Codify Academy is closed

This school is now closed. Although Codify Academy is no longer accepting students or running its program, you can still see historical information and Codify Academy alumni reviews on the school page.


Codify Academy

Average Rating4.44
74 Reviews
1 Course

Codify Academy is a part-time front end development bootcamp in San Francisco. It is a 16-week course, over weekends, featuring a combination of classroom learning and projects that carry over outside of class. The program is designed for people with no prior programming experience.  Students will collaborate with other students and instructors and build up their personal portfolio over the course of the program. Codify Academy's course covers HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and related tools. They also offer a Job Placement program

74 Codify Academy Reviews

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  • David Campos
    David Campos
    Front End Developer • Graduate • San Francisco
    Jul 06, 2017
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Life Changing Experience at the Best Bootcamp Price in San Francisco

    Matt has built an incredible company with his brothers, and his ability to teach others (in a positive and engaging fashion) is wonderfully infectious- he gets the best out of his students. Towards the end of our coding Bootcamp, Matt was our career counselor mentor and provided us with invaluable game plans to ensure our job hunt success after the program. Codify Academy feels more like a family than anything else and that’s a testament to the owners’ visions. I would hi...

  • Kristina Traeger
    Kristina Traeger
    Web Application Developer • Graduate • Front End Development • San Francisco
    Jun 29, 2017
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    more like private teacher + therapist + hiring marathons

    First of all, I am not getting paid from Codify to do Sales or Marketing. I do work with them on talking to prospects & grads, answering questions, sharing my story! I went through their program and got hired within a month after, for $80k a year, by a company called Blue Rocket, in SF, with no prior coding experience. My developer journey has ever since been absolutely amazing! Last week i was a speaker at a tech conference, sharing what i had build using node.js and IBM Watson. A SPE...

  • Richard
    Web Developer • Student • Front End Development • San Francisco
    Jun 27, 2017
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Read 5 minutes, save thousands of dollars.

    This review might take 5 minutes of your time but will definitely save you thousands of dollars and a shitty experience.

    If you still have doubts and concerns after reading this review, feel free to contact me for a chat.

    I started just like you. I was searching for a bootcamp to make a transition in my career and met with lots of different bootcamps, one of them being Codify Academy, so I had an initial meeting with Sam Brody, one of the three co-founders. At your firs...

  • Frank
    Graduate • Front End Development • San Francisco
    Jun 25, 2017
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Hired After graduating From Codify

    To start, I am a grad and I was just hired for my first web developer job!!!

    I'm super pumped to get started and can't thank the codify team enough. Everyone put in so much time with me I felt like part of a family. 

    Here's basically how the course works:

    1. You prep for class by watching videos and reading (I'd recommend coding a bit too).

    2. You attend class and learn to use what you just studied in real world applications. If you don't prep, it's ...

  • D.R.
    front end engineer • Graduate • Front End Development • San Francisco
    Jun 25, 2017
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    The push I needed

    I have a lot of friends who are web developers. Some of them graduated from other boot camps and others taught themselves. One of them went to codify and told me all about their program.

    I have a family and couldn't afford any other boot camp. I needed to work to pay rent, which is why i went with codify. I'm so happy i did. I work as a developer now making almost 3 times what I made at my last job.

    From what I gather, most boot camps can help you get hired if you put t...

  • Armin
    software engineer • Graduate • Front End Development • San Francisco
    Jun 17, 2017
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Exactly what I wanted out of a bootcamp

    Finally got around to doing one of these, sorry it took so long Brody brothers

    To start, I just want to say thank you for creating this amazing experience. I tried learning on my own and know that I could never have done it without the support of you guys and all the mentors!

    I took this course after I lost my high paying job and had to settle for a sales job that I did not like in the least. 

    I was really hesitant like most of my classmates because it seems l...

  • Adam D
    Adam D
    Student • Front End Development • San Francisco
    Jun 12, 2017
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    The Honest Review I Wish I’d Read Before Attending Codify Academy

    Overall Experience

        Codify Academy, also known as CA, claims to be a “Part Time Program that Teaches You How to Become a Front End Developer in 16 Weeks”. But half-way through my time at the program, 6 out 12 of my classmates had dropped out due to the bad experience they were having. By the end of the course, only 4 of the 12 students remained. 

        With two weeks left to finish the course I decided to withdraw after ...


    Matt Brody of Codify Academy


    Jul 07, 2017

    We've just been reading your review and we want to let you know that we still feel that you are a superstar student! We know that somewhere between starting and success something happened that caused you to lose faith in our system, anytime this happens we all feel mortified that either through our actions or the actions of the staff that work here someone will not fulfill their dream of becoming a creator. 

    Just in case anyone reads this who is thinking about hiring you or researching you online, we want to list out some of the awesome accomplishments you had while you were here, because you worked diligently and that should be recognized.

    You always came in with a friendly smiling personality, which is difficult to do as taking 16 weeks to intensely learn a new skill can wear on anybody.
    When you started bringing in freelance clients for yourself and Richard (while you were still students), we were more than happy to open up our space to you guys. We were incredibly impressed that you were able to go out and start your own business from scratch. 
    We loved watching you take the time out of your day to help other students who were not as advanced as you. Which is why we were hoping you would help out as a TA. 

    I know you were not able to start the jobs program because of the withdrawal but we really do believe in your potential, we would be more than happy to sit down with you one on one again and plot out a course where you could start the jobs program and get hired. 

    I have pasted the Grit Guarantee below so you can see that as long as you complete a set number of items and are still not hired in 6 months you get a full refund. 

