
Manzoor The Trainer (MTT)

Average Rating4.92
90 Reviews
3 Courses

Manzoor the Trainer is an intensive full-time, 9-week full stack web developer coding bootcamp offered both online and in Hyderabad, India. The bootcamp has two phases, and prepares graduates to work as web developers in the Microsoft world. Students will learn how to code a tech project from start to finish. In Phase 1 of the bootcamp, students learn SQL with real-time database design techniques, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and C# programming with .Net framework and .Net standard libraries. In Phase II of the bootcamp, students learn APIs, TypeScript, and Angular. Online students interact with their cohort through a WhatsApp group and a Facebook group. MTT gives students individual projects, but students are supported by the instructor, mentor, and fellow students to ensure that projects are completed. 

All students are welcome to apply for Manzor the Trainer. Only prior knowledge of how to use a computer is required. Prospective students will need to schedule a brief discussion and will then be told whether or not they can proceed with enrollment. In-person bootcamp students will have access to a bootcamp mentor.

Manzoor the Trainer offers career support and job placement assistance, including resume and LinkedIn profile preparation, mock interviews, and online networking opportunities. Students have lifetime access to course materials online and will receive a certificate of completion upon graduation.

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90 Manzoor The Trainer (MTT) Reviews

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  • MK
    Graduate • Online
    May 02, 2020
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Brilliant courses excellent instructor

    I have been taking courses with MTT a long time. It helps keep me updated with all the current technologies. The courses are very clean and easily followed. Thanks again for all the course work keep up all the excellent tutorials. 
  • Venkata Krishna
    Venkata Krishna
    Software Engineer
    May 02, 2020
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance MVC

    I taken course from Manzoor for MVC and Angular js his courses are simple and  every one can learn easily
  • Abdullah Quhtani
    Abdullah Quhtani
    Student • Full Stack ASP.Net Core With Angular Web Developer Coding Bootcamp • Online
    May 02, 2020
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance


    I have been looking for good Bootcamp courses on the internet for the last 3 years. Finally I think I was so lucky that I found MTT. I got so many programming courses ( Paid and free ones) I didn’t got that expected benefit even I spend weeks and months on those courses till I tried one of MTT corses on Udemy. The trainer is really the best mentor I ever had. I strongly recommend Mr. Manzoor and his corses for those who seek for real knowledge and prophesy as well. Good luck all 
  • Mohammad Ayaz
    Mohammad Ayaz
    Sr. Software Developer • Graduate • Full Stack ASP.Net Core With Angular Web Developer Coding Bootcamp • Online
    May 02, 2020
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Best School to Learn Coding

    Hi, I am Sr. Software Developer, I was biginner in MVC and Entity Framework. MTT gave me the full skills knowledge and Now I am successful in developing applications using these technologies.
     I'm not tired to tell my family, friends and peers how easy is to learn very complicated topics & technologies with Manzoor the Trainer courses and I always suggest MTT to fresh graduates. He is the best trainer who teaches his students with easy methods. 
    Technology Specialist • Graduate • Online
    May 02, 2020
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Solid Foundation Creator

    I am an experienced Software professional. But the training from the MTT has solidify the foundations of Asp.Net, MVC, C#,WCF, Entity framework etc. I got the gems of Technology and techniques from Mr. Manzoor. Indeed an excellent trainer and excellent human being. 
  • Muhammad Ali Imran Jalali
    Muhammad Ali Imran Jalali
    Student • Online
    May 02, 2020
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance


    MTT is great place to learn .NET Related Technologies & more.  Mr. Manzoor is a excellent trainer, he simplifies the complex topics into  to simple and easy to understand way. I have attended  his several courses. He explain things very well and very keenly active in helping students to understand the concepts. 

    I wish to get enrolled more on his courses in the future courses.


