

Average Rating3.93
28 Reviews
2 Courses

Technigo offers 22-week, fully remote bootcamps in front end web development and UX design. At Technigo, students learn as if they were working in a tech company. The course follows Agile methodology with 2-week sprint planning, check-ins, demos and retrospectives. Students receive a new individual code assignment each day and have the opportunity to work in teams. Students also have the chance to meet, work with, and visit various tech companies. Each Technigo participant will receive help with the job search, including setting up interviews and gaining access to the Technigo network of partner tech companies.

No prior programming knowledge is needed to apply. Applicants must submit a written application, coding challenge, and then be selected by an anonymous tech industry jury of developers and tech recruiters. Technigo has hosted pop-up bootcamps in Stockholm, Sweden.

Technigo offers a Career Program to all bootcamp students. Students receive one-to-one coaching and group coaching with proffesional career coaches.

28 Technigo Reviews

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  • Maja Zimnoch
    Frontend-utvecklare • Graduate • Frontend Development Boot Camp • Stockholm
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Jan 18, 2024
    Overall Experience
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    From zero to hero

    Last year this time my coding skills were near to zero and now I am starting a full time job as a developer. I am so happy I discovered Technigo and this course put me in a place I see myself building my professional career and just becoming better and better within web development!

    To start off, I really liked the format of the course and the positive vibes built around it. I liked how 'colorful and smiley' it was, it was important to me to get to a school that is not too numb, b...
  • Frida M. G.
    Frida M. G.
    Verified by GitHub
    Jan 17, 2024
    Overall Experience
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    One of the best experiences in my life

    Jumping into this bootcamp was like diving headfirst into a whirlwind of challenges, definitely not your typical stroll in the park. If you're the type who prefers the comfort of a silver-platter learning experience, this might not be your cup of tea. It's a journey that demands everything you've got—your blood, your sweat, and yeah, a few tears. But it's also so much fun and so much love. It's all the emotions at the same time....
  • Charlotte Johansson
    Charlotte Johansson
    Fronend developer • Graduate • Frontend Development Boot Camp • Stockholm
    Verified by GitHub
    Jan 26, 2023
    Overall Experience
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    Great way to change career

    I have just graduated the front end developer bootcamp with Technigo. The course includes html, css, javascript, react and some backend that will make you confident to search for junior front end developer jobs. I did the course together with my current employer to develop my work as an product developer. The course is intensive and really tough (I had never done development before) but with great videos and weekly mob programming I did it! Its part time (I worked during the course) but ...
  • Sofie Rydmark
    Sofie Rydmark
    Frontend Developer • Graduate • Frontend Development Boot Camp • Stockholm
    Verified by GitHub
    Jan 26, 2023
    Overall Experience
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    Best decision I've made

    If you were like me, struggling to figure out what to do next with your life after having kids but didn't want to go back to the typical university studies (so boring) - then this bootcamp is for you. It was fun, intense, and I have learned so much in only 6 months. The way the course is built is both educational but also fun, and in no way as the typical university studies with long texts and essays and reports. Go for it :)
  • Kartika P.
    Graduate • Frontend Development Boot Camp • Stockholm
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Jan 25, 2023
    Overall Experience
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    Frontend Development Bootcamp

    Before you read this review, please take into account that this is probably will apply to you too only if you are 100% the same kind of person as I am. I want to give you a brief description about me so you can decide for yourself if you should take my review into consideration before you apply to Technigo.
    - am not a Swedish and speak only English for the entire course
    - knew only basic (very very basic) HTML and CSS before I joined Technigo, so basically the experience w...
  • Linda Malm
    Front end developer • Student • Frontend Development Boot Camp • Stockholm
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Jan 25, 2023
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Intense, hard, fun, mind-blowing

