryan Shin
    Graduate • Full-Time Immersive • Orange County
    Mar 12, 2018
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Dreams do come true.

    On December 2015, I embarked on an amazing journey to learn programming and hopefully transition my career into software development. After 1 year of self-teaching, I 've learned how to read code but I didn't really know how to connect all of my knowledge together in creating a full-stack application. I knew, from that point on, I couldn't do this alone and I need to seek help.

    Fast foward to early 2017, I saw an ad for a programming bootcamp in Orange County. The curriculum was ...

  • Gerard P Degas
    Gerard P Degas
    Web developer • Graduate • Irvine
    Mar 12, 2018
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    One of the best.

    When I first started my journey into being a web developer I was completely wet behind the ears. I knew people who had coded and heard lots about how Coders make good money, but had no idea what I was getting into. I self-started by taking a few free online courses and quickly realized I wanted the high paced boot camp experience and needed one-on-one time with a seasoned instructor. I needed to make the choice to quit my job and enter a bootcamp, or continue in my current career. Af...

  • Thien Doan
    Thien Doan
    Software Engineer • Graduate • Orange County
    Mar 07, 2018
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Software Engineer

    If you want to write code, make cool projects, and ease your way into the vast oceans of programming knowledge; OCCS is your gateway to it all. I can't stress enough how awesome the instruction is and how quickly they catch everything that you are doing right and wrong to make sure you are only working on good habits.

    It wasn't easy but if you are prepared to put in the work and immerse yourself in the code then you will do well. It is not for everyone so I recommend checking it ...

  • Ryan Rundle
    Ryan Rundle
    Software Developer • Graduate • Full-Time Immersive • Orange County
    Nov 17, 2017
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Fantastic Program

    I had written 0 lines of code before I came to this school and I walked out with a job in hand doing full stack development.

    For those that have some experience i overheard a classmate say "I've taken 2 years of Javascript courses at a local school and I've learned more in 1 week here than I did then entire time there."

    It was a fantastic experience for me.

    Whatever you might expect you should expect to write a lot of code. 9am on day 1 Ron walked and and simp...

  • Joe
    Application Developer • Graduate • Full-Time Immersive • Orange County
    Sep 13, 2017
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    A place of wisdom.

    This school and its instructors helped me go from a state of confusion to a state of clarity. 

    About me:

    For 15 years I had worked in retail like many people. I never got a college degree which can make getting into a higher position let alone a new industry difficult. I discovered my passion for software when fiddling with HTML, CSS, and only a bit of JavaScript. There are so many online resouces for "How to code" but I felt so lost. I didn't know what...

  • Jason
    Software Engineer • Graduate • Full-Time Immersive • Orange County
    Jul 05, 2017
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Literally changed my life

    First, it is important to acknowledge the man behind the school, Ron Perris. I rate him 100/100 as a teacher, mentor, and dude.

    I am a member of the 5th cohort, so this review may not cover all the rad improvements the school has undergone, since. OK! Moving on to the review of OCCS...


    Before OCCS

    I was previously doing social media at a ‘unicorn’ startup ...


Orange County Code School Alumni Outcomes

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Orange County Code School Alumni Reviews Summary

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Guarantees Job
Job Assistance
Includes Housing
Offers Corporate Training
Accepts GI Bill
Recent Orange County Code School News

How much does Orange County Code School cost?

Orange County Code School costs around $15,000.

What courses does Orange County Code School teach?

Orange County Code School offers courses like Full-Time Immersive.

Where does Orange County Code School have campuses?

Orange County Code School has in-person campuses in Irvine and Orange County.

Is Orange County Code School worth it?

Orange County Code School hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 40 Orange County Code School alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Orange County Code School on Course Report - you should start there!

Is Orange County Code School legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 40 Orange County Code School alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Orange County Code School and rate their overall experience a 5.0 out of 5.

Does Orange County Code School offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like Orange County Code School offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read Orange County Code School reviews?

You can read 40 reviews of Orange County Code School on Course Report! Orange County Code School alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Orange County Code School and rate their overall experience a 5.0 out of 5.

Is Orange County Code School accredited?

While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. Orange County Code School doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.

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