    Otherwise please feel free to call us at 415-530-1557.

    GRIT GUARANTEE. This Contract will terminate automatically upon completion by Codify Academy of the Services required by this Contract. Students that have not been hired within 6 months after the 16th week of technical training are entitled to a full refund provided they have completed the requirements outlined in student graduation criteria.

    STUDENT GRADUATION CRITERIA. The following is required and expected of the student:
    Complete 100% of pre-work before coming to first class
    Read and/or code for a minimum of 20 hours per week
    Complete one project per week
    Post each completed project to Facebook via Codepen
    Pull and Push to Github at least once a day (starting week 3)
    Create a Portfolio - complete portfolio checklist by week 12 in order to graduate and receive certificate
    Post 6 projects into that portfolio by week 12
    Attend at least 14 of the 16 in-person classes - can't miss 2 in a row
    developer profile (portfolio and linkedIn) completed and approved @ week 12
    Company Intro Files (resume and cover letter) reviewed and completed @ week 12
    Track applications on excel sheet @ 20 applications per week starting 13
    Attend 12 Interview Preparation sessions (at least 1 biweekly)
  • Mike
    front end developer • Student • Front End Development • San Francisco
    Jun 04, 2017
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Even better than I expected

    My friend recommended this course to me. He told me all about it and it seemed like something I could do too. 

    He was hired just 2 months after completing the course, so I had high hopes.

    It was definitely difficult, I must have studied at least 20 hours every week. But it paid off in the end, I got hired before the class even ended.

    There are some things you need to know before signing up though. It's perfect for someone who's working full-time i...

  • Sean Gurson
    Sean Gurson
    Graduate • Front End Development • San Francisco
    Apr 11, 2017
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance


    Codify Academy is an excellent part-time front-end web development course. I learned many of the most important concepts of web dev including HTML, CSS, Javascript, Git, and Angular. The mentors are excellent and experienced and the projects you work on are challenging but applicable to what you have learned. You can go in to have your questions answered during the weekdays or by reaching out to the mentors. I would recommend this course, especially if you are a hard worker and determined ...

  • Todd
    Graduate • Front End Development • San Francisco
    Mar 19, 2017
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Great environment for beginners

    Codify academy provided the atmosphere I needed having zero experience in the field prior to attending. The decision to take this leap was daunting for me, and Codify provided the support, knowledge, and environment that allowed me to see that my goals were more than achievable. The mentors are there for you whether it's in class or when not in class. They make sure that you get the help and support you need to learn the foundations of Front End development.

  • angel
    clerk • Applicant • San Francisco
    Feb 21, 2017
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Very bad experience

    They are not professional. They let you start without the appropiate information prior your start. They leave you in the air for few days.

    Horrible communication with them.

    I dont recommend them. You can find the same course cheaper somewhere else with real proffesional people.

    This is my experience.


    Matt Brody of Codify Academy


    Jul 07, 2017

    I'm sorry that you had such a bad experience signing up with us. Our intention is to make the transition into the class as smooth as possible so you can focus on learning and not worry about anything else.

    Please let me know how we can make this right, my cell is (925) 876-3287.

    Matt Brody
  • glen
    professional • Applicant • Front End Development • San Francisco
    Feb 21, 2017
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Not a thruthfull company

    They said that will refund me my money in a month. Obviously the want to make interest out of my money.

    There is no company that I am aware of that take a month to give you YOUR money.

    This definetely shows the kind of company that it is.

    I would not trust them.


    Matt Brody of Codify Academy


    Jul 07, 2017

    Dear Glen,

    All of our contracts allow for a 30 day refund and we stop charging as soon as you declare that you're dropping out of the course. You should not have been charged again and should definitely not have been charged additional interest. If you were, please reach out to me about it as soon as you can, (925) 876-3287.

    Matt Brody

Codify Academy Alumni Outcomes

Recent Codify Academy News

Liz Eggleston
Liz Eggleston
Updated May 14, 2024
Codify Academy, a hybrid front-end bootcamp with locations in New York & San Francisco (and expanding!) recently hosted their first Women in Tech event featuring a panel of impressive female leaders and business owners in New York. The panel was well-attended by women and men hoping to make the transition to startups from non-profits, corporate work, and finance. We learned a ton from t...
Harry Hantel
Harry Hantel
Updated December 15, 2016
Welcome to the February News Roundup, your monthly news digest full of the most interesting articles and announcements in the bootcamp space. Want your bootcamp's news to be included in the next News Roundup?  Submit announcements of new courses, scholarships, or open jobs at your school!   Bootcamps in the News Are Coding Bootcamps a College Alternative?  Do You Have What It T...

Codify Academy Alumni Reviews Summary

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Guarantees Job
Job Assistance
Includes Housing
Offers Corporate Training
Accepts GI Bill

How much does Codify Academy cost?

Codify Academy costs around $6,000.

What courses does Codify Academy teach?

Codify Academy offers courses like Front End Development.

Where does Codify Academy have campuses?

Codify Academy has in-person campuses in San Francisco.

Is Codify Academy worth it?

Codify Academy hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 74 Codify Academy alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Codify Academy on Course Report - you should start there!

Is Codify Academy legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 74 Codify Academy alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Codify Academy and rate their overall experience a 4.44 out of 5.

Does Codify Academy offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like Codify Academy offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read Codify Academy reviews?

You can read 74 reviews of Codify Academy on Course Report! Codify Academy alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Codify Academy and rate their overall experience a 4.44 out of 5.

Is Codify Academy accredited?

While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. Codify Academy doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.

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