    It has been six intense months where I’ve had no life except coding and my half-time work, but I’m amazed at how much I’ve learned! I knew nothing of coding beforehand and now I truly feel ready for a front end job. It feels like I’ve got a solid foundation in both front end and backend dev work.
    If I could do it all again I definitely would, but I would have liked to be more prepared on how intense it would be. Maybe not work 50% just so I could have time for basic ground control lik...
  • Svante Ljunggren
    Svante Ljunggren
    Student • Frontend Development Boot Camp • Stockholm
    Verified by GitHub
    Mar 02, 2022
    Overall Experience
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    My thought on the bootcamp

    I did the frontend bootcamp starting in January 2022, I did not complete but stoped taking the course after 8 weeks as I felt coding wasn't for me. I'm writing this review as it's hard to get accurate info what you can expect from the bootcamp. Take this into account that I have the perspective of someone who only did 8 out of 24 weeks and 95% of students who finish the course have jobs and seems pleased with the course as the demand for developers are higher than the supply.

    The ...
  • Annika
    Graduate • Frontend Development Boot Camp • Stockholm
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Apr 05, 2018
    Overall Experience
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    Best kick-start programming!

    This course is a really good and relevant one. Every day is full of information and hands on training. I could not do any programming before I started and now I have a job where I program! Its great teachers, the structure is very relevant, we got to work with interesting companies and we all had so much fun together.


    I recommend this course to anyone who would like to learn programming, its an inspiring way to get to know this world and perfect for everybody who wants to...

  • Sofia Vaz Sousa
    Sofia Vaz Sousa
    Frontend developer • Graduate • Stockholm
    Apr 17, 2024
    Overall Experience
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    Awesome hands-on UI upskill course experience

    I've graduated from the UI upskill 8 week course and it was such an awesome experience!
    UI design is a craft and the fact that this course is very hands-on makes it super motivating and rewarding to see designs come to life in such a short period of time, even though it was very hands-on it also had a reasonable amount of theory that accompanied the practical side. Every lecture had a theoretical part and then a workshop part where I could apply the theoretical principles that I just...
  • Andreas Axelsson
    Andreas Axelsson
    Graduate • Frontend Development Boot Camp • Stockholm
    Jan 18, 2024
    Overall Experience
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    Fast-pased, up-to-date, hands-on.

    Techigo's Web Developer bootcamp was a fun and intense experience. I not only learned the fundamentals of creating modern websites but also connected with some really cool and interesting people along the way. The program's high pace demands full commitment, and the techniques and curriculum align with the latest industry practices. The hands-on, project-based style suited me and my team, and I highly recommend this camp if you're into that.
  • Johanna
    Frontend developer • Graduate • Frontend Development Boot Camp • Stockholm
    Sep 22, 2023
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Great and intense experience!

    Be prepared for an intense and extremely rewarding experience!
    I would like to point out that this is based on my own experience, and in hindsight, I wish I had given myself more time to fully immerse myself  in all the knowledge available at Technigo.

    I decided in advance that I could manage this while working full-time at my previous job, and I could. HOWEVER, it was very intense, and I faced many unnecessary struggles related to stres...
  • Jessica H
    Jessica H
    Graduate • Frontend Development Boot Camp • Stockholm
    Feb 01, 2023
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Very Intense Frontend Development Bootcamp

    The bootcamp was very challenging and intense, and had me doubt my capabilities a number of times. I learned a lot, and the education content is modern and sought after in the industry.  I think the experience would be a bit better if you have more previous knowledge about coding, as it is A LOT of new stuff to take in every week. I really appreciate the emphasis on teamwork and getting to know your fellow classmates. 

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How much does Technigo cost?

Technigo costs around €6,770.

What courses does Technigo teach?

Technigo offers courses like Frontend Development Boot Camp, UX Design Boot Camp.

Where does Technigo have campuses?

Technigo has an in-person campus in Stockholm.

Is Technigo worth it?

Technigo hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 28 Technigo alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Technigo on Course Report - you should start there!

Is Technigo legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 28 Technigo alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Technigo and rate their overall experience a 3.93 out of 5.

Does Technigo offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like Technigo offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read Technigo reviews?

You can read 28 reviews of Technigo on Course Report! Technigo alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Technigo and rate their overall experience a 3.93 out of 5.

Is Technigo accredited?

While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. Technigo doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.

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