  • I m Ziauddin shaikh 3 year experience in .net Full Stack
    I m Ziauddin shaikh 3 year experience in .net Full Stack
    software engineer • Graduate • Online
    May 02, 2020
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Excellent learner centrer

    Hi This is Ziauddin shaikh .. i am software Developer i m working in .net technology Since last 3 Year..i learn lot from Manzoor the trainer ..which i have learn its real time thats why it helps me lot ....
  • Maurilio Filho
    Maurilio Filho
    Developer • Graduate • Online
    May 02, 2020
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Great resouses to learn Code

    This site is very good aboult code and .net teconologies to leann
  • Feroz Ahmed Syed
    Feroz Ahmed Syed
    Student • Full Stack ASP.Net Core With Angular Web Developer Coding Bootcamp • Hyderabad
    May 02, 2020
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Application Programmer

    Hi, I got to know about Manzoor Sir from one of my friends in 2015, form that time I have been following him and his tutorial videos, but recently during the start of this year I got to know that he has started a Bootcamp, so I spoke to him and immediately joined it. What Humble and Understanding person no doubt he knows how to teach you technology. He has a great technique of teaching you, he makes sure that the student thinks out of the box as to why do u require abstract or interface ...
  • Nahla Hassan
    Nahla Hassan
    Web developer. • Student • Full Stack ASP.Net Core With Angular Web Developer Coding Bootcamp • Online
    May 01, 2020
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Real true simplified coding

    I have got to know Manzoor through a YouTube video explaining fundamentals of coding. I felt that he was the first one I have ever understood complicated concepts in OOP from. I live in USA, and we have many courses and instructors, but honestly Manzoor not just simplifies the coding technique and concepts, but also teaches you how to properly analyze your project, test your code and develop high performance applications. Other instructors teach just how to code without even explaining h...
  • Mohammed Abdul Aziz
    Mohammed Abdul Aziz
    Application Programmer
    May 01, 2020
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Application Programmer

    He is my mentor cum trainer since starting days of my IT career, his style of teaching is unique and the way he shares the subject knowledge is commendable where we can understand the concepts easily, which had helped me a lot.
    Thank you for all the support that you gave in the form of knowledge.
  • Ernest Essah
    Ernest Essah
    Senior Software Developer • Student • Full Stack ASP.Net Core With Angular Web Developer Coding Bootcamp • Online
    Apr 30, 2020
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance


    I’ve been a student of Sir  Manzoor  for the past 7years and still counting .

    His method of teaching is simple, yet very unique and easy to understand, easy to follow and apply. 

    His teachings have been my backbone ever since I became his student. 

    He has never failed me with his methods of teaching and he’s the backbone of my career. He’s simply the best IT instructor one can ever ask for . 

    A BIG thank you from me and my family.  

    God bless you in all...

Manzoor The Trainer (MTT) Alumni Outcomes

Recent Manzoor The Trainer (MTT) News

Jess Feldman
Jess Feldman
Updated October 21, 2020
While Amon Mwesiga had started his IT career, he knew he would need to upskill in order to advance in tech. After watching Manzoor The Trainer’s YouTube tutorials, Amon felt instantly connected with the bootcamp’s teaching style. Learn about Amon’s experience in the live, online bootcamp, Manzoor The Trainer. Plus, how the 9-week intensive, web developer coding bootcamp gave Amon the skil...

Manzoor The Trainer (MTT) Alumni Reviews Summary

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Guarantees Job
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Includes Housing
Offers Corporate Training
Accepts GI Bill
Recent Manzoor The Trainer (MTT) News

How much does Manzoor The Trainer (MTT) cost?

Manzoor The Trainer (MTT) costs around $1,500. On the lower end, some Manzoor The Trainer (MTT) courses like Azure Cloud Computing Bootcamp cost $500.

Where does Manzoor The Trainer (MTT) have campuses?

Manzoor The Trainer (MTT) has in-person campuses in Hyderabad. Manzoor The Trainer (MTT) also has a remote classroom so students can learn online.

Is Manzoor The Trainer (MTT) worth it?

Manzoor The Trainer (MTT) hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 90 Manzoor The Trainer (MTT) alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Manzoor The Trainer (MTT) on Course Report - you should start there!

Is Manzoor The Trainer (MTT) legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 90 Manzoor The Trainer (MTT) alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Manzoor The Trainer (MTT) and rate their overall experience a 4.92 out of 5.

Does Manzoor The Trainer (MTT) offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like Manzoor The Trainer (MTT) offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read Manzoor The Trainer (MTT) reviews?

You can read 90 reviews of Manzoor The Trainer (MTT) on Course Report! Manzoor The Trainer (MTT) alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Manzoor The Trainer (MTT) and rate their overall experience a 4.92 out of 5.

Is Manzoor The Trainer (MTT) accredited?

While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. Manzoor The Trainer (MTT) doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.

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